Alright, My Day in 5 Words - ready go:
1. Holiday
2. Invites
3. Target
4. Coworkers
5. Leverage
1. You would think that after being closed for two days there would be some sort of mad rush today, but it really wasn't all that bad. Just a few carts for bookdrop and a bunch of people on computers. Though it did give me a ton of computer stats. That weren't just basic questions either, it was explain this database and show me how to work it type of questions. Which was okay cause it made the day go by rather quickly. Sort of.
2. So people are loving that my invites are pink. Cause I'm not a pink person. Technically it's just the envelope that's pink. And the inside of the card. And a little on the outside. Whatever. You can blame that on Second Sister who claims not to have realized that they were pink. Sure. I totally believe you.
3. So Mom called all panicked this morning about getting these iPad mini things for Xmas. I don't know, they were on sale so at lunch I jumped in the car, drove across town, went straight to electronics and picked them up. The sales dude was awesome. "$299? I thought these were $599..." These are usually things you should know when working in electronics. Though I was especially amused cause he was having trouble with the scanner and I mentioned something about them being a pain. "You must work in retail." "Sort of." Jumped back in car. Picked up lunch. Ate in the car. Made it back with 5 minutes to spare.
4. I finally heard back from Fearless Leader - and then of course once I brought her up I got hounded for details, but the same thing happens when conversation turns to Slim Shady. Anyway, I was gonna invite her - the both of them actually - to the grad party but they will both be out of town. Bummer man. I miss our Booze Cakes. Go here. Will have to reschedule with the both of them.
5. And then of course instead of working on homework after work - my last assignment ever - I decided to turn on some Leverage and have yet to turn it off. Made it through half of season one. "Alice made a friend." I got time. Isn't due 'til Friday and it's half done anyway.
I'm in celebration mode man. No work tomorrow. Just church, cleaning my apartment, xmas shopping, and possibly going out to see the boyfriend which was the original for tonight but he's busy. So, back to Leverage for me, here's some music for you.
Something Old:
Call Me When You're Sober - Evanescence
i miss these guys. this was probably my favorite by them...they need a new album.
Something New:
Just Another Day - Caitlin Crosby
hadn't heard of her before this one, but she's quite good. and an actress too apparently.
Something Borrowed:
Olympus Has Fallen
currently checked out - aka borrowed - from the library
Something Blue:
Boy With The Blues - Oasis
love this one. these guys need a new album too. but they would first have to re-band after the big fight and all that.
legit pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Just another day lost in the city of angels.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Who watches the Watchmen?
Huzzah for holiday weekends!
Mine was glorious, how about you?
Slept in Thursday, watched a bit of the parade, then picked up the boyfriend en route to Oldest Sister's place.
Food, fun, football, and frivolity. Plus a lot of family. It was fabulous.
Too many F's.
Anyway, ate a lot, watched some football, fell asleep for like 20 minutes, looked through ads, figured out stuff for Xmas list, ate some more, listened to some Elton, wrote out grad invitations - all of mine had to be approved since I kept screwing them up - then headed home.
That was Thursday. Today was filled with more relaxing. Yes I had today off too. I love City holidays.
Anyway, watched the Huskers lose - which sucked but maybe it's the push they need to fire Pelini, I know, I'm sorry if you're still a supporter - set up the trees - yay for good ones that don't make me want to burn them to the ground - and put up the stockings - we're in need of some new ones that actually match - and wrapped some presents - though not as good as my sister's do.
I'm not crafty, I can't wrap things all fancy, but everything is covered so I called it a victory.
After that stopped by the boyfriend's place and we watched Watchmen.
Saw much more of Malin Akerman than I ever wanted to but it wasn't a bad movie. Scale of Awesome says 5/10. The boyfriend seemed to love it. For the action. And effects. Not for her. I think.
That's all I got. Work tomorrow, off Sunday. Hoping to do some xmas shopping at some point.
On to the music.
I forgot how much I missed Lily Allen.
yes, i know it's like the 5th time i've posted that video but to be fair it has been at least a year so get over it.
She's definitely in my top 5 for favorite artists. I think it goes something like this:
Maroon 5
She & Him
Lily Allen
The Wreckers used to be in there but they got bumped down to number six since they haven't came out with anything lately.
And yes I know Eminem doesn't really fit with the rest of those artists. And my boyfriend hates him but I still love him so get over it.
Mine was glorious, how about you?
Slept in Thursday, watched a bit of the parade, then picked up the boyfriend en route to Oldest Sister's place.
Food, fun, football, and frivolity. Plus a lot of family. It was fabulous.
Too many F's.
Anyway, ate a lot, watched some football, fell asleep for like 20 minutes, looked through ads, figured out stuff for Xmas list, ate some more, listened to some Elton, wrote out grad invitations - all of mine had to be approved since I kept screwing them up - then headed home.
That was Thursday. Today was filled with more relaxing. Yes I had today off too. I love City holidays.
Anyway, watched the Huskers lose - which sucked but maybe it's the push they need to fire Pelini, I know, I'm sorry if you're still a supporter - set up the trees - yay for good ones that don't make me want to burn them to the ground - and put up the stockings - we're in need of some new ones that actually match - and wrapped some presents - though not as good as my sister's do.
I'm not crafty, I can't wrap things all fancy, but everything is covered so I called it a victory.
After that stopped by the boyfriend's place and we watched Watchmen.
Saw much more of Malin Akerman than I ever wanted to but it wasn't a bad movie. Scale of Awesome says 5/10. The boyfriend seemed to love it. For the action. And effects. Not for her. I think.
That's all I got. Work tomorrow, off Sunday. Hoping to do some xmas shopping at some point.
On to the music.
I forgot how much I missed Lily Allen.
yes, i know it's like the 5th time i've posted that video but to be fair it has been at least a year so get over it.
She's definitely in my top 5 for favorite artists. I think it goes something like this:
Maroon 5
She & Him
Lily Allen
The Wreckers used to be in there but they got bumped down to number six since they haven't came out with anything lately.
And yes I know Eminem doesn't really fit with the rest of those artists. And my boyfriend hates him but I still love him so get over it.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
"Did you see that? She wooed and high-fived me." "Are you sure she wasn't aiming for your head but your hand was in the way?"
My day started off with getting hit on.
Dude asked me to be his girlfriend, when I said I was already taken he offered to thumb-wrestle the boyfriend for me.
Um, no.
And then my day ended with a high five from a really excited patron cause I helped her find books at 5:59 PM.
We close at 6.
Awkward transactions all around, but I have tomorrow and Friday off so I'm stoked.
After working all day I headed out to see the boyfriend. We went to supper with his parents and then watched some - keyword some - Mystery Science Theater the Movie cause he fell asleep.
To be fair he works nights and stayed up all day so he could sleep tonight and act like a normal person tomorrow.
Which is sweet really since he's coming to my family's Thanksgiving.
Originally Thanksgiving was gonna be at Second Sister's but due to natural disasters we're moving it to Oldest Sister's.
Got Apples to Apples and other random board games in my trunk. Gonna rock.
Need to remember to stop and get a paper on the way there so we have ads to look through as is tradition.
That's all I got for today. Gonna crash.
Music: I sang At Last and Radioactive all day long. Seriously repeatedly driving me nuts. Random combination I'm aware, but it's my fault cause I bought them both - well, the Will Champlin versions.
Soo let's go with something else so that they can get out of my head
I Still Believe in You - Cole Vosbury
took me days to figure out that was a vince gill song. drove me nuts.
he's crazy good. cole not vince. never really been a fan of vince, is that just me?
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Dude asked me to be his girlfriend, when I said I was already taken he offered to thumb-wrestle the boyfriend for me.
Um, no.
And then my day ended with a high five from a really excited patron cause I helped her find books at 5:59 PM.
We close at 6.
Awkward transactions all around, but I have tomorrow and Friday off so I'm stoked.
After working all day I headed out to see the boyfriend. We went to supper with his parents and then watched some - keyword some - Mystery Science Theater the Movie cause he fell asleep.
To be fair he works nights and stayed up all day so he could sleep tonight and act like a normal person tomorrow.
Which is sweet really since he's coming to my family's Thanksgiving.
Originally Thanksgiving was gonna be at Second Sister's but due to natural disasters we're moving it to Oldest Sister's.
Got Apples to Apples and other random board games in my trunk. Gonna rock.
Need to remember to stop and get a paper on the way there so we have ads to look through as is tradition.
That's all I got for today. Gonna crash.
Music: I sang At Last and Radioactive all day long. Seriously repeatedly driving me nuts. Random combination I'm aware, but it's my fault cause I bought them both - well, the Will Champlin versions.
Soo let's go with something else so that they can get out of my head
I Still Believe in You - Cole Vosbury
took me days to figure out that was a vince gill song. drove me nuts.
he's crazy good. cole not vince. never really been a fan of vince, is that just me?
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
I feel it in my bones, enough to make my systems blow.
Last day of my internship.
No more half and half days.
Went in with a pen and marker in my pocket - some patients aren't allowed to use pens but they can use markers - notebooks under my arm, and chocolates for Mr. BossMan Tom.
The good ones. If you haven't had Baker's chocolates made in Nebraska you are missing out on life.
He got me a gift too. A copy of Leaves of Gold with a Catching Fire bookmark.
Now I have fancy quotes to use in my blog like...
Poor indeed is the man whose mind is not enriched by some phrase of lasting truth and beauty which serves to restore his soul in the exigencies of life.
Take that!
No, I love it, it's got fancy binding and everything.
Yes, that's my librarian jargon. Fancy binding.
One of my favorite library memories is actually about binding - my coworker was looking at the cover of this giant Lana Turner book. So me - trying to make conversation - was like, "hey, is that Lana Turner?" and she was like - "oh, I didn't even notice I was just admiring the binding." Giant - like giant - picture of her face on the cover and like 3 minutes of staring at the book.
We're nerds, have I mentioned that already?
Anyway, after practicum I came home and wrote up my monthly report, submitted it, updated the spreadsheet and then sent everything to Mr. BossMan Tom. So I'm officially done with practicum.
Final Count-Up 90:20/90.
I'm sad it's done. And just when we were making progress with our internet policies. Will have to stop by and check in every once in a while. Gonna miss it.
Back to 9-6 every day.
Which used to be exciting.
Gonna have to reinvent my 9-6.
Actually started that today as I shifted and weeded the entire Young Adult collection.
Took me 3 hours to shift everything - I started weeding it last week but finished this morning - but now there's more space cause I talked Superwoman into giving me another unit, and I also added a nonfiction section cause before it was just thrown in with the fiction and if you weren't looking specifically for it you wouldn't even know it was there.
We'll see how long it lasts.
So that was my day. Good but sad. Glad we're closed Thursday and Friday. Gives me some time to finish up my final homework assignment EVER and set up the Christmas trees.
Or at least get started, we'll see.
Song of the Day:
Radioactive - Pentatonix feat. Lindsey Stirling
awesome cover. i posted an xmas video of these guys last year, they're crazy good.
the song's been stuck in my head all day. am i the only one that thought the words were "ready to rock you"? i mean, i figured it out after they sang it twice on the voice but on the radio that's what it sounds like.
welcome to the new age, to the new age.
No more half and half days.
Went in with a pen and marker in my pocket - some patients aren't allowed to use pens but they can use markers - notebooks under my arm, and chocolates for Mr. BossMan Tom.
The good ones. If you haven't had Baker's chocolates made in Nebraska you are missing out on life.
He got me a gift too. A copy of Leaves of Gold with a Catching Fire bookmark.
Now I have fancy quotes to use in my blog like...
Poor indeed is the man whose mind is not enriched by some phrase of lasting truth and beauty which serves to restore his soul in the exigencies of life.
Take that!
No, I love it, it's got fancy binding and everything.
Yes, that's my librarian jargon. Fancy binding.
One of my favorite library memories is actually about binding - my coworker was looking at the cover of this giant Lana Turner book. So me - trying to make conversation - was like, "hey, is that Lana Turner?" and she was like - "oh, I didn't even notice I was just admiring the binding." Giant - like giant - picture of her face on the cover and like 3 minutes of staring at the book.
We're nerds, have I mentioned that already?
Anyway, after practicum I came home and wrote up my monthly report, submitted it, updated the spreadsheet and then sent everything to Mr. BossMan Tom. So I'm officially done with practicum.
Final Count-Up 90:20/90.
I'm sad it's done. And just when we were making progress with our internet policies. Will have to stop by and check in every once in a while. Gonna miss it.
Back to 9-6 every day.
Which used to be exciting.
Gonna have to reinvent my 9-6.
Actually started that today as I shifted and weeded the entire Young Adult collection.
