I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Was that a bird?" "Um. Yeah."


That's all I have to say about today.

I don't know what I did but when I woke up this morning my back was in a massive amount of pain.

Must have slept wrong or slept walked and injured myself, who knows.

But it hurt.

All day.

Not that I'm whining about it.



Just reminds me that I'm getting older, which is not an easy thing to adjust to.

Though my TAB kids remind me of it every day.

While we were building our golf holes yesterday one of the teens was talking about her mom using hip terminology and how it was weird.

"cause she's old, like you."
"ouch, how old do you think i am?"
"like 30?"

Okay, first off, 30 is not old.

And second, why do teens think I'm 30? That's the second one of them at the library that's told me that.

I'm 25, good God.


New topic.

So what the crap is with this weather?

Every day this week we've had massive rain showers, flood warnings, and tornado watches.

Today's included a brief tornado warning, which led my boss, the guard and myself to the basement even though it was after closing.

Though it made closing extremely easy for the like 3 people that were still in the building.

Either come to the basement with us or leave.

They left.

After grocery shopping for the kickoff party today we'd have plenty of sustenance.

I mean, if we wanted to live off of apple juice and nilla wafers.

Although apparently Queen of the Known Universe has a secret stash of cookies somewhere.


Anyway, doesn't it say something in Revelations about natural disasters taking over right before the end of days?

That was Revelations right?

My 17 years of private Lutheran schools hasn't failed me now has it?

Yes, I am one of those.

Though now I work in a very public library, and am getting my Master's at a public University, so don't give me that look.

I'm a rebel like that.

Those were basically the highlights of the day.

Back pain.

Kickoff shopping - bought 230 boxes of juice, 4 boxes of Nilla wafers, some seeds and ziplock bags and ah, crap. I forgot the napkins.

Oh well, I'm pretty sure I have some of those somewhere.

More training in the afternoon.

During which a bird divebombed the glass door.

Like there are windows galore and he chooses the door with stuff hanging all over it?

You'd think he's notice that one isn't fly-through-able.

I felt bad for laughing.

Especially when he kind of just sat there for like 20 minutes in shock next to the door.

The guard walked by and we flagged him down.

We went to show him and the bird was gone.

So that's a good sign.

The 8 - yes 8 - giant feathers in a big circle next to the door however were not such a good sign.

After the bird came the storm, after the storm I headed home - couldn't see the road in front of me for half of the drive, but I did in fact make it home. In like double the time it usually takes me.

Came home to watch Wipeout and some Iron Chef.

I'm digging this whole tournament of champions thing.

It's very exciting.

I'm watching an old one right now, where current Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli is actually still a sous-chef to Iron Chef Geoffrey Zakarian.

If you have no idea who I'm talking about this is Alex and this is Zakarian.

I usually root for the challenger, unless they're up against Cat Cora, but this time I think I'm going for the IC's because of the combination of the both of them.

And that was my day.

Exciting, yet not overly.

Song of the day:

Sitting Waiting Wishing - Jack Johnson

sweet video. no idea how they did it.

totally under-rated artist.

yes, i've posted it before, but it was back in like 2011.

good god, have i had this thing for that long?

apparently so.

Remember, Remember the 5th of November.

Got an email about classes starting next week.


I was just getting used to this whole time off thing.

Bought the textbook, it is already en-route.

For one of the classes at least, the other isn't online yet.

But that's the 1 credit class I can finish in a weekend.

Huzzah for that.

The other class may kill me.

I'm trying to down play it and not freak myself out, but it's a lot to do in a month.

Oh well, July and it'll be over.

Then it will be camp season. Then it'll be August for my last semester of classes. Then it'll be December and I'll be done.

And then it'll be times like these when I look back and say yeah no, not gonna go for the Doctorate.

I like having free time.

and i'm out.

here's to hoping tonight's sleep doesn't make my back any worse.

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