I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

This Magnet Moment...

Magnet Magnet Magnet...terrible. I am a freaking magnet. And I didn't even do anything this time! I was sitting at my desk and he comes up and starts hitting on me. I wasn't even in public service! I was at the lab! Answering the phone every two minutes!
Okay, so Grandma (25-yr-old-coworker, I really need to think of another nickname that doesn't take quite that explanation) calls me a magnet. Because I attract all types of weirdos and they like latch on or something. Apparently I'm "too nice to the weird boys." That's what she says every time I tell her about a new magnet moment. Which is what I call them. Unfortunately, it's a conversation I've been having a lot lately. Anyway, these "magnet moments" range all the way from being hit on and/or stalked by teenage boys to old women. Although my favorite was this guy around my age - I was helping him find sheet music cause the music goddess was already gone and he slipped me this piece of paper with his name (illegible btw) and a note at the bottom saying "likes ass or jazz". Yeah, that was something to scrapbook. It cracked myself, Grandma (25...), and my favorite college professor up majorly. Actually that was my second choice for the name of this blog, haha. But then people would have thought that it was me saying that, therefore My Life in Closed Captions won.
Today's Magnet Moment was interesting. He asked me out, I said I don't date patrons - learned that the hard way, then he tried to find a loophole saying something about how he would ask me out at the other branch or something. But he would still be a patron there so I'm confused. Whatever. But that's going to be awkward, since he goes to both branches. I'm toast. And I'm tired of being toast.
Think I'm just going to start being mean to anyone that looks at me twice. No, couldn't do that. I'd get in trouble. I'll just run instead. That works. And it helps when your "big brother" is around to save you. Haha, another fun coworker who has had unfortunate experiences with patrons as well.
It was funny, I described the guy to him earlier, then someone looking like the guy came to the desk to ask a question about parking meters and big brother comes from out of nowhere saying, "it's time to the count the money, let's go." Wrong guy, but still appreciated. Good to know I've got people who have my back. And Grandma (25... yeah that's getting old it's time for a new nickname)...where was I... oh yeah Grandma (...) says she'll play girlfriend, but I won't see her again 'til like Thursday or something since I'm at the other branch until then. And I'm sure he'll show up at that branch. Hooray...Not. Toast. Freaking magnetic qualities.

What else...oh yeah, tonight I'm going bowling...yes, bowling. I suck, but it's still fun. Usually I only go once a year when we take the kids at teen camp. We have our usual group with our usual nicknames - Boomer, Obi-Wan, Chickenfro, Maynard, this year Scuba Steve joined us as well. I'll let you guess which one of those is mine. Anyway, tonight I'm going with Boomer (there, eliminated an option for you) and Nic, plus I think Tyler will be there as well. We grew up together, same grade school and both went away to same high school so it's always fun to see him. His two little brothers have to put up with me still since I direct the play. Speaking of, I'll get to talk to Nic about that tonight, I gotta remember to ask about the rap and commercial.

Anyway, songs for tonight:
"Something's Got a Hold on Me" Christina Aguilera from Burlesque

Figured the title fit the whole magnet theme. Love the whole 50s/60s style.

"You Drive Me Crazy" Shakin' Stevens

This is at least the third time I've posted this, yes I'm aware. But it's one of my favorites. And it also fits the theme. Well, the title does. Pretty sure these people weren't sent down to give me a thrill. Someone else a thrill perhaps.

Alright, food then bowling. Have a good one.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Well, that's something to scrapbook.

That's become kind of my motto lately. Well, that and "Black in the crevices" go here: My Life in Closed Captions: "I'm just coloring in the chicken feathers."
Anyway, it works in any circumstance, good or bad.
Like, if you win the lottery!
Well, that's something to scrapbook.
Or if some jackass guy totally rips you off and then doesn't talk to you anymore.
Well, that's something to scrapbook.
Fortunately today's was pretty good. Inservice at the library - it was actually kind of funny because I was at one presentation on the main floor and like every two minutes you could hear the door rattle because someone had ignored the signs and was trying to get in. The whole thing kind of flew by actually, cause I had some kickass presenters! Got to learn about some cool Young Adult books - which will hopefully help me out for my next grad school class that's about young adult materials - and talk about family literacy, see how media can affect libraries for the better and...what else...oh listen to a hysterical zookeeper dude do the final wrapup presentation, that was amusing. Plus I had a fun lunch with some of my coworker friends.
Quotes of the day: (well, some of them...)
-"Correlation isn't Causation, find out why at the library." theme slogans, long story
-"There is no crying in Koha." which is going to be a major theme in the upcoming weeks as we transition from our old system to a new one
-"I just need to carry an ottoman around with me." Grandma (25-yr-old-coworker) about the lack of a good footrest