Took me 3 hours to shift everything - I started weeding it last week but finished this morning - but now there's more space cause I talked Superwoman into giving me another unit, and I also added a nonfiction section cause before it was just thrown in with the fiction and if you weren't looking specifically for it you wouldn't even know it was there.
We'll see how long it lasts.
So that was my day. Good but sad. Glad we're closed Thursday and Friday. Gives me some time to finish up my final homework assignment EVER and set up the Christmas trees.
Or at least get started, we'll see.
Song of the Day:
Radioactive - Pentatonix feat. Lindsey Stirling
awesome cover. i posted an xmas video of these guys last year, they're crazy good.
the song's been stuck in my head all day. am i the only one that thought the words were "ready to rock you"? i mean, i figured it out after they sang it twice on the voice but on the radio that's what it sounds like.
welcome to the new age, to the new age.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Yo no soy David Wozniak.
Huzzah for a day off.
Slept in - it was fabulous - did some homework - only 2 assignments left - ran some errands - still need to buy pop though, forgot about that - and then it was date night with the boyfriend.
We went out for supper and then saw Delivery Man.
It was alright. Scale of Awesome says 7/10. Good, but not something I need to buy and watch over and over.
After that we watched some Big Bang Theory and Pawn Stars. Guess which one was my choice. And then he headed off to work. Only 2 nights left for him and only 2 days left for me until a couple off. Huzzah for the holidays. Actually looking forward to Thanksgiving. Good food and fun with the family. Should start working on my Xmas list though so I have something to give them.
I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to be such an "adult" one like last year.
And when I say "adult" I mean boring.
Curtains hung.
I feel like there was more but I don't remember.
Alright, I should crash. Work and last day at the internship tomorrow. Gonna be a sad day.
Song of the Day:
At Last - Will Champlain
dangit, why did i take him out of my top 20? he was in the top 15 originally but then i switched everything around. should stop second guessing myself. still rooting for him though.
Slept in - it was fabulous - did some homework - only 2 assignments left - ran some errands - still need to buy pop though, forgot about that - and then it was date night with the boyfriend.
We went out for supper and then saw Delivery Man.
It was alright. Scale of Awesome says 7/10. Good, but not something I need to buy and watch over and over.
After that we watched some Big Bang Theory and Pawn Stars. Guess which one was my choice. And then he headed off to work. Only 2 nights left for him and only 2 days left for me until a couple off. Huzzah for the holidays. Actually looking forward to Thanksgiving. Good food and fun with the family. Should start working on my Xmas list though so I have something to give them.
I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to be such an "adult" one like last year.
And when I say "adult" I mean boring.
Curtains hung.
I feel like there was more but I don't remember.
Alright, I should crash. Work and last day at the internship tomorrow. Gonna be a sad day.
Song of the Day:
At Last - Will Champlain
dangit, why did i take him out of my top 20? he was in the top 15 originally but then i switched everything around. should stop second guessing myself. still rooting for him though.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Eyes bright, chins up, smiles on. I'm talking to you Katniss.
Took library teens to see Catching Fire.
17 of them to be exact.
And got paid for it.
Best job ever.
With 2 other adult who "sacrificed" their Saturday afternoon to see it with us. Then we went back to the library after for food and games. We made homemade bows and arrows out of popsicle sticks, dental floss and q-tips - go here - played Catching Fire trivia for bragging rights - Gere won, then ate our fancy cupcakes. Half of which were gluten and soy free. And were actually pretty good.
As for the movie it was an experiment for me.
Remember how I'm a nerd?
I read Hunger Games back in college before it was popular and loved it so I was so excited about the movie but because they cut so much out - I mean, they had to it would have been hours and hours and hours long - I was sad. Anyway I was curious if I would like the movie more if I hadn't read the book and didn't notice that stuff was being cut out so I decided to test it and not read Catching Fire before seeing the movie. And it worked, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time not knowing what to expect.
Though now with that cliffhanger I'm going to read Catching Fire and Mockingjay ASAP.
I'm glad Mockingjay is being made into 2, even though that means we'll have to wait even longer. But they can include more stuff if there are 2 of them.
I'm a nerd. I'm sorry.
Anyway, the movie was great.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10.
I loved Effie in this one, she felt like a real person now instead of just a sideshow.
There were bits of humor to break up all the darkness which was good.

I really do think they have the perfect cast. Did anyone else watch Josh host SNL?
He was pretty good. The show wasn't great, but he wasn't bad.
After the movie and the afterparty I went out to eat with Second Sister and her husband. The boyfriend met us - ate half my meal but I was stuffed from the snacks that afternoon - and then we went to see Elton John perform at the new arena.
It was EPIC.
We parked like 8 blocks away to avoid mass hysteria so the walking in the freezing cold part wasn't fun but the rest of the night was awesome. He played like 27 songs - most of which were greatest hits but he also included a lot of his new stuff and a lot of his not-so-mainstream stuff.
Which was good, to mix it up.
The boyfriend predicted he'd sing Crocodile Rock last and was right.
I hate it when he's right like that, I don't know how he does it. Process of elimination I guess, it had to be something upbeat and something that everyone knew. Still, ugh.
We weren't the only ones that went, it seemed like half my workplace was there. And a bunch of family - both sides present. I was texting back and forth with everyone and waiving and then someone else would text and I'd be like, crap, who am I supposed to be waiving at?
It rocked, he played all my favorites so I was happy. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the night.

The rest are on Facebook if you're interested.
We did have to laugh though because there was this woman in the front row that was slightly inebriated...okay, more than slightly, she was having a really good time...anyway, she kept like pointing on every major beat. And not just like pointing with her finger, she put her whole body into it. And then she was dancing and all that.
And she was right in his sight line so you know that's what he took away from the show.
Anyway, we were laughing and pointing along with her.
So woman in the turquoise shirt, whoever you are, thanks for that.
Best part was after the show when talking with Second Sister we were like, "there was this woman in the front-" "in the turquoise shirt?!" "yes!" and then today at work I brought it up to the New Guy who also noticed her dancing and was laughing about it as well. I'll have to ask Superwoman, Library Judge, and the Cool Aunt if they noticed her as they were there as well.
She should go on tour with him.
So that was yesterday. Today was work - slow but alright. And tomorrow I'm off so I'm in celebration mode. Gonna sleep in and attempt some homework. Only 2 more assignments and 1 more day of the internship left before I get my Master's.
Pure madness.
Songs of the weekend: My favorites from last night
Tiny Dancer
Sad Songs Say So Much
I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
Bennie and the Jets
Rocket Man
Crocodile Rock
our section was so offkey - not me! - but it was so much fun...
He threw in so much improv before and after, it was awesome. He's crazy talented.
Looking forward to seeing Cher in May. Huzzah.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
"Any last advice?" "Stay alive."
and i think it's gonna be a long long time.
17 of them to be exact.
And got paid for it.
Best job ever.
With 2 other adult who "sacrificed" their Saturday afternoon to see it with us. Then we went back to the library after for food and games. We made homemade bows and arrows out of popsicle sticks, dental floss and q-tips - go here - played Catching Fire trivia for bragging rights - Gere won, then ate our fancy cupcakes. Half of which were gluten and soy free. And were actually pretty good.
As for the movie it was an experiment for me.
Remember how I'm a nerd?
I read Hunger Games back in college before it was popular and loved it so I was so excited about the movie but because they cut so much out - I mean, they had to it would have been hours and hours and hours long - I was sad. Anyway I was curious if I would like the movie more if I hadn't read the book and didn't notice that stuff was being cut out so I decided to test it and not read Catching Fire before seeing the movie. And it worked, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time not knowing what to expect.
Though now with that cliffhanger I'm going to read Catching Fire and Mockingjay ASAP.
I'm glad Mockingjay is being made into 2, even though that means we'll have to wait even longer. But they can include more stuff if there are 2 of them.
I'm a nerd. I'm sorry.
Anyway, the movie was great.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10.
I loved Effie in this one, she felt like a real person now instead of just a sideshow.
There were bits of humor to break up all the darkness which was good.
I really do think they have the perfect cast. Did anyone else watch Josh host SNL?
He was pretty good. The show wasn't great, but he wasn't bad.
After the movie and the afterparty I went out to eat with Second Sister and her husband. The boyfriend met us - ate half my meal but I was stuffed from the snacks that afternoon - and then we went to see Elton John perform at the new arena.
It was EPIC.
We parked like 8 blocks away to avoid mass hysteria so the walking in the freezing cold part wasn't fun but the rest of the night was awesome. He played like 27 songs - most of which were greatest hits but he also included a lot of his new stuff and a lot of his not-so-mainstream stuff.
Which was good, to mix it up.
The boyfriend predicted he'd sing Crocodile Rock last and was right.
I hate it when he's right like that, I don't know how he does it. Process of elimination I guess, it had to be something upbeat and something that everyone knew. Still, ugh.
We weren't the only ones that went, it seemed like half my workplace was there. And a bunch of family - both sides present. I was texting back and forth with everyone and waiving and then someone else would text and I'd be like, crap, who am I supposed to be waiving at?
It rocked, he played all my favorites so I was happy. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the night.

The rest are on Facebook if you're interested.
We did have to laugh though because there was this woman in the front row that was slightly inebriated...okay, more than slightly, she was having a really good time...anyway, she kept like pointing on every major beat. And not just like pointing with her finger, she put her whole body into it. And then she was dancing and all that.
And she was right in his sight line so you know that's what he took away from the show.
Anyway, we were laughing and pointing along with her.
So woman in the turquoise shirt, whoever you are, thanks for that.
Best part was after the show when talking with Second Sister we were like, "there was this woman in the front-" "in the turquoise shirt?!" "yes!" and then today at work I brought it up to the New Guy who also noticed her dancing and was laughing about it as well. I'll have to ask Superwoman, Library Judge, and the Cool Aunt if they noticed her as they were there as well.
She should go on tour with him.
So that was yesterday. Today was work - slow but alright. And tomorrow I'm off so I'm in celebration mode. Gonna sleep in and attempt some homework. Only 2 more assignments and 1 more day of the internship left before I get my Master's.
Pure madness.
Songs of the weekend: My favorites from last night
Tiny Dancer
Sad Songs Say So Much
I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
Bennie and the Jets
Rocket Man
Crocodile Rock
our section was so offkey - not me! - but it was so much fun...
He threw in so much improv before and after, it was awesome. He's crazy talented.
Looking forward to seeing Cher in May. Huzzah.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
"Any last advice?" "Stay alive."
and i think it's gonna be a long long time.
Friday, November 22, 2013
so excuse me forgetting, but these things i do. you see i've forgotten if they're green or they're blue.
Can finally sit still and you know breathe normally.
I was all over the place today.
Worked the desk in the morning and then the afternoon was all about party prep for tomorrow.
I'm taking 17 teens to see Catching Fire. And getting paid to do it.
Best job ever.
Thankfully there will also be 2 other adults there.
Anyway, this afternoon I got to shop for supplies. One of my kids is gluten and soy free so I had to go to a bakery to get special cupcakes which I still have to pick up tomorrow morning. Then I ran to Target which didn't have yarn or popsicle sticks, which meant I had to go to Michaels. And then I forgot about apple juice so I had to go to Walgreens. Somewhere in there I also stopped for lunch - this was all in a 90 minute period. Got back in time to work the youth services desk and spent it cutting yarn for the obstacle course. Then I attempted to make an example bow and arrow our of a popsicle stick and dental floss...4th time was the charm but I did it! Successfully. You know, 4 times later.
I'll post pictures tomorrow, they're pretty cool. I'm sure theirs will turn out better than mine, I'm not crafty at all.
No, seriously, I have no art skills whatsoever. I can write but that's it. Okay, I draw mazes to. And give them to people. But those don't count.
Physical crafts like that paper mache tiger thing are just a disaster. I leave all that artsy stuff to Sketch.
Anyway, so I have my crafts prepped, I have my food bought/ordered.
Came home to watch the Hunger Games - I was gonna read Catching Fire but I decided to watch the movie instead cause I want to be surprised.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a bad librarian cause I haven't read the book.
I read the first one back in college before it was popular and then bought the rest of the series. Then I started work at the library and recommended it to people and then everyone I rec'd to read it and the rest of the series before I even got a chance to start on the 2nd one. And then I started classes so textbooks and articles were enough reading for me.
But, I'm doing an experiment with this one.
The first movie was okay, but I was sad cause it left a bunch of stuff out that was in the book.
Now, if I don't read the book beforehand I don't know the storyline and therefore I don't know what they're leaving out so I can judge the movie as just the movie instead of being disappointed like I am with every other book that's been turned into a movie.
