I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Just Do It, Have It Your Way, What Happens in Vegas Stays In Vegas, Got Milk?

Happy WMC Day!!

Gonna celebrate by watching my favorite episode after I post.

Yes, it is the show that will never die even though the network killed it.

Get over it.

But right now I'm watching Castle.

Had to see the finale before I went to work tomorrow cause my coworkers watch it.

Not liking how this ending is looking.




Now it's okay.


So I was totally productive today even though I only went in 2 hours.

Did more camp stuff.

Updated software.

Paid my bills.

Got cat food.

Did laundry.

Finished Silver Linings Playbook - the book - and then watched the movie.

Sad it's over but I can read it again if I have withdrawals.

Now it's on to finishing Warm Bodies.

On disc 2 and then checked out the book as well.

The movie was hysterical, the book is pretty funny but very very different.

So I'm interested to see how it turns out.

So this week is the week for season finales.

*spoiler alert*

Tonight was Castle's, it turned out okay, at least I hope so I guess you never know what she'll say.

And we have to wait until fall, that's just mean.

I'm glad he proposed, I seriously thought they were gonna break up cause all the Twitter and Facebook feeds said to watch it with kleenex's.

2 Broke Girls was amusing as always. Glad they're gonna open up another shop and this time it's attached to the diner. Which is handy. And Nugget Buddies!! I remember those. Hurray for Happy Meal toys.

I love that every episode when Jennifer Coolidge first enters the crowd always goes nuts.

But she is awesome.

NCIS is tomorrow. I'm so far behind, gonna have to catch up online before tomorrow's episode.

Or I'll watch it when I go home this weekend, Mom records them.

Yes, I actually get to go home, two weekends in a row. Saturday we're having a camp meeting and I'm Sunday and then next weekend Sunday and Monday we're closed for Memorial Day.


So yes, I was productive, and watched some finales, and then there was the Voice of course.

Top 12 performed tonight. Here are my favorites.

Broken Wing - Holly Tucker

nailed that one.

The Story - Sarah Simmons

perfect song choice. nice job adam.

Elimination episode tomorrow, the bottom 2 go home regardless of whose team they're on.

They're both in my top 20. I'm worried about Judith. She's my number one but I haven't been as impressed with her lately.

The hype was so high early on cause she was Michael Jackson's singing partner, but now she's just being outshined by like Amber and Michelle and Sarah. To be fair, Adam has a really strong team to compete with and then Shakira's got Sasha which will be her saving grace. Blake has Holly and Danielle is rocking it, seriously, and then Usher has Michelle. People seem to like VEDO. He's okay. I'm really not a fan of Josiah. He's a pretty face but that's it, kinda like Dev from last year. Nice enough guy but there are better voices in the competition. He's made it this far cause he's good looking and he's friends with Usher.

So Usher saves him.

Kinda like the bromance between Adam and Tony Lucca from second season.

But I've already made that comparison.


Moving on.

Today was good.

Worked for two hours at the desk and then upstairs.

Have a really great GoPo that's gonna finish her hours tomorrow. And I have my TAB thing, we're gonna mockup our library golf holes so we know what we're doing day of.

On the other hand, apparently the person that I've been watching for over my shoulder showed up at work today. Thankfully I wasn't there when it happened but since they didn't get to talk to the person they wanted to talk to, aka my Boss's Boss's Boss - OH YEAH, it's gone that far - I'm guessing they'll be back tomorrow.

And I'm sure I'll be on the desk when they get there.


But it's okay. BossLady has designated her office as a safe space. Meaning I'll be running there when I see them.

Alright, I'm out for the night. Gonna need the sleep to keep up with my teenagers tomorrow afternoon.

Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.

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