"Give In To Me" - Country Strong Garrett Hedlund and Leighton Meester

They're actually not too bad. It's one of the few I bought on itunes so I figured I'd promote it.

and another fun movie duet
"Here's to Love" - Down with Love starring Ewan McGregor and Renee Zellweger

Another excellently cheesy movie. Not that Country Strong was cheesy. Depressing, yes. Cheesy, No.

I have the weekend shift so tonight will probably conclude with me konking out watching one of the many DVDs I have out that are due next week. Black Swan seems a bit creepy to watch at night, and Inception seems like something I should be completely awake for so that leaves me with either Eat Pray Love or 127 Hours. Maybe I can sleep through the whole cuts-off-his-arm thing. No, I totally wouldn't sleep through that, nightmare central. Guess I'll stick to Frasier season eight. Nerd, yeah I know. Or...30 Rock season one...hmm...the choices.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

oh the joy...

My last day off in a very long time....I spent it sleeping in, having play practice with the kids, then watching Country Strong with Grandma (25-yr-old-coworker).

Sleeping in in an apartment with no curtains to block out the sun is harder than it sounds. I mean, I have blinds, but that doesn't do much. So, yeah, gonna have to go curtain shopping sometime soon cause it's driving me bananas. Then got to drive out to play practice with Carter and came up with yet another list of musical artists he does not enjoy similar to those listed here My Life in Closed Captions: And you're the only one...who...MEOW! and here My Life in Closed Captions: Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
This time it was the Christmas song by the Chipmunks - he might have been right about that one, how long is too long for xmas music to stay on your ipod?
Also "I hear you knocking" by Wynonna which I totally jam out to, I don't know what his problem is.
He did, however, enjoy the "Elephant Love Medley" from Moulin Rouge. Maybe he agrees everyone should have someone to scream at inside an elephant.

Play practice flew by pretty quickly. We finally went through all the songs. Some of them are just plain weird so I think we're going to be doing a lot of cut and pasting. Also, since I'm going to be working a lot this week the next time I can go out to practice with them isn't until the 9th and the play is the 12th! But I'm sure Nic can handle this. She's playing the music anyway so she can decide what to keep and what to pitch. Plus they know most their lines, it's just what order they go in and who they come after that they're having troubles with.

Country Strong gets a 7/10 on my Scale of Awesome, purely for the acting. Gwyneth and the rest pf the cast were amazing. The storyline, however, was completely depressing and I'd be okay with not watching it again. The soundtrack is pretty good though, I got a few of the songs off itunes, but yeah. Totally depressing, it got to the point where Grandma (25-yr-old-coworker) and myself were yelling at the tv.

Glee, gotta love it. "Barbra Streisand" from this week's episode.

I don't think I've laughed this hard in a very long time.
I especially like Puck at 1:29 and 2:36. It's just a fantastic song, and I'm glad it's got the tmobile commercial feel again. Same setting as when they did the Safety Dance as well.

Anyway, tomorrow is inservice so I'm going to bed the minute I post this since it's an early morning and a long day. Hope you have a good one.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing on Red Wine, Mistakes, Mythology

Okay reference question for you. Where did the phrase "Face the music" originate? It's been driving me nuts since this morning.

Things I learned today from my awesome random facts app:
-A cucumber is 95% water.
-Leopards were originally called pards.
-Mr. Rogers is an ordained minister.
-Betty Rubble wasn't made into a vitamin until 27 years after the others.
-Horses can't vomit.
-2,500 left handers die each year using products designed for right handers.
-The two lions outside the New York Public Library are named "Patience" and "Fortitude".
which led to a conversation with grandma (25-yr-old-coworker) about taking pictures with one of them:

"Was it Patience or Fortitude?"
"I think it was Patience."
"You don't know do you?"
"No idea."


Songs for the night both come from Jack Johnson, he's fantastic:
"Sitting, Waiting, Wishing"

love it.

"Red Wine, Mistakes, Mythology"

My other quote of the day: "We've decided to think it's charming." Which I've started to think about the show it came from. Frasier. Am I a total nerd?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

bugs on steroids!