And speaking of books being made into movies, another one is coming out soon - The Book Thief. Totally 10/10 on the Scale of Awesome for that book. I'm stoked. I loved that book. I actually read that one for the same class that I read the Hunger Games for. Oh yeah and the Hunger Games was also a 10/10. Other books we read for that class were: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 8/10, Monster by Walter Dean Myers 7/10, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close 4/10 I hated that book and Twilight another 4/10.
Yes, I read Twilight. Let me rephrase that, myself and 30 of my classmates were forced into reading Twilight. Sorry Sketch, just wasn't for me.
I miss those lit classes, those were fun.
But when you're an English major you're also taking like 3 of them at a time so it's a lot of books. Explains why I have so many shelves of them in my apartment.
Okay, so I watched the Hunger Games and submitted my homework. Now I'm off to bed because tomorrow is a huge day with the party and the concert.
Gonna be wicked.
Your Song - Elton John
legit pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Can finally sit still and you know breathe normally.
I was all over the place today.
Worked the desk in the morning and then the afternoon was all about party prep for tomorrow.
I'm taking 17 teens to see Catching Fire. And getting paid to do it.
Best job ever.
Thankfully there will also be 2 other adults there.
Anyway, this afternoon I got to shop for supplies. One of my kids is gluten and soy free so I had to go to a bakery to get special cupcakes which I still have to pick up tomorrow morning. Then I ran to Target which didn't have yarn or popsicle sticks, which meant I had to go to Michaels. And then I forgot about apple juice so I had to go to Walgreens. Somewhere in there I also stopped for lunch - this was all in a 90 minute period. Got back in time to work the youth services desk and spent it cutting yarn for the obstacle course. Then I attempted to make an example bow and arrow our of a popsicle stick and dental floss...4th time was the charm but I did it! Successfully. You know, 4 times later.
I'll post pictures tomorrow, they're pretty cool. I'm sure theirs will turn out better than mine, I'm not crafty at all.
No, seriously, I have no art skills whatsoever. I can write but that's it. Okay, I draw mazes to. And give them to people. But those don't count.
Physical crafts like that paper mache tiger thing are just a disaster. I leave all that artsy stuff to Sketch.
Anyway, so I have my crafts prepped, I have my food bought/ordered.
Came home to watch the Hunger Games - I was gonna read Catching Fire but I decided to watch the movie instead cause I want to be surprised.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a bad librarian cause I haven't read the book.
I read the first one back in college before it was popular and then bought the rest of the series. Then I started work at the library and recommended it to people and then everyone I rec'd to read it and the rest of the series before I even got a chance to start on the 2nd one. And then I started classes so textbooks and articles were enough reading for me.
But, I'm doing an experiment with this one.
The first movie was okay, but I was sad cause it left a bunch of stuff out that was in the book.
Now, if I don't read the book beforehand I don't know the storyline and therefore I don't know what they're leaving out so I can judge the movie as just the movie instead of being disappointed like I am with every other book that's been turned into a movie.
And speaking of books being made into movies, another one is coming out soon - The Book Thief. Totally 10/10 on the Scale of Awesome for that book. I'm stoked. I loved that book. I actually read that one for the same class that I read the Hunger Games for. Oh yeah and the Hunger Games was also a 10/10. Other books we read for that class were: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 8/10, Monster by Walter Dean Myers 7/10, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close 4/10 I hated that book and Twilight another 4/10.
Yes, I read Twilight. Let me rephrase that, myself and 30 of my classmates were forced into reading Twilight. Sorry Sketch, just wasn't for me.
I miss those lit classes, those were fun.
But when you're an English major you're also taking like 3 of them at a time so it's a lot of books. Explains why I have so many shelves of them in my apartment.
Okay, so I watched the Hunger Games and submitted my homework. Now I'm off to bed because tomorrow is a huge day with the party and the concert.
Gonna be wicked.
Your Song - Elton John
legit pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
I said watch out, I ain't lyin'
Only in Nebraska does it drop from 60 degrees to snow in less than 24 hours.
I used to love snow. Sledding, building forts, and snowmen and all that.
Now, driving through it makes me hate it.
I hate that I hate it cause I used to love it. It's like losing a piece of childhood or something.
So I skipped yesterday cause I chose to work on homework instead. I finished up tonight - it's not due until Sunday but I have an action packed weekend coming up so I didn't want to risk running out of time.
Both the Catching Fire party and the Elton John concert are on Saturday. I'm stoked! And terrified at the same time. Because of the party, not the concert. It's kind of a big deal. If someone calls in sick tomorrow I'm screwed cause I gotta go shopping for supplies. I waited cause the majority of it is food and I didn't want it to waste away on my desk.
Today was good. It was my second to last day at the practicum - Practicum Count-Up 86:45/90- only Tuesday left which feels crazy ridiculous. This semester has flown by which is both good and bad. I'm so ready to be done with homework forever. And soon I will be! Only this collection development paper - which I'm basically done with I just need to submit it - and then the program summary writeup which I can't do until after Saturday anyway. And then for practicum it's just the monthly narrative and then I'm done.
Done done.
After work and practicum today I went out to see Second Sister to make plans for the graduation party. What kind of food is appropriate in this situation? I should know by now, I've graduated how many times? I'm thinking meat and cheese tray with some other fun stuff. Plus liquor. You know, you gotta have the bar otherwise my librarian friends won't come.
Ha, right.
I looked for invitations but the only ones I could find were suckish so I'm going to try again next week and then we'll fill them out over Thanksgiving. That's enough time before end of December, right? Should be fun.
That's all I got for today. I don't even remember much about yesterday. Worked 9-6. Dinner with the boyfriend and his parents after. Good food...yep, that's all I remember.
So, on to the music:
This song has been driving me nuts for about a month, ever since they covered it on the Voice.
So now, I shall share that joy with you.
I Put a Spell on You - CCR
was that a mickey mouse t-shirt?
this is by far my favorite version followed closely by She & Him and also Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus.
not a bad song to have stuck in your head but when it's been a month it's about time for something else. queen of the known universe tried to replace it with barney. she wasn't successful but she tried.
any other suggestions for replacement?
I used to love snow. Sledding, building forts, and snowmen and all that.
Now, driving through it makes me hate it.
I hate that I hate it cause I used to love it. It's like losing a piece of childhood or something.
So I skipped yesterday cause I chose to work on homework instead. I finished up tonight - it's not due until Sunday but I have an action packed weekend coming up so I didn't want to risk running out of time.
Both the Catching Fire party and the Elton John concert are on Saturday. I'm stoked! And terrified at the same time. Because of the party, not the concert. It's kind of a big deal. If someone calls in sick tomorrow I'm screwed cause I gotta go shopping for supplies. I waited cause the majority of it is food and I didn't want it to waste away on my desk.
Today was good. It was my second to last day at the practicum - Practicum Count-Up 86:45/90- only Tuesday left which feels crazy ridiculous. This semester has flown by which is both good and bad. I'm so ready to be done with homework forever. And soon I will be! Only this collection development paper - which I'm basically done with I just need to submit it - and then the program summary writeup which I can't do until after Saturday anyway. And then for practicum it's just the monthly narrative and then I'm done.
Done done.
After work and practicum today I went out to see Second Sister to make plans for the graduation party. What kind of food is appropriate in this situation? I should know by now, I've graduated how many times? I'm thinking meat and cheese tray with some other fun stuff. Plus liquor. You know, you gotta have the bar otherwise my librarian friends won't come.
Ha, right.
I looked for invitations but the only ones I could find were suckish so I'm going to try again next week and then we'll fill them out over Thanksgiving. That's enough time before end of December, right? Should be fun.
That's all I got for today. I don't even remember much about yesterday. Worked 9-6. Dinner with the boyfriend and his parents after. Good food...yep, that's all I remember.
So, on to the music:
This song has been driving me nuts for about a month, ever since they covered it on the Voice.
So now, I shall share that joy with you.
I Put a Spell on You - CCR
was that a mickey mouse t-shirt?
this is by far my favorite version followed closely by She & Him and also Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus.
not a bad song to have stuck in your head but when it's been a month it's about time for something else. queen of the known universe tried to replace it with barney. she wasn't successful but she tried.
any other suggestions for replacement?
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I love you, always forever, near or far, closer together.
Is anyone else watching David Blaine?
This is crazy.
And disgusting.
Alright, have you guys read about this already?
'Fifty Shades of Grey' book found to contain traces of herpes, cocaine
As librarians we deal with a lot of gross stuff.
People come in on their sick days to stock up on stuff to watch and read.
There's jam-handed kids running all around, smearing their germy germs all over the place.
We even have an oven bought specifically to kill creepy crawly critters.
All of these things make me use hand sanitizer every other customer, but THIS makes me want to wear gloves.
Basically this professor in Belgium tested 10 books and found bacteria on copies of 50 Shades of Grey and also another novel called Tango by Pieter Aspe.
First question? Why?
Second question? What the hell is Tango about?
My favorite part "and not by reading."
Today was good. Another half and half day. 4 hours of work, and then 3 hours of practicum. Practicum Count-Up 83:30/90 - only 2 more days left, can't believe it's almost over. It'll be weird going back to 9-6 every day. Gonna have to go back and visit sometime.
After that was dinner with the Cool Aunt and the Library Goddess. Jalapeno margaritas and leftovers galore! Huzzah!
Was good to catch up. But they were giving me crap cause apparently my graduation party is imaginary until actual invitations are sent out.
They'll be sent out Thursday.
They also told me I'm too young to get married. At 25. Even though the Cool Aunt got married at 24.
Different times apparently.
It's okay, with inflation I've still got 'til 30 before I need to worry. Long story. Go here.
Alright, should probably crash. Back to work tomorrow then date night with the boyfriend.
Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
I Love You Always Forever - Donna Lewis
yay 90's pop.
Legit pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
This is crazy.
And disgusting.
Alright, have you guys read about this already?
'Fifty Shades of Grey' book found to contain traces of herpes, cocaine
As librarians we deal with a lot of gross stuff.
People come in on their sick days to stock up on stuff to watch and read.
There's jam-handed kids running all around, smearing their germy germs all over the place.
We even have an oven bought specifically to kill creepy crawly critters.
All of these things make me use hand sanitizer every other customer, but THIS makes me want to wear gloves.
Basically this professor in Belgium tested 10 books and found bacteria on copies of 50 Shades of Grey and also another novel called Tango by Pieter Aspe.
First question? Why?
Second question? What the hell is Tango about?
My favorite part "and not by reading."
Today was good. Another half and half day. 4 hours of work, and then 3 hours of practicum. Practicum Count-Up 83:30/90 - only 2 more days left, can't believe it's almost over. It'll be weird going back to 9-6 every day. Gonna have to go back and visit sometime.
After that was dinner with the Cool Aunt and the Library Goddess. Jalapeno margaritas and leftovers galore! Huzzah!
Was good to catch up. But they were giving me crap cause apparently my graduation party is imaginary until actual invitations are sent out.
They'll be sent out Thursday.
They also told me I'm too young to get married. At 25. Even though the Cool Aunt got married at 24.
Different times apparently.
It's okay, with inflation I've still got 'til 30 before I need to worry. Long story. Go here.
Alright, should probably crash. Back to work tomorrow then date night with the boyfriend.
Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
I Love You Always Forever - Donna Lewis
yay 90's pop.
Legit pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Monday, November 18, 2013
"These Red Bull vodkas are strange. I feel like I'm getting drunk and electrocuted at the same time!"
That moment when you run into one of your best friends from college and go, wait what?
There were four of us that were pretty close in college. You've probably seen the pictures on Facebook and all that. One is in Illinois, another is in St. Louis, another is - or was - in Chicago and then there's me still here.
We did pretty much everything together. One of my exes so lovingly dubbed them as "the wolfpack" cause we had to approve if one of us was dating someone.
Although it only seemed to be me dating people that needed approval. Which explains why I'm in the double digits and the first of those digits isn't a one. They scared enough of them off. No they weren't that bad.
Anyway, so I'm walking from the parking lot to work this morning and I'm early - and I'm never early so it was meant to be - and I'm about to cross the street when I look up and I see a member of the wolfpack.
And, you know me in the mornings, I'm half asleep. So I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming, but then she froze too so then I knew it was real.
So weird. Apparently she works just a few blocks over.
Which is madness. But handy, we'll have to do lunch.
That was the start of my double-take day.
The second one of those double-takes was when one of my coworkers got hit on. This drunk dude - or really hyper dude it was up for debate - told her she needed to be on the cover of a catalog for gray hair.
I would have smacked him, but she just walked away.
The third double-take of the day came when the boyfriend decided we were going to see Last Vegas.
It was actually pretty good. Scale of Awesome says 7/10. I'd see it again. The kid that played young DeNiro was a definite double-take moment, holy crap he was dead on.
The thing about seeing a movie like this in a small town is that the average age of the audience was at least mid-40's so there was a lot of laughter in agreement on what was going on.
But it was good, I liked it.
Alright, should crash. Tomorrow is back to practicum - only 3 days left - and then dinner with the Cool Aunt and the Library Goddess.
Should be fun.
Song of the Day:
Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen
okay, this is just mean. i love lily allen but i hate this song. cause i love it. and there's a history. but that's more of a long story. i'm gonna shut up now before i tell it.
There were four of us that were pretty close in college. You've probably seen the pictures on Facebook and all that. One is in Illinois, another is in St. Louis, another is - or was - in Chicago and then there's me still here.
We did pretty much everything together. One of my exes so lovingly dubbed them as "the wolfpack" cause we had to approve if one of us was dating someone.
Although it only seemed to be me dating people that needed approval. Which explains why I'm in the double digits and the first of those digits isn't a one. They scared enough of them off. No they weren't that bad.
Anyway, so I'm walking from the parking lot to work this morning and I'm early - and I'm never early so it was meant to be - and I'm about to cross the street when I look up and I see a member of the wolfpack.
And, you know me in the mornings, I'm half asleep. So I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming, but then she froze too so then I knew it was real.
So weird. Apparently she works just a few blocks over.
Which is madness. But handy, we'll have to do lunch.
That was the start of my double-take day.
The second one of those double-takes was when one of my coworkers got hit on. This drunk dude - or really hyper dude it was up for debate - told her she needed to be on the cover of a catalog for gray hair.
I would have smacked him, but she just walked away.
The third double-take of the day came when the boyfriend decided we were going to see Last Vegas.
It was actually pretty good. Scale of Awesome says 7/10. I'd see it again. The kid that played young DeNiro was a definite double-take moment, holy crap he was dead on.
The thing about seeing a movie like this in a small town is that the average age of the audience was at least mid-40's so there was a lot of laughter in agreement on what was going on.
But it was good, I liked it.
Alright, should crash. Tomorrow is back to practicum - only 3 days left - and then dinner with the Cool Aunt and the Library Goddess.
Should be fun.
Song of the Day:
Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen
okay, this is just mean. i love lily allen but i hate this song. cause i love it. and there's a history. but that's more of a long story. i'm gonna shut up now before i tell it.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
are you going with me? cause i'm going with you, that's the end of all time.
I know, I didn't post last night, but I was at the farmhouse and the internet was all wonky.
It made working on a homework assignment and then uploading it quite the adventure. BUT it's done and submitted so I'm down to 3 left total. That includes collection development and program summaries for Youth Services and then my final progress report for practicum. With only 3 days left of that as well.
It's flying by.
Which after 3 years is a good thing cause I'm ready to be done.
This weekend was nice. Had the whole one off so I went out to the farm to hang out with the 'rents.
We watched the Huskers lose - not that I didn't know it was coming but it was still a sad day - and some SNL, Big Bang Theory, and Major Crimes.
Oh and the state volleyball tournament cause our neighboring town made it to the finals. Lost, but second isn't bad when you've played like 30 teams.
Was a good break from reality to get out of here for a while. Dad says I should quit the library and move home.
You know, after I get my Master's in it and everything.
He says I should move home and farm.
I'll pass on that. As much as the library has its moments where I do want to run run far far away, it doesn't make me want to run run far far away to the early mornings and late nights that farmers abide by. Even though I did grow up doing that in the summers.
It was suckish but my brother made it livable. With his singing and screaming obscenities there were moments that were highly entertaining. But nothing I want to do full time.
Tomorrow it's back at work - actually all week - but next week I have 3 days off so I'll manage. Plus this weekend is the weekend I'm taking my teens to see Catching Fire. They're stoked. I'm nervous I'm forgetting something. I'll have to go supply shopping at some point this week.
And we're seeing Elton John.
Oh, and speaking of concerts, so the boyfriend has decided that we're going to Reno to see Powerman 5000 in February.
Like he mentioned it before going to work and then when I woke up the next morning he had it all planned out and booked the trip right after I left for work.
So that should be fun.
I told him he was in charge of planning since I drug him all around Vegas. My only requirement is that he takes me someplace nice for dinner.
Watch, that will be my doom. We'll spend Reno at train stations or museums.
We're gonna have a train wedding I swear.
His brother joked about him owning enough motorcars that we could get married somewhere along the tracks and the wedding party could ride in on the cars.
Anyway, Reno should be fun. I know nothing about it so I should do some research on that, see if there's anything else gonna be there when we're there.
Yes, I know you don't know who Powerman 5000 is, but he loves them.
Heavy Metal from the 90's.
When Worlds Collide
you may actually know that one, or the refrain at least. it's the only one i know so i'm gonna have to work on that as well.
He saw them live once before and said they were really good.
I'm excited, it'll be fun.
Alright, I'm out for the night. Hope you had a good weekend.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
It made working on a homework assignment and then uploading it quite the adventure. BUT it's done and submitted so I'm down to 3 left total. That includes collection development and program summaries for Youth Services and then my final progress report for practicum. With only 3 days left of that as well.
It's flying by.
Which after 3 years is a good thing cause I'm ready to be done.
This weekend was nice. Had the whole one off so I went out to the farm to hang out with the 'rents.
We watched the Huskers lose - not that I didn't know it was coming but it was still a sad day - and some SNL, Big Bang Theory, and Major Crimes.
Oh and the state volleyball tournament cause our neighboring town made it to the finals. Lost, but second isn't bad when you've played like 30 teams.
Was a good break from reality to get out of here for a while. Dad says I should quit the library and move home.
You know, after I get my Master's in it and everything.
He says I should move home and farm.
I'll pass on that. As much as the library has its moments where I do want to run run far far away, it doesn't make me want to run run far far away to the early mornings and late nights that farmers abide by. Even though I did grow up doing that in the summers.
It was suckish but my brother made it livable. With his singing and screaming obscenities there were moments that were highly entertaining. But nothing I want to do full time.
Tomorrow it's back at work - actually all week - but next week I have 3 days off so I'll manage. Plus this weekend is the weekend I'm taking my teens to see Catching Fire. They're stoked. I'm nervous I'm forgetting something. I'll have to go supply shopping at some point this week.
And we're seeing Elton John.
Oh, and speaking of concerts, so the boyfriend has decided that we're going to Reno to see Powerman 5000 in February.
Like he mentioned it before going to work and then when I woke up the next morning he had it all planned out and booked the trip right after I left for work.
So that should be fun.
I told him he was in charge of planning since I drug him all around Vegas. My only requirement is that he takes me someplace nice for dinner.
Watch, that will be my doom. We'll spend Reno at train stations or museums.
We're gonna have a train wedding I swear.
His brother joked about him owning enough motorcars that we could get married somewhere along the tracks and the wedding party could ride in on the cars.
Anyway, Reno should be fun. I know nothing about it so I should do some research on that, see if there's anything else gonna be there when we're there.
Yes, I know you don't know who Powerman 5000 is, but he loves them.
Heavy Metal from the 90's.
When Worlds Collide
you may actually know that one, or the refrain at least. it's the only one i know so i'm gonna have to work on that as well.
He saw them live once before and said they were really good.
I'm excited, it'll be fun.
Alright, I'm out for the night. Hope you had a good weekend.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Friday, November 15, 2013
"Well then I'll paint one pink, Happy Birthday!"
I was super excited today cause I finally figured out what to get the boyfriend for his birthday.
Something big that he'll actually like.
He spent the night trying to figure out what it was.
This was after he told me he wasn't going to tell me what he got me for mine.
Apparently only he is allowed to keep gifts a secret. Funny how that works. He said he'd give me hints but I didn't want them.
Somehow the conversation then turned to motorcars and I said something about him giving me a pink one for my birthday, then immediately took it back cause can you imagine riding around in one of those painted pink?
No, never.
Doesn't matter, he can guess all he wants, he won't get it.
At least I hope not.
Not that it would ruin the gift, but I want it to be a surprise. I'm actually quite proud of this one.
And speaking of gifts, it was his mom's birthday so I went out to eat with his family in celebration.
They put a sombrero on her head and whipped cream on her face - fear the wrath.
Afterwards we stopped by Second Sister's place to pick up the popcorn her bought from my nephew for a fundraiser.
We were told that one day we will have kids - that's still up for debate - but apparently one day our supposed kids are going to do fundraisers of their own and we'll make my siblings buy stuff from them so that meant buying popcorn and magazines from their kids. Which reminds me I should check on that subscription - I got him a train magazine subscription for Xmas too...
Before all that was work. 8 hours of sheer joy and happiness.
Not really but it wasn't bad.
I'm just glad to be done for the weekend. Stoked I get to watch the game tomorrow. I'm hoping we don't get hosed. Go Huskers.
And I have to write a paper.
Only 3 more assignments left for Youth Services, 3 more days left of practicum, and 1 more monthly report and then I'll be done with homework, ETERNALLY!
and other various celebration noises!
Master's is enough, really the only purpose in getting a doctorate in this specific degree is to teach.
And I've already dropped out of an ed program in college so I'll pass on that.
Alright, I'm off. Music and I'm out.
Someone Like You (Adele Cover) by Sungha Jung
this kid is crazy good, i love it.
Something big that he'll actually like.
He spent the night trying to figure out what it was.
This was after he told me he wasn't going to tell me what he got me for mine.
Apparently only he is allowed to keep gifts a secret. Funny how that works. He said he'd give me hints but I didn't want them.
Somehow the conversation then turned to motorcars and I said something about him giving me a pink one for my birthday, then immediately took it back cause can you imagine riding around in one of those painted pink?
No, never.
Doesn't matter, he can guess all he wants, he won't get it.
At least I hope not.
Not that it would ruin the gift, but I want it to be a surprise. I'm actually quite proud of this one.
And speaking of gifts, it was his mom's birthday so I went out to eat with his family in celebration.
They put a sombrero on her head and whipped cream on her face - fear the wrath.
Afterwards we stopped by Second Sister's place to pick up the popcorn her bought from my nephew for a fundraiser.
We were told that one day we will have kids - that's still up for debate - but apparently one day our supposed kids are going to do fundraisers of their own and we'll make my siblings buy stuff from them so that meant buying popcorn and magazines from their kids. Which reminds me I should check on that subscription - I got him a train magazine subscription for Xmas too...
Before all that was work. 8 hours of sheer joy and happiness.
Not really but it wasn't bad.
I'm just glad to be done for the weekend. Stoked I get to watch the game tomorrow. I'm hoping we don't get hosed. Go Huskers.
And I have to write a paper.
Only 3 more assignments left for Youth Services, 3 more days left of practicum, and 1 more monthly report and then I'll be done with homework, ETERNALLY!
and other various celebration noises!
Master's is enough, really the only purpose in getting a doctorate in this specific degree is to teach.
And I've already dropped out of an ed program in college so I'll pass on that.
Alright, I'm off. Music and I'm out.
Someone Like You (Adele Cover) by Sungha Jung
this kid is crazy good, i love it.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
"I've got this completely under control!" "Is that why everything's on fire?"
I drug the boyfriend to see Thor 2: The Dark World tonight.
Kat Dennings!
That's what I yelled every time we saw this preview in theaters.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10. Thought it was pretty good, maybe better than the first, but I don't know I'll have to rewatch it to judge.
And then the Avengers after that.
I love Loki.
Tom Hiddleston is perfect.
Here are a few of my favorite lines:
Sif: "I've got this completely under control!"
Thor: "Is that why everything's on fire?"
Blonde Zachary Levi: Perhaps next time we should start with the big one.
Darcy: Our friend Erik went banana balls.
Darcy: It's okay we're Americans.
Jane: Is that supposed to make them like us?
Jane Foster: [slaps Loki] That was for New York!
Loki: I like her.
Dr. Erik Selvig: There is nothing more reassuring than knowing that the world is crazier than you are.
Loki as Captain America: Wanna have a rousing discussion about truth, honor, patriotism?
Loki: Hitting doesn't solve everything.
Loki: I think you missed a column.
Thor: Shut up!
Loki: Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather.
The whole blonde Zachary Levi thing totally threw me.
For one it looks nothing like him so it took me half the movie to figure out that that was Chuck Bartowski. It wasn't him in the first movie, right?
Other than that I was in it. Liked the humor in this one, especially him hanging his hammer by the door to be polite. That was amusing.
Oh and the cameos by Stan Lee and Chris Pine.
Looking forward to part three - major cliffhanger during the credits. We didn't stick around to see if there was another clip after the credits, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was - did I miss something?
Avengers 2 will probably come out before Thor 3. Wonder if Loki will make an appearance in that one as well...could possibly with the way it ended.