That's what a friend of mine said when she first moved here. We were driving and her windshield was covered in june bug juice. haha. But there were freaking bugs everywhere at work this morning. Spiders and crickets and some weird looking green thing. Just gross.

So, Jarvis decided to go rogue again. The unlock button on my key stopped working so I had to use the actual key. Which is fine. Except that it set the car alarm off. Crimeony. I'll have to figure out where the spare key is cause tomorrow I'm at both libraries and an alarm blaring might make things awkward. Especially when there's a security guard that would totally make fun of you for it.

But play practice was awesome! I was shocked! I mean, usually it's awesome because I love the kids and we have a lot of fun but this year they're just not as pumped as usual. Anyway, today they knew most of their lines and they were actually singing the songs. I'm going back out Thursday afternoon and hopefully we'll be completely out of the books and all that. Bop and my oldest girl are writing their own commercial so that's exciting. The King and Shad started working on their rap this afternoon. So if both of those things get finalized and we start work on them by the end of this week we might actually be ready! Shocker! 16 days. Holy toast. I'm just glad I don't have to learn the lines. I do however have to write a song with Nic. Which of course we haven't started yet. Last year we wrote it just a few days before performance so we're right on track now. We still need to pick a topic as well. I'll have to brainstorm on that this week. What about, what it takes to direct a grade school play? hmm...

Another fun thing that's kind of still going on - we're having a bit of a battle on facebook! My cousins and myself that is. My sister mentioned something about not being cool enough for her daughter to want to be "matchers" with - which is more of a long story - but my male cousin stood up for her, saying our family is awesome but then something along the lines of the male members of the family being better. To which he was bombarded by comments by myself, my sister, my second sister, and two of my cousins. I cool aunt quoted him as well. Because she's right and this just proves true. "*insert last name* women show up!" Which is true! Weddings, family reunions, etc. We're always there. Us women are awesome. And it is totally on like donkey kong. Seriously.

Quote of the day:
"Another four weeks, which he said four weeks ago." Dad about his healing process. He's ready to be done with all that medical junk but the doctors keep pushing it back.

"No Air" Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown

I enjoy watching him put on his jacket in slow motion. And okay, gotta say,
Red hoodie = awesome.
Giant blue scarf that's really awkward and unnecessary indoors = dumb.
It's like the updated version of Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman yelling at each other in a giant elephant, I'm loving it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

I got Spocked.

He "live long and prosper"-d me then walked out.

I keep these notes in my cellphone and date each one. I was reading them on my break, last year on this day it was, "Her life is what great tragic novels are made of." I wish I could remember who I was talking about. Yesterday's was "Well, that's something to scrapbook." Which can work in really any situation, bad or good. Although it would probably seem more amusing in a bad one. Last year yesterday's was from a lit class in college. "I hear something." "It's my heart beating." I was kind of an English nerd and was friends with fellow English nerds. We had a lot of fun with literature.

It was brought to my attention this weekend that mis-matched socks are now fashionable. Which sucks. Because that means I have to find matching socks. I've never been into the whole fashion thing. I grew up wearing tear-aways and a backwards Titans hat. Which suspiciously went missing by the way... I suspect foul play *cough*Mom*cough* but have yet to prove it.

Alright, song for tonight is an old favorite. I mean, it's not too old...actually it's been like 10 years. So, recently old. Yes, recently old. I'm going with that.
Uncle Kracker's "Follow Me"

Used to sing this song with my softball teammates between games. Fun times.

Tomorrow is split shift and play practice. BTW - it was a good thing I left my phone on last night since I did get a call this morning from work. Anyway, play practice is going to have to be some sort of hardcore tomorrow. Going over all the songs - no skipping - saying lines with their faces out of the book. They'll be mad about both those things but I'm starting a countdown. May 12th. 17 Days. We're soooooo not ready.

Okay, I'm gonna crash. Well, make supper and then crash. Long day tomorrow.
Have a good one.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Well I am young but I have aged...