Ah well, other than that the day was good. Only three more days of practicum left before my 90 hours are up, woohoo!
Song of the Day:
Hard Out There - Lily Allen
yay, she's back!! stoked.
Kat Dennings!
That's what I yelled every time we saw this preview in theaters.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10. Thought it was pretty good, maybe better than the first, but I don't know I'll have to rewatch it to judge.
And then the Avengers after that.
I love Loki.
Tom Hiddleston is perfect.
Here are a few of my favorite lines:
Sif: "I've got this completely under control!"
Thor: "Is that why everything's on fire?"
Blonde Zachary Levi: Perhaps next time we should start with the big one.
Darcy: Our friend Erik went banana balls.
Darcy: It's okay we're Americans.
Jane: Is that supposed to make them like us?
Jane Foster: [slaps Loki] That was for New York!
Loki: I like her.
Dr. Erik Selvig: There is nothing more reassuring than knowing that the world is crazier than you are.
Loki as Captain America: Wanna have a rousing discussion about truth, honor, patriotism?
Loki: Hitting doesn't solve everything.
Loki: I think you missed a column.
Thor: Shut up!
Loki: Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather.
The whole blonde Zachary Levi thing totally threw me.
For one it looks nothing like him so it took me half the movie to figure out that that was Chuck Bartowski. It wasn't him in the first movie, right?
Other than that I was in it. Liked the humor in this one, especially him hanging his hammer by the door to be polite. That was amusing.
Oh and the cameos by Stan Lee and Chris Pine.
Looking forward to part three - major cliffhanger during the credits. We didn't stick around to see if there was another clip after the credits, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was - did I miss something?
Avengers 2 will probably come out before Thor 3. Wonder if Loki will make an appearance in that one as well...could possibly with the way it ended.
Ah well, other than that the day was good. Only three more days of practicum left before my 90 hours are up, woohoo!
Song of the Day:
Hard Out There - Lily Allen
yay, she's back!! stoked.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
'til you died, 'til you died, but you're still alive!
Today was a big day of sorts.
Not like mega, but in comparison to this week it was big.
Went in early for scheduling purposes, had my TAB meeting this afternoon and then finished the day with class.
I love my teens, they're wicked awesome. Whenever I'm feeling like maybe I need a break from libraries I have a meeting with them and then I'm completely re-motivated.
Today's meeting was all about the Catching Fire party next week and our upcoming web series.
We came up with possible activities for the afterparty - thinking obstacle courses, crafty stuff, and food.
The web series was the really fun discussion. My teens have decided that they want to do a web series about our library publicizing aspects of its collection, upcoming events, and fun behind-the-scenes stuff.
We have a host - Mr. Sparkles, don't ask - so our December meeting is going to be spent coming up with a theme song and taping it, along with developing scripts and brainstorming ideas for the series.
One of my teens is really good with digital media so the videos might actually turn out pretty cool. I may even post one on here, we'll see.
I think the behind-the-scenes @ your library will be a fun place to start, but I'll have to clear it with my bosses - and coworkers - first. Then go from there to introducing areas of the collection and then talking to staff about upcoming programming.
It'll be a monthly thing and I think there should be regular segments like book reviews, guest panelists, etc. to go along with our other stuff.
A coworker thought it might be cool to have our host interview our 93-year-old volunteer about why she loves the library.
Just fun stuff like that.
I'm interested to see what they come up with for a theme song.
Especially if it has anything to do with Mr. Sparkles.
Don't ask.
You asked.
There was a craft thing and a bottle of glitter was thrown. He was covered and became Mr. Sparkles.
Actually it was Cod Sparkles but I had to nix the Cod part so his first name is currently up for debate.
Speaking of debates - the boyfriend and I talked more about our music debate this morning - the one in which we came up with no current top 40 artists we'd really like to see live - minus Karmin.
Cause something's up with radio.
But then we thought of Bruno Mars.
He wouldn't be bad. I like some of his stuff, and the clips that I've seen of him live are actually decent, which is a testament in itself cause some people are just not good live.
There's another debate going on at the moment. I want to get him something big for Xmas. Last year he got me the Maroon 5 tickets and a blu-ray player so I was thinking maybe a PS4.
He mentioned wanting one in the past, plus if other people were looking for presents for him they could get him games. But he maintains that it's too expensive.
But the thing is, I'd rather spend more money on something that he actually wants than less money on something he would lose interest in a day later.
You know?
Now, I may regret that statement later if he decides he wants to play it all the time and that's all we do.
But we'll see.
I don't know, what are you buying for Xmas this year?
And what's the best way to buy it? Online? In-store?
Anyway, so there was a lot of Xmas talk today at work. After work came my last graduate school class.
I still have homework, but tonight was my last class for my Master's program.
All that's left is an outreach project due Sunday, a collection development project due next Sunday, and then a program summary due the Sunday after that.
Plus my practicum and its reports. Right now I'm at 77/90 so I should hit 90 right at the deadline.
Oh, that reminds me, I should send him my evaluation form.
Will do that right after I post.
Class was good, we talked about intellectual freedom, and review journals.
Kind of review stuff, but it's nice to have class with your adviser cause you're able to ask her graduation questions about things like caps and gowns and all that.
I ordered mine.
It's boring black and white - or classic black and white depending on how you see the world.
I'll go with classic.
Libraries are classic.
No, they're not boring.
Take that back.
It's so strange to be at this point. When I first started the program it seemed huge, now it's almost over and I'm still like, wait, already?
Alright, on to the music:
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
Okay, I'm slightly obsessed with this song. Again.
Kat brought it back full force.
Did you hear they're turning Jagged Little Pill into a musical?! Gonna be awesome.
If she were touring I would go see her.
Oo, is she touring?
i'm out. legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Not like mega, but in comparison to this week it was big.
Went in early for scheduling purposes, had my TAB meeting this afternoon and then finished the day with class.
I love my teens, they're wicked awesome. Whenever I'm feeling like maybe I need a break from libraries I have a meeting with them and then I'm completely re-motivated.
Today's meeting was all about the Catching Fire party next week and our upcoming web series.
We came up with possible activities for the afterparty - thinking obstacle courses, crafty stuff, and food.
The web series was the really fun discussion. My teens have decided that they want to do a web series about our library publicizing aspects of its collection, upcoming events, and fun behind-the-scenes stuff.
We have a host - Mr. Sparkles, don't ask - so our December meeting is going to be spent coming up with a theme song and taping it, along with developing scripts and brainstorming ideas for the series.
One of my teens is really good with digital media so the videos might actually turn out pretty cool. I may even post one on here, we'll see.
I think the behind-the-scenes @ your library will be a fun place to start, but I'll have to clear it with my bosses - and coworkers - first. Then go from there to introducing areas of the collection and then talking to staff about upcoming programming.
It'll be a monthly thing and I think there should be regular segments like book reviews, guest panelists, etc. to go along with our other stuff.
A coworker thought it might be cool to have our host interview our 93-year-old volunteer about why she loves the library.
Just fun stuff like that.
I'm interested to see what they come up with for a theme song.
Especially if it has anything to do with Mr. Sparkles.
Don't ask.
You asked.
There was a craft thing and a bottle of glitter was thrown. He was covered and became Mr. Sparkles.
Actually it was Cod Sparkles but I had to nix the Cod part so his first name is currently up for debate.
Speaking of debates - the boyfriend and I talked more about our music debate this morning - the one in which we came up with no current top 40 artists we'd really like to see live - minus Karmin.
Cause something's up with radio.
But then we thought of Bruno Mars.
He wouldn't be bad. I like some of his stuff, and the clips that I've seen of him live are actually decent, which is a testament in itself cause some people are just not good live.
There's another debate going on at the moment. I want to get him something big for Xmas. Last year he got me the Maroon 5 tickets and a blu-ray player so I was thinking maybe a PS4.
He mentioned wanting one in the past, plus if other people were looking for presents for him they could get him games. But he maintains that it's too expensive.
But the thing is, I'd rather spend more money on something that he actually wants than less money on something he would lose interest in a day later.
You know?
Now, I may regret that statement later if he decides he wants to play it all the time and that's all we do.
But we'll see.
I don't know, what are you buying for Xmas this year?
And what's the best way to buy it? Online? In-store?
Anyway, so there was a lot of Xmas talk today at work. After work came my last graduate school class.
I still have homework, but tonight was my last class for my Master's program.
All that's left is an outreach project due Sunday, a collection development project due next Sunday, and then a program summary due the Sunday after that.
Plus my practicum and its reports. Right now I'm at 77/90 so I should hit 90 right at the deadline.
Oh, that reminds me, I should send him my evaluation form.
Will do that right after I post.
Class was good, we talked about intellectual freedom, and review journals.
Kind of review stuff, but it's nice to have class with your adviser cause you're able to ask her graduation questions about things like caps and gowns and all that.
I ordered mine.
It's boring black and white - or classic black and white depending on how you see the world.
I'll go with classic.
Libraries are classic.
No, they're not boring.
Take that back.
It's so strange to be at this point. When I first started the program it seemed huge, now it's almost over and I'm still like, wait, already?
Alright, on to the music:
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
Okay, I'm slightly obsessed with this song. Again.
Kat brought it back full force.
Did you hear they're turning Jagged Little Pill into a musical?! Gonna be awesome.
If she were touring I would go see her.
Oo, is she touring?
i'm out. legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Well let's play a game called Spot the Prius.
Oo, it's 11/12/13, do you know what that means?
I love these half and half days cause they don't drag on.
Work branch then break for lunch and head off to practicum.
Practicum Count-Up 77/90, score!
Don't know what I'll do when practicum gets over, it'll be 9-6 every day.
Not that my 9-6 is boring, but it's been nice to break it up every other day.
Today was interesting at practicum, went to a meeting with a bunch of big shots to talk about computer policy.
These are the first internet computers on campus for patients and because of our location the rules are a little bit more complicated than at a regular library.
We have to worry about outside contacts and all that so rule number one on our internet computers?
No social networking.
Gonna be interesting.
Came home to work on some homework and watch The Voice.
Okay, I love that show, I do, it's in my top 5 with WMC, Charmed, Friends, and Warehouse, but tonight's instant save thing was ridiculous.
First off, I'm pretty sure it was rigged cause even though I voted for Kat and I'm glad she won I saw nothing by Jonny's so I think they need a recount.
Second, you're leaving out half your viewers because you're only including votes from half the nation due to time zones.
Dear NBC,
I love you and The Voice,
But please do that never ever again.
Thank you.
Signed, a fan.
Speaking of shows I love, or used to anyway, ran across this clip today.
Well at least they gave him a better goodbye than Gideon.
I miss that show.
That clip is the first I learned of him leaving, or of there being a new chick. Is she from one of the CSI's?
I refused to watch anymore after they fired JJ and Emily to fund a spinoff. Then hired them back in an attempt to save the fandom.
Didn't work as Paget quit immediately following that year. Not that I blame her, they treated her like crap, and even though JJ is back now full time the show's not the same without Emily so I've stopped watching for good.
Which is a shame cause it used to be really really good.
Here are a few of my favorites:
See, not the same without her.
I remember when I first got hooked, I watched an episode back in college with Sketch and then went out and got seasons 1-3 at Best Buy.
Mom got me season 4 for Xmas or birthday or something, I don't remember, but I do remember locking myself in my room and watching all of season 4 on Kate.
That was my old laptop.
This one is Ziva.
But now Ziva is getting old and full up so soon I'll have to get a different one. Or just use the iPad that I know about but I'm not supposed to remember I'm getting for graduation.
I'll have to think of a name for that as well.
Guess it would be fitting to name it after whoever's replacing Ziva on NCIS - another show I've stopped watching - why do all these shows have to kill off my favorite characters?! - who is replacing Ziva? Have they done that already?
Now I'm watching another one of my old favorites.
Craig Ferguson.
Used to watch his show every night for like 3 years, but then I got busy and distracted.
Watch this, it's hilarious.
on your right you'll see barbed wire...
I want Morgan Freeman to voice my GPS.
He's so calm, cool, and collected. Even when you get lost and/or are in hiding from the cops.
I don't know where I was going before all these TV rants. Work was fine. Practicum was good. Homework sucks. And I'm going in to work early tomorrow morning so I should crash before I go off on a different tangent.
On to the music:
A Hard Day's Night - Team Adam
i was worried cause the last time he did this with his team like last year or the year before it was awful. i think pip was in it, must have been 2 years ago.
We're an American Band - the men of The Voice
this was one of the coolest performances on the show so far. excellent.
My top 20 is fastly folding. Here's where I'm at now:
Red - Adam
Pink - Xtina
Green - Blake
Grey - CeeLo
Still have 3 of my top 5, 4 of my top 10, 5 of my top 15, and 7 of my top 20. Which is okay since we're down to the 10 artists total.
I'm super shocked that all of Blake's team made it through, I really thought Austin and Ray were screwed. Sad to lose Jonny and Josh.
and i'm out.
I love these half and half days cause they don't drag on.
Work branch then break for lunch and head off to practicum.
Practicum Count-Up 77/90, score!
Don't know what I'll do when practicum gets over, it'll be 9-6 every day.
Not that my 9-6 is boring, but it's been nice to break it up every other day.
Today was interesting at practicum, went to a meeting with a bunch of big shots to talk about computer policy.
These are the first internet computers on campus for patients and because of our location the rules are a little bit more complicated than at a regular library.
We have to worry about outside contacts and all that so rule number one on our internet computers?
No social networking.
Gonna be interesting.
Came home to work on some homework and watch The Voice.
Okay, I love that show, I do, it's in my top 5 with WMC, Charmed, Friends, and Warehouse, but tonight's instant save thing was ridiculous.
First off, I'm pretty sure it was rigged cause even though I voted for Kat and I'm glad she won I saw nothing by Jonny's so I think they need a recount.
Second, you're leaving out half your viewers because you're only including votes from half the nation due to time zones.
Dear NBC,
I love you and The Voice,
But please do that never ever again.
Thank you.
Signed, a fan.
Speaking of shows I love, or used to anyway, ran across this clip today.
Well at least they gave him a better goodbye than Gideon.
I miss that show.
That clip is the first I learned of him leaving, or of there being a new chick. Is she from one of the CSI's?
I refused to watch anymore after they fired JJ and Emily to fund a spinoff. Then hired them back in an attempt to save the fandom.
Didn't work as Paget quit immediately following that year. Not that I blame her, they treated her like crap, and even though JJ is back now full time the show's not the same without Emily so I've stopped watching for good.
Which is a shame cause it used to be really really good.
Here are a few of my favorites:
See, not the same without her.
I remember when I first got hooked, I watched an episode back in college with Sketch and then went out and got seasons 1-3 at Best Buy.
Mom got me season 4 for Xmas or birthday or something, I don't remember, but I do remember locking myself in my room and watching all of season 4 on Kate.
That was my old laptop.
This one is Ziva.
But now Ziva is getting old and full up so soon I'll have to get a different one. Or just use the iPad that I know about but I'm not supposed to remember I'm getting for graduation.
I'll have to think of a name for that as well.
Guess it would be fitting to name it after whoever's replacing Ziva on NCIS - another show I've stopped watching - why do all these shows have to kill off my favorite characters?! - who is replacing Ziva? Have they done that already?
Now I'm watching another one of my old favorites.
Craig Ferguson.
Used to watch his show every night for like 3 years, but then I got busy and distracted.
Watch this, it's hilarious.
on your right you'll see barbed wire...
I want Morgan Freeman to voice my GPS.
He's so calm, cool, and collected. Even when you get lost and/or are in hiding from the cops.
I don't know where I was going before all these TV rants. Work was fine. Practicum was good. Homework sucks. And I'm going in to work early tomorrow morning so I should crash before I go off on a different tangent.
On to the music:
A Hard Day's Night - Team Adam
i was worried cause the last time he did this with his team like last year or the year before it was awful. i think pip was in it, must have been 2 years ago.
We're an American Band - the men of The Voice
this was one of the coolest performances on the show so far. excellent.
My top 20 is fastly folding. Here's where I'm at now:
Red - Adam
Pink - Xtina
Green - Blake
Grey - CeeLo
Tessanne Chin
Matthew Schuler
Holly Henry - Eliminated in knockouts
Kat Robichaud
Grey - Eliminated in live rounds
Brandon Chase - Eliminated in knockouts
Michael Lynch - Eliminated in battles
Timyra Joi - Eliminated in battles
Briana Cuoco - Lost battle, stolen by Blake Eliminated in battles
Jacquie Lee
Tamara Chauniece - Eliminate in live rounds
Ashley Dubose - Defeated Justin battles Eliminated in battles
Monika Leigh - Lost battle, stolen by CeeLo Eliminated in battles
Shelbie Z - Eliminated in live rounds
James Wolpert
Josh Logan - Eliminated in live rounds
Caroline Pennel
Johnny Gray - Eliminated in live rounds
Olivia Henken - Eliminated in live rounds
Ray Bourdeaux
Still have 3 of my top 5, 4 of my top 10, 5 of my top 15, and 7 of my top 20. Which is okay since we're down to the 10 artists total.
I'm super shocked that all of Blake's team made it through, I really thought Austin and Ray were screwed. Sad to lose Jonny and Josh.
and i'm out.
Monday, November 11, 2013
the race is on and it looks like heartache and the winner loses all.
Ah, a day off.
Slept in - it was awesome - watched some Castle season five on DVD - loving the no commercials - did some homework - not so in love with that - then went out to see the boyfriend.
Got dinner and talked about music. We're going to see Elton John in a couple of weeks and Cher in May - I'm dragging him to see Cher cause who wouldn't want to see Cher, really?
Okay, a lot of people just disagreed with that, but that's okay.
But anyway, we were talking and sadly there's like no one on the radio right now that I'd want to see live.
Aside from the people I've already seen that is - Maroon 5, She & Him - the only other band would be Karmin but they're touring with Jonas Brother so pass on that.
Does anyone else feel like that or are we just at that awkward age where we've outgrown top 40 and long for the "good ole days"?
Although, the good old days to me are like the Spice Girls, the Wreckers, Eminem when he was good, and 80s-90s country so feel free to veto that as well.
No Doubt is making a comeback, they'd be good to see.
It's just the whole autotuner thing, it's not the same. And songs nowadays, it's like their melodies just aren't as catchy as they used to be.
Part of the reason I always have my headphones in playing actual music.
After that we watched Murder By Numbers.
Scale of Awesome says 5/10. Was interesting to see young Ryan Gosling - he looks exactly the same. No idea what happened to that other guy. IMDb says he's on Boardwalk Empire but he looks completely different.
Check this out, this is cool.
No, that had nothing to do with anything but it's cool so get over it.
Anyway, was nice to have the day off and do my own thing. Tomorrow it's back to work and practicum.
Hope you all had a good holiday, especially you veterans out there. Life wouldn't be the same without you so thank you for all you do.
Alright, on to the music.
Race is On - Sawyer Brown
classic 90s country, so much better than nowadays.
maybe i'm jaded. am i wrong?
Slept in - it was awesome - watched some Castle season five on DVD - loving the no commercials - did some homework - not so in love with that - then went out to see the boyfriend.
Got dinner and talked about music. We're going to see Elton John in a couple of weeks and Cher in May - I'm dragging him to see Cher cause who wouldn't want to see Cher, really?
Okay, a lot of people just disagreed with that, but that's okay.
But anyway, we were talking and sadly there's like no one on the radio right now that I'd want to see live.
Aside from the people I've already seen that is - Maroon 5, She & Him - the only other band would be Karmin but they're touring with Jonas Brother so pass on that.
Does anyone else feel like that or are we just at that awkward age where we've outgrown top 40 and long for the "good ole days"?
Although, the good old days to me are like the Spice Girls, the Wreckers, Eminem when he was good, and 80s-90s country so feel free to veto that as well.
No Doubt is making a comeback, they'd be good to see.
It's just the whole autotuner thing, it's not the same. And songs nowadays, it's like their melodies just aren't as catchy as they used to be.
Part of the reason I always have my headphones in playing actual music.
After that we watched Murder By Numbers.
Scale of Awesome says 5/10. Was interesting to see young Ryan Gosling - he looks exactly the same. No idea what happened to that other guy. IMDb says he's on Boardwalk Empire but he looks completely different.
Check this out, this is cool.
No, that had nothing to do with anything but it's cool so get over it.
Anyway, was nice to have the day off and do my own thing. Tomorrow it's back to work and practicum.
Hope you all had a good holiday, especially you veterans out there. Life wouldn't be the same without you so thank you for all you do.
Alright, on to the music.
Race is On - Sawyer Brown
classic 90s country, so much better than nowadays.
maybe i'm jaded. am i wrong?
Sunday, November 10, 2013
the lonely loner seems to free his mind at night.
The joy of working at a public library is that it's open to the public.
That public includes people who know far too much about you.
Now my coworkers know far too much about me too.
Though they've earned it, I guess.
The place was hoppin' for a Sunday. People everywhere, computers busy all day. But I was able to get some TAB stuff done.
Planning for the party on the 23rd, ideas for obstacle courses anyone? I have a few.
After work I headed out to see the boyfriend. We got supper and watched Dead Man Down.
Scale of Awesome says 5/10. Wasn't all that bad but it wasn't all that great either.
And that trailer really doesn't follow the storyline whatsoever but whatever.
It was nice to get away from the crazy and hang out with him.
So excited to have tomorrow off - even though I'm not a Veteran we are closed.
Will most likely spend the day sleeping in and doing homework.
I know. Not very festive, but only like a month left of it and then I'll be done eternally so it'll suffice.
Song of the Day: Song You Knew But Forgot You Knew It
Day 'N' Nite - Kid Cudi
at, at, at night.
That public includes people who know far too much about you.
Now my coworkers know far too much about me too.
Though they've earned it, I guess.
The place was hoppin' for a Sunday. People everywhere, computers busy all day. But I was able to get some TAB stuff done.
Planning for the party on the 23rd, ideas for obstacle courses anyone? I have a few.
After work I headed out to see the boyfriend. We got supper and watched Dead Man Down.
Scale of Awesome says 5/10. Wasn't all that bad but it wasn't all that great either.
And that trailer really doesn't follow the storyline whatsoever but whatever.
It was nice to get away from the crazy and hang out with him.
So excited to have tomorrow off - even though I'm not a Veteran we are closed.
Will most likely spend the day sleeping in and doing homework.
I know. Not very festive, but only like a month left of it and then I'll be done eternally so it'll suffice.
Song of the Day: Song You Knew But Forgot You Knew It
Day 'N' Nite - Kid Cudi
at, at, at night.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Take me to the church on Cumberland Road.
Okay, I'm lame.
It's 10:30 and I'm ready for bed.
I don't know what's going on but yesterday and today I've just been dead tired.
It may have something to do with the fact that half of my family is sick and we had a farm meeting Thursday night.
Yes, a farm meeting.
It's really more like dinner and we talk about farm stuff. Well, my brother talks about farm stuff with his fancy maps and statistics while the rest of us nod every few minutes.
Joking, the guys talk a lot too.
Oh, I'm a farm girl if you didn't know that already. And we own land so every few months we meet and talk about farm stuff.
Anyway, ever since I've had no energy whatsoever, but you can't call in sick on a weekend cause we're already short staffed.
And speaking of being short staffed I actually got to spend the day covering at the home branch - where I ran into Sensei.
We were surprisingly busy, though it was an away game so I guess that's not completely surprising.
After work I had enough energy to get groceries, take out the trash, and attempt to make brownies without burning down the apartment before I crashed and burned.
It wasn't the same without Sketch here to criticize-I mean
But they did turn out okay.
Now I'm crashed on the couch, but there are football games galore so it's not really all that bad.
So excited the Huskers won. Was not expecting that whatsoever.
I think that's going to be my mindstate for the rest of the season. Just assume we'll lose and hope I'm wrong.
Now it's Dame vs. Pitt. Go Irish.
Intentional grounding, sad day.
Flipping back and forth between that and the Bama game.
They hosed my Tigers.
I forgot how much I love watching college football.
I used to watch pro too - Titans mostly - but it's not the same.
All about the money instead of the game.
As mentioned, I'm boring tonight, I'm sorry.
Think I'm going to crash before I go off on another tangent.
Hope you're feeling better than I am.
Church on Cumberland Road - Shenandoah
classic country. got my car back but i'm missing the xm radio that my mom's had.
speaking of churches, so at said farm meeting bunch of my family is there and one of my younger nieces comes up to me and says, "are you married yet?" "no." "well, when are you gonna ask him?" #girlpower
If that question was my job it would have happened a while ago.
but...not like i'm going anywhere. it'll happen eventually.
i'm out. legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
It's 10:30 and I'm ready for bed.
I don't know what's going on but yesterday and today I've just been dead tired.
It may have something to do with the fact that half of my family is sick and we had a farm meeting Thursday night.
Yes, a farm meeting.
It's really more like dinner and we talk about farm stuff. Well, my brother talks about farm stuff with his fancy maps and statistics while the rest of us nod every few minutes.
Joking, the guys talk a lot too.
Oh, I'm a farm girl if you didn't know that already. And we own land so every few months we meet and talk about farm stuff.