Oh the joys of Easter. Lots of food, lots of candy, time with family, now I'm in need of a giant nap. But it was a good day. Church, then second sister and I hid the eggs (with the easter bunny i mean) and it was like candy overload. We always get too much, but it's awesome that way. My brother enjoys it because he finds more and more candy throughout the week. After dinner the kids were running all over the place finding the candy and playing on the playground area. Dad built this playhouse thing with a slide and a sandbox and a merry-go-round with a bunch of swings...all for the grandkids of course. We didn't get any of this stuff, huh.
Anyway, there was so much food! and then we watched - well attempted to watch - Angels and Demons, but I had to keep changing the channel when the scary parts were on since kids were running in and out of the room, plus half the adults were napping. It was humorous. So, two crying children and a broken crockpot later I'm home and jamming out on my couch.

As promised, some indie favorites.

Rilo Kiley "Silver Lining" LIVE! awesome

recorded at a radio station, love it!

She & Him "In the Sun"

I seriously love this video. It amuses me. And I would have posted "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here" since its my favorite of theirs but I posted it a few weeks ago - the morbid disturbing night with Beck's "Loser".

Eh, I'll post it again anyway. Cause I like it and I can.
Sounds vaguely like Adam Sandler in "The Wedding Singer" ... "well I have a microphone and you don't..."
"Why Do You Let Me Stay Here" She & Him

i already commented on the morbidity in my last post of this, but i still laugh hysterically at 1:02.

"Life is Short" Butterfly Boucher

very catchy.

"Hurtful" Erik Hassle

gotta love itunes free music, i actually like this song a lot.

"The Fear" Lily Allen

I think if I were to break it down, Lily Allen and She & Him would probably be my favorite indie bands.

And I'm out. I don't think I have to go in tomorrow morning so I might actually get to sleep in! Which will really kind of suck for my coworkers since we were closed yesterday and there will be a lot to catch up on. I'll leave my ringer on in case they need me.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rockin' the Bowtie

Another fun band name.

So, today was fun. 9-12 almost turned into a 9-6, which would have been fine, but I actually had plans - as opposed to pretty much any other day when I could have stayed. Anyway, I got to see my friends from back home! Which was exciting since none of us actually still live back there! Anyway, one is still in state like me but the other is in Chicago so I went over to their place for dinner - they're sisters. We grew up together, riding the bus together since kindergarten. But dinner was fun. We're kind of family, just because we've known each other for so long, so we got to catch up, drink wine, eat too much good food - pie included. Now I'm exhausted and I have to do it all again tomorrow with my own family! I mean get, I get to do it all again tomorrow with my own family. Joking. I love my family. And it will be fun. Especially with the amount of candy those kids are gonna get. My siblings are going to hate me for that. Although, technically, I didn't buy it. I just crammed it into the eggs. I mean, I helped the Easter bunny cram it into the eggs. Yeah. Let's go with that.

So, in honor of my friends I'll post some fun music from Warped - yeah, they are the Warped in Denver friends - we saw MCR, Simple Plan, Billy Idol, Sarcasm (hot drummer), Hawthorne Heights, MXPX! and many others. It was fun.

Up first, so funny, is Gogol Bordello. I remember hearing this song for the first time. We were driving out there and I had this Warped '05 CD that like previewed some of the music they were gonna play and our jaws just like dropped. WHAT?!

"Start Wearing Purple" - Gogol Bordello

These guys were actually pretty good live. I was impressed. Kilts and all. It was just kind of a funny thing, we were blasting rock music and this gypsy punk comes out of nowhere. Yes. Gypsy punk. It's real. And it's awesome.

"Sing" - My Chemical Romance

I am jealous of their sweet laser guns.

Tomorrow means church then family then food then candy then hopefully a nap. Cause I'm going to need it.

"All your sanity and wits they will all vanish. I promise." That's a good tagline.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Until staying's worse than leaving.

I got an "lol" from Superwoman today. Brings me back to my MSN days. BRB...I'm not actually going anywhere but neither is this conversation.

Sunny Sweeney - "Staying's Worse Then Leaving"

Not as good live, but it's fantastic recorded. and free this week on itunes if you're interested.

Newton Faulkner - "Gone in the Morning"

Sister recommendation - it's from Morning Glory. knew I'd heard it before. And an awesome video!

So, hypothetically, if I were in need of a pen name, what do you think would be a good one?

Okay, I'm going to try and get through all 10 DVDs I have checked out this weekend so I can return them all Monday. It's a goal. It won't happen, but it's a goal.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Cause even after three text messages, four missed calls you still..."

So, I have this doppelganger.
"Get a dictionary"

Which is handy if something bad happens and you need someone to blame it on. But also kind of sucks when people think you're them when you're actually not. Anyway, if you think you know me from pre-2010 and you aren't from my hometown, a member of my family, classmate or campmate then you probably don't. This makes things like parking garages awkward. No I don't know you. No I didn't go to that high school. While my short-term memory is crap (ask my non-school friends) my long-term actually doesn't suck.
I'm totally serious about this, and I know I have one because my high school classmate lived in the same dorm as her in college. She rides a bike which clearly screams Not me! since I haven't ridden a bike since Dad decided to steal my tire and use it as a turn-the-wheel game at the home and garden show like 8 years ago. Actually, I think he used the tire because I wasn't riding the bike, but I like my version better. I went away to high school! And college! When was I supposed to ride a bike? Plus, bikes, on gravel? Not as fun.

And yes that NCIS clip was necessary, I could have posted the entire episode "Doppelganger" from when Kate was still around but I figured that would be too long. It's a fantastic episode but this is from season three, when Jenny was alive and had long hair.

So, I'm watching Star Wars episode 5. Last night the Wordsmith and me ordered pizza and watched episode 4 - mostly because I wanted to watch out for the anecdotes Carrie Fisher talked about in her autobiography. So I have yet to watch Country Strong - "Gwyneth" word count = 1 "Those t-shirts would be so Gwyneth!" - Also because I can't remember how Leia figures out she and Luke are siblings. I'm a nerd but not like a total crazy obsessed nerd. I remember how Luke finds out he's Vader's son - duh - but not about Leia and Luke. I just remember her kissing him in beginning episode 5. Was she like, "That was so bad, he must be my brother." Which reminds me - I was at the dentist a couple months ago and the dentist was like, "So (insert brother's name) is your husband?" I believe my exact words were, "Um, gross." "Brother. Got it." My sister-in-law goes to a different dentist so I guess since we have the same last name it would sort of make sense? Gross.

More quotes from yesterday and today:
-"Bring your favorite painkiller." Sensei about the day we switch over to the new system. She's bringing donuts. I said I'd bring juice. It's going to be a long day.

-"Let's call him Bob."
-"It would more likely be Ug. Unless he was a pirate. Then he'd be Arg the Pirate Caveman."
Conversation with fellow Star Wars fan I shall call him "Master" about inspiration. Everyone is inspired by someone else, unless of course you are a caveman who had no one before you to be inspired by.

-"What about Space Cadet #1 and Space Cadet #2?"
-"It should say Dirt and Subdirt."
Bringing back the Dirt System! mentioned here My Life in Closed Captions: What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all ab... Basically, I have no power so I'm below dirt. Subdirt. LA2's (aka Space Cadet, Queen of Awesome and Joe Studley) are Dirt. Glee-loving boss is Grass. Sensei is Trees (although she would prefer a flowery shrub). Superwoman is the clouds. Assistant BBB is the Moon. And Boss's Boss's Boss is the Sun.
Anyway, we were talking about the names on the back of our matching t-shirts for inservice day. I still think it would be awesome. Totally Gwyneth! WC=2

Never Shout Never - "CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater"

Ram Jam - "Black Betty"

In celebration of awesome classic music for 69 cents on itunes. Hooray! I especially like the guy next to the drums whose only job it seems is to clap and dance like an idiot.

Ha! there's this episode of Ace of Cakes where they're talking about the Millennium Falcon inside the asteroid. "If you think you're in a giant worm, shoot the ground!" That's where I'm at now. And, okay, some time between episode 3 and episode 5 Yoda went bonkers.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My coworkers are cooler than your coworkers...

The second segment in a series I'm going to call "My job is cooler than your job". I say as humbly as I can. Here's part one from back in December: My Life in Closed Captions: Here's a little segment called: "My boss is cooler...

What brought this back is that apparently, people think I'm nuts because I would rather work than do something else. Some are joking and some are boyfriends who are upset by my priority choices. But seriously, how often can you find coworkers who will pretend to be your girlfriend to make the creepers go away, or give you their happy meal toys, or form a fake band, or make up slogans to wear on matching tshirts, or go along with your crazy nickname system, or turn super protective when something goes wrong? When you're able to go to work and actually not mind the fact that you're at work instead of at home sleeping - that's when you know that you found somewhere you belong. Anyway, if you still don't understand and think my priorities are skewed then that just proves my point. You don't have coworkers as cool as mine.

Moving on.