Anyway, ever since I've had no energy whatsoever, but you can't call in sick on a weekend cause we're already short staffed.
And speaking of being short staffed I actually got to spend the day covering at the home branch - where I ran into Sensei.
We were surprisingly busy, though it was an away game so I guess that's not completely surprising.
After work I had enough energy to get groceries, take out the trash, and attempt to make brownies without burning down the apartment before I crashed and burned.
It wasn't the same without Sketch here to criticize-I mean
But they did turn out okay.
Now I'm crashed on the couch, but there are football games galore so it's not really all that bad.
So excited the Huskers won. Was not expecting that whatsoever.
I think that's going to be my mindstate for the rest of the season. Just assume we'll lose and hope I'm wrong.
Now it's Dame vs. Pitt. Go Irish.
Intentional grounding, sad day.
Flipping back and forth between that and the Bama game.
They hosed my Tigers.
I forgot how much I love watching college football.
I used to watch pro too - Titans mostly - but it's not the same.
All about the money instead of the game.
As mentioned, I'm boring tonight, I'm sorry.
Think I'm going to crash before I go off on another tangent.
Hope you're feeling better than I am.
Church on Cumberland Road - Shenandoah
classic country. got my car back but i'm missing the xm radio that my mom's had.
speaking of churches, so at said farm meeting bunch of my family is there and one of my younger nieces comes up to me and says, "are you married yet?" "no." "well, when are you gonna ask him?" #girlpower
If that question was my job it would have happened a while ago.
but...not like i'm going anywhere. it'll happen eventually.
i'm out. legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
church on cumberland road,
holy crap,
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Remember Remember the 3rd Fifth of November, take three
The last installment of this year's anniversary celebration. More of my favorites from the past year.
1. Powerball Plans: Keep Calm and Drink Kale - Geaux Tigers! "Take another little piece of my grass now baby."
2. Worlds of Fun: But avoid the Super 8 there like the plague...unless you want the plague. "And it was kind of like the mother ship was calling me home."
3. Smoke-filled apartment: You do me wrong now, My love is strong now. "Meanwhile Carter is just sitting there staring at me going, what the hell did you do now, you idiot?"
4. Fourth of July: Don't trip over the drainage pipe! "I think we all think the bags were a nice idea."
5. Bar crawl: "You want to aim for these numbers here." "I'm just gonna aim for the board." "I want to rock and roll all night, and part of every day."
6. Young Adult Conference: "How do you write movies for adults?" "We write for adults and cast short people." "It's the next best thing to being paid to nap."
7. Camp J Highlights: Now Rhonda has no Honda - Camp J Highlights 2013 "Neville for the win!"
8. Camp J Skits: When you went away you took my cow Bessie, I miss her darling more than I miss you. "Ninja Banana."
9. 2G Golf: Stupid SpongeRobert, get in the hole! "Thanksgiving! Lutheran Church. We need more exclamation points at our church."
10. NLA Musings: All aboard the Babe Wagon! "Seize the fat one!"
11. Church Softball: Good morning, Team Awesome! So good he had to catch it twice. "Your couch is unplugged?"
12. Dinner at the Cabin: It was like chloroform but she did it wrong. "Hey kid, bring me another beer and I'll give you a candy bar."
13. Dinner Out: "Is that your dad?" "No it's not my dad." "I think it's your dad." "It's not my dad." *see mom through window* "Okay, maybe it's my dad."
"Though it wouldn't matter anyway because my dad is half deaf so he wouldn't have heard it."
14. Pre-NLA: Single white female looking for a man like you. "You must be *this* sexy to ride."
15. NLA Conference: NLA Conference 2013 - Truck Yeah! "Rat poison, we hate it when kids lick it."
16. Halloween: You know it's a fun-filled Halloween when you cheer cause a second cop pulled you over. "Run Lizzy Run!"
17. What does my girl say: Maybe if I act like that, flippin' my blonde hair back... "Heshy is not a lady baby."
and I'm out.
you can't tell me people watched her for the weather...
1. Powerball Plans: Keep Calm and Drink Kale - Geaux Tigers! "Take another little piece of my grass now baby."
2. Worlds of Fun: But avoid the Super 8 there like the plague...unless you want the plague. "And it was kind of like the mother ship was calling me home."
3. Smoke-filled apartment: You do me wrong now, My love is strong now. "Meanwhile Carter is just sitting there staring at me going, what the hell did you do now, you idiot?"
4. Fourth of July: Don't trip over the drainage pipe! "I think we all think the bags were a nice idea."
5. Bar crawl: "You want to aim for these numbers here." "I'm just gonna aim for the board." "I want to rock and roll all night, and part of every day."
6. Young Adult Conference: "How do you write movies for adults?" "We write for adults and cast short people." "It's the next best thing to being paid to nap."
7. Camp J Highlights: Now Rhonda has no Honda - Camp J Highlights 2013 "Neville for the win!"
8. Camp J Skits: When you went away you took my cow Bessie, I miss her darling more than I miss you. "Ninja Banana."
9. 2G Golf: Stupid SpongeRobert, get in the hole! "Thanksgiving! Lutheran Church. We need more exclamation points at our church."
10. NLA Musings: All aboard the Babe Wagon! "Seize the fat one!"
11. Church Softball: Good morning, Team Awesome! So good he had to catch it twice. "Your couch is unplugged?"
12. Dinner at the Cabin: It was like chloroform but she did it wrong. "Hey kid, bring me another beer and I'll give you a candy bar."
13. Dinner Out: "Is that your dad?" "No it's not my dad." "I think it's your dad." "It's not my dad." *see mom through window* "Okay, maybe it's my dad."
"Though it wouldn't matter anyway because my dad is half deaf so he wouldn't have heard it."
14. Pre-NLA: Single white female looking for a man like you. "You must be *this* sexy to ride."
15. NLA Conference: NLA Conference 2013 - Truck Yeah! "Rat poison, we hate it when kids lick it."
16. Halloween: You know it's a fun-filled Halloween when you cheer cause a second cop pulled you over. "Run Lizzy Run!"
17. What does my girl say: Maybe if I act like that, flippin' my blonde hair back... "Heshy is not a lady baby."
and I'm out.
you can't tell me people watched her for the weather...
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
RRVN 3rd take two
Here's more highlights from the past year in celebration of the 3-year-anniversary.
1. She & Him Live: Omaha I command you to dance! "Do you think she's Tilly or The Wall?"
2. The Speech: Special Librarians Dominate Dewey by Cataloging for Their Customers Instead of Other Librarians "We are all that and a bag of potato chips."
3. Motorcar-ing with the boyfriend: Nothing says romance quite like riding motorcars in Iowa. "Who doesn't know Mahna Mahna?"
4. Steam Cleaning: It's cold out and I'm not wearing pants. Where are you? "I had no idea I had such chatty liberal arts hair."
5. Sleepwalking: But then, you know, there's always drums, and bass, and maybe even one day a tambourine. "Yes, that was the short version."
6. Joys of training "Was that a bird?" "Um. Yeah." "Either come to the basement with us or leave."
7. Bats at the library: "But bats are cute-ish!" "Bats have rabies." "That's why I said ish." Bats are not cute.
1. She & Him Live: Omaha I command you to dance! "Do you think she's Tilly or The Wall?"
2. The Speech: Special Librarians Dominate Dewey by Cataloging for Their Customers Instead of Other Librarians "We are all that and a bag of potato chips."
3. Motorcar-ing with the boyfriend: Nothing says romance quite like riding motorcars in Iowa. "Who doesn't know Mahna Mahna?"
4. Steam Cleaning: It's cold out and I'm not wearing pants. Where are you? "I had no idea I had such chatty liberal arts hair."
5. Sleepwalking: But then, you know, there's always drums, and bass, and maybe even one day a tambourine. "Yes, that was the short version."
6. Joys of training "Was that a bird?" "Um. Yeah." "Either come to the basement with us or leave."
7. Bats at the library: "But bats are cute-ish!" "Bats have rabies." "That's why I said ish." Bats are not cute.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Remember Remember the 5th of November (take three)
That's right, it's the 3 year anniversary of this blog.
3 years, 82,000 views later and I'm still here.
This week I'm gonna highlight some of my favorite entries from this past year.
It's been a hell of a ride, and I'm glad you're still with me.
Here are the first few.
Yes, few, I do post almost every day so I have a lot to cover.
1. Vegas Part 1: What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas, well mostly. "You can't put a price on fitness." "Yes, you can, it's 25 dollars."
2. Vegas Part 2: What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Day Two "Let's play war, Asians are wild."
3. Vegas Part 3: What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Day Three "Two on every block and four in every airport..."
4. Vegas Part 4: What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Day Four "No liquids allowed on the plane. if you have vodka there's a pickup in the employee parking lot."
5. Thanksgiving Day: I ain't touching her heat button. "Practical yes. Party no."
6. Xmas with Carter: Westward leader still proceeding "why yes I am the stereotypical librarian."
7. Xmas with the family: Four Italian Suits, Three Former Husbands "Not Moonshiners. Never Moonshiners. Run if you hear the word Moonshiners."
8. Fun with the Furby: That's good because his pointy hat is between the Good Times. "The booze starts here."
9. Class with the Library Goddess: More than just bricks and mortar "We've done our time in the front."
10. Golden Globe Highlights: But when it comes to torture I trust the lady who spent three years married to James Cameron. "Thank you for killing whoever you had to kill to get me up here today."
11. Bickering with BossLady: That sounds like an 80's acronym SWA SWA Salute
12: Grammy Award Highlights: As legendary gangsta rap icon Katharine Hepburn once said... "Take that Bon Iver!"
13. Valentine's Day: I'll be out back, gonna find a tree to chop down. "Stop looking at me like that."
14: Oscar Highlights: I had actually been committed to play Margaret Thatcher, and Meryl was Steven's first choice for Lincoln. "So together they're pretty much everything the Christian Rights say is wrong with Hollywood."
15: State Stereotypes: It's like the spam of chicken. "56,000 square miles of dull."
16: Concert: Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe My boyfriend is cooler than your boyfriend.
17: LIS Meeting: Back at your door "Digital Beef"
18. Inservice: If your neighbor's not laughing explain that joke to him cause that was funny. "Exercise, no way I've got red wine!"
I should have left it at amputation...
oh blake.
3 years, 82,000 views later and I'm still here.
This week I'm gonna highlight some of my favorite entries from this past year.
It's been a hell of a ride, and I'm glad you're still with me.
Here are the first few.
Yes, few, I do post almost every day so I have a lot to cover.
1. Vegas Part 1: What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas, well mostly. "You can't put a price on fitness." "Yes, you can, it's 25 dollars."
2. Vegas Part 2: What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Day Two "Let's play war, Asians are wild."
3. Vegas Part 3: What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Day Three "Two on every block and four in every airport..."
4. Vegas Part 4: What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Day Four "No liquids allowed on the plane. if you have vodka there's a pickup in the employee parking lot."
5. Thanksgiving Day: I ain't touching her heat button. "Practical yes. Party no."
6. Xmas with Carter: Westward leader still proceeding "why yes I am the stereotypical librarian."
7. Xmas with the family: Four Italian Suits, Three Former Husbands "Not Moonshiners. Never Moonshiners. Run if you hear the word Moonshiners."
8. Fun with the Furby: That's good because his pointy hat is between the Good Times. "The booze starts here."
9. Class with the Library Goddess: More than just bricks and mortar "We've done our time in the front."
10. Golden Globe Highlights: But when it comes to torture I trust the lady who spent three years married to James Cameron. "Thank you for killing whoever you had to kill to get me up here today."
11. Bickering with BossLady: That sounds like an 80's acronym SWA SWA Salute
12: Grammy Award Highlights: As legendary gangsta rap icon Katharine Hepburn once said... "Take that Bon Iver!"
13. Valentine's Day: I'll be out back, gonna find a tree to chop down. "Stop looking at me like that."
14: Oscar Highlights: I had actually been committed to play Margaret Thatcher, and Meryl was Steven's first choice for Lincoln. "So together they're pretty much everything the Christian Rights say is wrong with Hollywood."
15: State Stereotypes: It's like the spam of chicken. "56,000 square miles of dull."
16: Concert: Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe My boyfriend is cooler than your boyfriend.
17: LIS Meeting: Back at your door "Digital Beef"
18. Inservice: If your neighbor's not laughing explain that joke to him cause that was funny. "Exercise, no way I've got red wine!"
I should have left it at amputation...
oh blake.
Monday, November 4, 2013
What? Are they gonna pull their guns and hold them all sideways at me?