Okay, so I had this major update to a new ipod recently since I have too much music to fit in an 8GB one. Sad, I know. So, instead of just 1500 songs now I have over 4000 and counting. I'm feeling a bit like Abby right now when she buys ipods for everyone on NCIS and Gibbs says he only listens to 5. She's like only 5000? Here I'll find it.

Anyway, since there's an increase in songs on the ipod there's also an increase in skippage aka putting it on shuffle and skipping songs until I get to one I actually listen to frequently. I mean, I listen to all of them but there are certain like contexts for each song... If that makes sense. Like sometimes you don't want to listen to a song, not because you don't like it, you're just not in the mood for it. Anyway, my point is, I found a few songs that I not only never skip but constantly put the thing on repeat and listen to them over and over. And I know I've done favorite songs day during favorites week My Life in Closed Captions: These are a few of my favorite things - Day One: M... (yes I will overload you with links in this post) so I'm limiting these to songs that have only come out recently (or semi-recently). I'm pretty sure I've posted at least half of these before, oh well.

Song 1: Since You've Been Gone - no not Kelly Clarkson or Aretha but Theory of a Deadman.

This was my first music rec ever on here (well that and Ashlyne Huff's "Heart of Gold") way back in January...My Life in Closed Captions: Happy , Happy New Year! Hooray for Apples to Apples.

Song 2: "Something Good Can Work" Two Door Cinema Club

This is a total jam out song, I'm diggin it. Loving these guys (despite that they look like they're 12), and iTunes for giving it to me for free. iTunes' free music each week isn't actually all that bad, especially for indie stuff.

Song 3: Back at Your Door - Maroon 5

Why my new relationships never work. Kind of a theme song for me actually. Which is why it goes on repeat.

Song 4: Somebody to Love - Glee version of Queen

Loving this version, and the choreography is excellent as always.

Song 5: Lover Lover - Jerrod Neimann

Pretty sure this one has everything to do with the deep voice. It's like Josh Turner all over again.

Song 6: Forget You - Glee version of Cee-Lo Green

If you're only going to watch one of these videos make it this one. Gwyneth is amazing. She's like Cher or Ellen - she doesn't even need a last name, I'm gonna start a campaign! I'll call it the "Gwyneth needs no last name campaign" . Rhymes and everything. She's so talented and so funny that there can only be one word to describe her awesomeness: "Gwyneth". You could use it as an adjective like as in, "That outfit is so Gwyneth! Like oh my god!" She's someone who can actually pull off something like naming her child "Apple" and I'm okay with it. (Look it up I'm not making that up). I'm doing it. I'll start a trend. "Gwyneth" is going to be my word of the week. Don't question the "Gwyneth".
I don't know about you, but I'm totally making the Wordsmith watch "Country Strong" with me tonight. He's used to my chick flicks anyway.

Okay, honorable mentions that are basically great songs but I've posted them too recently and I don't want to bore you with repetition. "Misery" (Glee version) "Raise Your Glass" (also Glee version or Pink's really either is fantastic) "How" (Maroon 5) "She's Not There" (Glee version or the Zombies original classic) "Safety Dance" (okay a lot of these are Glee versions but I'm a soundtracks kind of girl) "We Used to be Friends" (Dandy Warhols) and "Blackbird" (Glee version, I love the Beatles but I'm loving the updated acapella style).

The Wordsmith is bringing food and I'm thinking movie night then crash cause early mornings (like todays) are totally exhausting.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's just a jump to the left...

And a step to the riiiiiiiiight.

Split shift + play practice + listening to Carrie Fisher's autobiography = a full day.

Quotes of the day:
-"I just have basically too much personality for one person but not enough for two."
"Wishful Drinking" is the title of her autobiography, it's fantastic. I listened to the audio version which she reads and I totally recommend.
-"Ultimately, who's gonna give a medal to someone with a big stupid red dot in their eye? I don't care how much force is with him."
Her on Mark Hamill's bursted blood vessel in the final scene of SW4.

Play practice was kind of a mess. We have a new girl which means Hooray! I don't have to learn lines anymore! But I still have to write a song and work on that commercial. Or maybe they'll want to write their own commercial. That might be fun for them. But we are super late with everything. We don't have blocking, they're still in their books, we're still skipping half the songs and yeah, we have less than a month until performance. May 12th. So that's what like 3 weeks and change. Yikes.

Carrie Fisher roasts George Lucas

She includes parts of this in her autobiography. It was funny cause I was kind of quoting it along with her - yes I posted this during favorites week get over it. It's fantastic.

Now I'm starving. Don't think I've eaten anything today so I should probably work on that before I konk out. Early day tomorrow with training and all that.

"Because there was no underwear in space!"

Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm Bennie, he's the Jets...

Today was excellent! Surprisingly...I think the Dog Days are over...I'd post the video for that song but it's just creepy. Like creepier than those morbid videos I posted a couple weeks ago. So I'll hit you with another celebration video instead.

Bennie and the Jets - 27 Dresses style

Hooray for Katherine Heigl and James Marsden!

Quotes of the day:
-"It was like Dr. Jekyl and Mrs. Hyde!" Favorite patron about his wife in labor
-"Well, I guess since they cloned that sheep anything's possible." Frasier

Tomorrow means split shift plus play practice. It should be fun. I'm out, totally exhausted.

And yes, I'm posting this again because I'm still laughing.
oh Victoria...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"And now, I own a boat!"

Think I'm going to bed early. Or attempt to go to bed, might turn on a comedy and fall asleep halfway thru that. I think I'm getting sick. Stress and frustration overload. It's like messing with my head. This isn't love. It's not even like. It's nausea-induced psychosis.

Quote of the day:
"All I remember are the boots."
-favorite patron, long story

Comedy clip section:

I love Castle.

I caught up on my Mike & Molly while at the farmhouse. I love the sister and the mother, they're fantastic. I don't think I know the sister from anything else, but she's fabulous at acting like an idiot.
Check this out:
gotta watch through all the way to the end. hysterical.
"Totally uncool, yeah."

Here's some more comedy for you. Judson's awesome dancing.

"Inspirational comedian"???

And I'm out. Tomorrow is going to be interesting.

Any way the wind blows...
I'm still laughing about that bigfoot line. fantastic.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

You're everything that everybody warned about...

How to describe the past 60 hours. Wait, how long ago was 3PM Thursday? I'm bad at math. I think it's around 60. Or maybe not, I'm too tired to count. Okay, how to describe approximately the past 60 hours...
I met a guy. I thought he was sane. We went out. And it turns out he's not. Actually he is. I think. Maybe it's me that's crazy. But since when does playing darts at a bar suddenly put you in a serious relationship? I'm still totally lost. I met him at 3. He asked me out at 4. My coworkers said don't do it, he's bad news bears at 5. We met up at 6. He started referring to himself as my boyfriend at like 9. Seriously?
We hung out and all that then he calls me like all day Friday even though I was at work so I couldn't answer and totally freaked out on me when I spent my night doing homework instead of seeing him again. But it was due at midnight! So then he wanted to hang out today but I already had plans aka class and going to the farm. Then stuff happened with him so he called me like 30 times before 10AM. I'm just still totally confused. Anyway, everyone I've talked to says to run for the hills and don't be nice about it. Which is really hard for me because I'm kind of a nice person. Well, not according to the BFF, she knows the real cynical and sarcastic me. But anyway, he's a nice guy and just because he has a past doesn't mean that it's going to like...I don't know where I'm going with this.
Anyway, the point is I'm single again. Or trying to be. But I don't think it's working. Cause I'm ending it over the phone. (I've known him like 60 hours, am I actually required to do this live? I was never good at that either.) The second sister won't let me see him anymore. I'm actually kind of fond of her "Intercom Breakup" theory. Like if he mysteriously shows up at your door you just do it over the intercom instead of letting him in. I think it could soon be all the rage - like the next major breakup trend.
Back to the whole phone thing, yeah, all we do is argue. He questions me about everything I say. We have nothing in common. We're kinda polar opposites actually. Scratch that, we are polar opposites and my family wouldn't approve. So no, my mother doesn't know, and no you can't tell her.
So I told him that all we do is argue and we don't have anything in common and my family wouldn't approve and that all these things are important to me so we couldn't work because we weren't working and yeah, guess what. We argued. More. So I hung up cause I was tired of it. He called 8 times before I could turn my phone off.
Apparently I'm it for him and he's like ready to settle down and ugh he said all this cheesy crap about how he was waiting for the right person and that all the waiting was worth it because he met me or something like that. It made me want to vomit. Literally. He makes me sick. Maybe I should tell him that next time he calls. But no, all the stress and frustration is literally making me sick. And giving my friends/family/coworkers anxiety. Monday is gonna be fun. Because I met him at work. And he knows I'll be there. Ugh. Guard!