Spent a ton of money today and wasn't expecting to at all. 20 movie tickets for the Catching Fire party - granted I'll get that money back - graduation cap and gown, plus license plate renewal, plus some xmas shopping...huzzah for credit cards.
Nah, that's alright. It's all worth it in the long run.
I need to start making lists for Xmas. No idea what I want, or what I'm giving people. Though I did find some fun stuff for Squirt online.
It's coming up fast which is weird cause I feel like it just got over.
The movie tickets are the only thing that stuck out from the work day aside from that I actually got to work with the New Girl again. I think they're starting to feel bad for us.
The boyfriend was busy so my night was spent catching up on my DVR.
And renewing my plates. And ordering my cap and gown. And ordering some Xmas presents. And doing some homework.
But the DVR was on in the background.
The Voice was live for the first time all season. Team Adam and Team Blake performed. It was...alright. I'm not as into it this season, but maybe that'll change tomorrow when Kat and Matthew perform. Along with all the others. I have more Xtina and CeeLo team members on my top list so it'll be fun to see what songs they sing.
I did buy a couple tonight. These were among them.
Fancy - Shelbie Z
Maggie May - Cole Vosbury
yes, both from Team Blake and both completely unexpected.
Tomorrow is more live rounds then Thursday is elimination night.
After the Voice was the Blacklist - hence the title - I'm still loving this show. Then Castle - yay for the return of actual Alexis. Then 2 Broke Girls - hilarious as always. Now Mom - I'm really loving this show as well, glad they're renewing it, but really Allison Janney in anything comedy-related is hysterical.
I know, my boyfriend-less nights are sad, pathetic, and even more sad. BUT I did accomplish other things while the TV was on.
Now I'm off to bed cause it's more work tomorrow.
What did you do on your exciting Monday nights?
I promise to be more exciting tomorrow.
It will be Remember Remember the 5th of November aka the 3rd anniversary of this blog. 80,000 views later and I'm still here.
Nah, that's alright. It's all worth it in the long run.
I need to start making lists for Xmas. No idea what I want, or what I'm giving people. Though I did find some fun stuff for Squirt online.
It's coming up fast which is weird cause I feel like it just got over.
The movie tickets are the only thing that stuck out from the work day aside from that I actually got to work with the New Girl again. I think they're starting to feel bad for us.
The boyfriend was busy so my night was spent catching up on my DVR.
And renewing my plates. And ordering my cap and gown. And ordering some Xmas presents. And doing some homework.
But the DVR was on in the background.
The Voice was live for the first time all season. Team Adam and Team Blake performed. It was...alright. I'm not as into it this season, but maybe that'll change tomorrow when Kat and Matthew perform. Along with all the others. I have more Xtina and CeeLo team members on my top list so it'll be fun to see what songs they sing.
I did buy a couple tonight. These were among them.
Fancy - Shelbie Z
Maggie May - Cole Vosbury
yes, both from Team Blake and both completely unexpected.
Tomorrow is more live rounds then Thursday is elimination night.
After the Voice was the Blacklist - hence the title - I'm still loving this show. Then Castle - yay for the return of actual Alexis. Then 2 Broke Girls - hilarious as always. Now Mom - I'm really loving this show as well, glad they're renewing it, but really Allison Janney in anything comedy-related is hysterical.
I know, my boyfriend-less nights are sad, pathetic, and even more sad. BUT I did accomplish other things while the TV was on.
Now I'm off to bed cause it's more work tomorrow.
What did you do on your exciting Monday nights?
I promise to be more exciting tomorrow.
It will be Remember Remember the 5th of November aka the 3rd anniversary of this blog. 80,000 views later and I'm still here.
cole vosbury,
maggie may,
shelbie z,
the voice
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Maybe if I act like that, flippin' my blonde hair back...
Ah the weekend. It flew by too quickly as usual. But at least it was a good one.
Saturday was zen-fest. Slept in, did a bit of homework before heading out to the farmhouse to watch the Husker game.
Holy crap man.
If you don't know what happened you should watch this highlight reel. It pretty much sums it up.
Madness, the zen stopped there.
Which was good cause then it was off to my cousin's wedding reception. Total rustic approach it was awesome. I jammed out with Homey-G-Wigger and Obi-Wan plus the Mentor came and joined our table and then my brother, his wife and family made an appearance. We hid out in the corner and talked for a while. Didn't really dance but did take quite a few pictures to send to my chair-ridden mother.
It was fun. I liked the whole laid back approach when we get married - if he ever proposes - that's what I want. No pressure and open bar. We got drink tickets. Obi-Wan actually went and stole us extra ones when we ran out.
Don't worry I was driving so I only had 2.
Amaretto sours, they're good stuff.
After the reception I headed to the farmhouse where Mom and I watched SNL.
Well, I watched SNL, she bailed on me for sleep.
SNL was actually funny this weekend. Eminem - who I love - performed and then of course Kerry Washington - who I also love - hosted.
These were my favorites.
What Does My Girl Say - Ylvis parody
better than the original. mostly cause i hate the original but i would buy this on iTunes.
Ain't no lady baby.
Respect my ability to assess a bucket.
I want a sound machine to follow me around.
How's He Doing?
He does not.
I love Keenan trying to keep a straight face. I would have died.
My new tradition whilst at the farm is to fall asleep watching episodes of MXC on Hulu. Did you know they have all the episodes available? It's love it.
Please tell me you know what MXC is. If you don't you are severely culture deprived and should now go and watch it on
It's basically the original Wipeout. Americans took the Japanese game show Takeshi's Castle and dubbed it in English. It's clearly not what they're actually saying which makes it even funnier.
Would have been nice to get that extra hour of sleep but instead I woke up to Mom yelling that I needed to ride with my brother in the semi to get the pickup and bring it home.
Hopped in the semi, drank my coffee and ate my cereal. Huzzah.
Song of the Day: Driving my mom's car this week while my headlight gets fixed so it's back to XM radio and Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them
Stupid Girls - Pink
totally forgot about this one, back in the good ole days. jammed out to this one on the way back.
out. legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
where oh where have the smart people gone?
Saturday was zen-fest. Slept in, did a bit of homework before heading out to the farmhouse to watch the Husker game.
Holy crap man.
If you don't know what happened you should watch this highlight reel. It pretty much sums it up.
Madness, the zen stopped there.
Which was good cause then it was off to my cousin's wedding reception. Total rustic approach it was awesome. I jammed out with Homey-G-Wigger and Obi-Wan plus the Mentor came and joined our table and then my brother, his wife and family made an appearance. We hid out in the corner and talked for a while. Didn't really dance but did take quite a few pictures to send to my chair-ridden mother.
It was fun. I liked the whole laid back approach when we get married - if he ever proposes - that's what I want. No pressure and open bar. We got drink tickets. Obi-Wan actually went and stole us extra ones when we ran out.
Don't worry I was driving so I only had 2.
Amaretto sours, they're good stuff.
After the reception I headed to the farmhouse where Mom and I watched SNL.
Well, I watched SNL, she bailed on me for sleep.
SNL was actually funny this weekend. Eminem - who I love - performed and then of course Kerry Washington - who I also love - hosted.
These were my favorites.
What Does My Girl Say - Ylvis parody
better than the original. mostly cause i hate the original but i would buy this on iTunes.
Ain't no lady baby.
Respect my ability to assess a bucket.
I want a sound machine to follow me around.
How's He Doing?
He does not.
I love Keenan trying to keep a straight face. I would have died.
My new tradition whilst at the farm is to fall asleep watching episodes of MXC on Hulu. Did you know they have all the episodes available? It's love it.
Please tell me you know what MXC is. If you don't you are severely culture deprived and should now go and watch it on
It's basically the original Wipeout. Americans took the Japanese game show Takeshi's Castle and dubbed it in English. It's clearly not what they're actually saying which makes it even funnier.
Would have been nice to get that extra hour of sleep but instead I woke up to Mom yelling that I needed to ride with my brother in the semi to get the pickup and bring it home.
Hopped in the semi, drank my coffee and ate my cereal. Huzzah.
Then it was church, stopped by the VFW and got meals to go for lunch, I finished my paper, submitted it and then stopped by to see the boyfriend now that he's back from yet another motorcar adventure.
Now I'm back and Carter and I are wiped. Gonna crash.
Song of the Day: Driving my mom's car this week while my headlight gets fixed so it's back to XM radio and Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them
Stupid Girls - Pink
totally forgot about this one, back in the good ole days. jammed out to this one on the way back.
out. legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
where oh where have the smart people gone?
Friday, November 1, 2013
"They're very good at flight attendant fingers."
"In this paper I will talk about the effects of social maturity on young adults and how it is influential in sociocultural institutions."
That's what I just wrote and realized, I never ever want to have to write lines like that ever again.
I passed comps, why can't the semester be over already?!
I think I've hit the senior slide. I'm slowly losing motivation about homework and grades. Which is interesting because the lowest grade I've gotten on a project so far in grad school is a B. The lowest class grade was an A- which killed my 4.0 GPA btw. Now it's at like 3.979 which is just mean really.
I'm ready for graduation, got my official invitation today in the mail. This weekend I'll be ordering my cap and gown.
BUT in order for all of that to happen I need to pass this class and before I can pass this class I need to finish this paper.
Maybe it's not a senior slide, maybe it's just today. I just feel dead. I don't know what it is, but all morning I was in complete zombie mode. I was so out of it that I spent my 15 minute break asleep in the periodicals area of the basement. Set my alarm so I'd wake back up, I was out immediately. Weird weird weird dreams, I'm hoping I didn't talk in my sleep. Apparently I do that, ask my former roommates. They found it wildly entertaining.
The library was as dead as I was, up until closing anyway, that's when the art show started so naturally that's when all the people showed up.
I don't know, I think I'm gonna work some more tonight, come up with a basic outline and some points and then crash. I've found my sources already it's the citation part that I'm really avoiding.
For some reason she's making us use Chicago style. Second class so far to do that but this time it's weird cause for the rest of the class it's been APA as opposed to the first class where it was Chicago the whole semester.
I hate Chicago style, it's confusing. You've got all the end notes and all that. Blah.
Like I said, ready for graduation.
Anyway, I'll do some more tonight, then crash, and then tomorrow is the wedding so I'll have all day up until then and then Sunday as well. It's not due until midnight, I've got plenty of time. Sort of. I'll figure it out.
I'm hoping ya'll are having a better day than I am.
On to the music. Here's what I'm playing in an attempt to wake myself up.
It's semi-kind-of-working.
If you're a Pitch Perfect fan then you should watch this cause it's entertaining - Acapella Boot Camp
Get your chest up Fridays.
okay, logging off before I get even more distracted.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Oh right, it's November. Today I'm thankful for....15 minute power naps.
That's what I just wrote and realized, I never ever want to have to write lines like that ever again.
I passed comps, why can't the semester be over already?!
I think I've hit the senior slide. I'm slowly losing motivation about homework and grades. Which is interesting because the lowest grade I've gotten on a project so far in grad school is a B. The lowest class grade was an A- which killed my 4.0 GPA btw. Now it's at like 3.979 which is just mean really.
I'm ready for graduation, got my official invitation today in the mail. This weekend I'll be ordering my cap and gown.
BUT in order for all of that to happen I need to pass this class and before I can pass this class I need to finish this paper.
Maybe it's not a senior slide, maybe it's just today. I just feel dead. I don't know what it is, but all morning I was in complete zombie mode. I was so out of it that I spent my 15 minute break asleep in the periodicals area of the basement. Set my alarm so I'd wake back up, I was out immediately. Weird weird weird dreams, I'm hoping I didn't talk in my sleep. Apparently I do that, ask my former roommates. They found it wildly entertaining.
The library was as dead as I was, up until closing anyway, that's when the art show started so naturally that's when all the people showed up.
I don't know, I think I'm gonna work some more tonight, come up with a basic outline and some points and then crash. I've found my sources already it's the citation part that I'm really avoiding.
For some reason she's making us use Chicago style. Second class so far to do that but this time it's weird cause for the rest of the class it's been APA as opposed to the first class where it was Chicago the whole semester.
I hate Chicago style, it's confusing. You've got all the end notes and all that. Blah.
Like I said, ready for graduation.
Anyway, I'll do some more tonight, then crash, and then tomorrow is the wedding so I'll have all day up until then and then Sunday as well. It's not due until midnight, I've got plenty of time. Sort of. I'll figure it out.
I'm hoping ya'll are having a better day than I am.
On to the music. Here's what I'm playing in an attempt to wake myself up.
It's semi-kind-of-working.
If you're a Pitch Perfect fan then you should watch this cause it's entertaining - Acapella Boot Camp
Get your chest up Fridays.
okay, logging off before I get even more distracted.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Oh right, it's November. Today I'm thankful for....15 minute power naps.
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