And no, I'm not forgetting about the religious fortune teller's prediction about me finding my mate in the next few weeks - and neither are my coworkers. I'm taking a lot of crap for this. Taking a step back it is kind of amusing. Cabin Fever is going back to the "tell him you worship snakes" theory mentioned here My Life in Closed Captions: The girl with the captivating eyes + sick day + fi... Which basically scares away telemarketers, religious fanatics and creepy looking stalkers. I'm hoping.

Irony about reposting that link is that I've had quotes from Gilmore Girls floating around in my head since I met him and also that was about my first class and today was my last class. Which was good by the way. Kinda sad actually, I was just starting to get to know those people. And I was very TA today which was funny. The Prof had to kind of leave early so I helped out with evaluations and all that. I'll post the Goddess-isms tomorrow when I have my notebook.

"Like stop eating the paste kind of special?" The Gilmore Girls thing lately was about Paris going on a date. I actually love Paris's character. Now. In the beginning she was kind of a B word. I'm starting to censor myself again as camp is coming up soon, not to mention I work in a library filled with children. Anyway, she goes on this date with this guy named Jamie and people are like shocked. Which is kind of like me. Cause I don't really have time to date anymore. Cause I'm a workaholic. I love my work and I love my job and I love my coworkers. Plus camp is coming up, plus we're having play practice all the time, plus there's been family stuff, plus plus plus...blah. Anyway, I don't really date. Not that I've really dated dated since like college. And I don't think that counted. Which is more of a long story. What was I talking about? PARIS! Right, anyway, sorry it's past midnight I get rambly. Shutup Amber, I know you're thinking she's like this no matter the time.
Anyway, Paris has this line -
"I can instantly deduce that when someone hears the name 'Paris' in the same sentence with the word 'date,' jaws will drop, confused looks will cover faces, words like 'how' and 'why' and 'Quick, Bob, get the children in the minivan because the world is obviously coming to an end.' will immediately fly out of people's mouths."

Very similar to me. And it's just so nice because it ties back to the whole fortune teller thing with the end of the world. But that's just one of my many favorite quotes from that episode.

Now I'm feeling more like:
Paris: What if I fall for him but he doesn't like me?
Rory: You'll find someone else.
Paris: What if there is no one else?
Rory: Then you'll get some cats.

But I'm not falling. I've found it's physically impossible to fall for someone when you're still hung up on your ex.

Song for the past few days:
Lily Allen's "Knock 'em Out" one of my favorites, although all of hers are fantastic.

"Try desperately to think of the politest way to say - uhhhh..."

Another fun quote from that episode -
Paris: Get in the closet.
Rory: What? You're crazy.
Paris: If there's no one to compare me to, I might have a fighting chance.
Rory: When we get home, get a new therapist because the one you have isn't working.

Okay, that was a lot. But I have been gone for a while. Tomorrow means long day, but it'll be relaxing. So I guess it's not really long. Why do people say long day when every day is the same length? I'm gonna go to sleep now before I turn even more philosophical over cliches. That happens a lot when I'm half asleep. Also, words like "fork" "spoon" and "Doug" seem a lot funnier past 2AM.

I'm gonna go now. More tomorrow. Or later today. Yeah. Out.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"I transferred from Los Angeles, your school has no gymnastics team, this is a last resort..."

Name that movie. It's my random quote of the day.
Others include:
Oldest Sister - "I'm related to that one."
Me - "She's my older sister."
Josh - "You're very strong."
OS - "So you've met my family."
Josh - "Just that one."
Thanks. But he's actually the reason I went tonight. He helps out at camp, well directs the teen one with Steve and me. He's got some good one-liners from camp as well.
Me - "Josh!"
Josh - "Finally! Someone who doesn't call me Pastor!"
and then the incident when all the guy leaders were talking about bathrooms and I refused to take part in the conversation (i was the only girl counselor that year) so I got up and walked away and heard him yell, "Shaaaaaaaaaaaaare! Carrie won't shaaaaaaare!"

Today was a serious roller coaster. Early morning training at the big branch and the system was flaky? I guess you could say, where it worked one minute but then it didn't the next. After that it was like flustered central because there was a lot to do and I was scheduled to practice more training stuff but I did actual work work instead because we were behind. By the time I got out of there I was exhausted and I was only there 'til one. Then I came over to the smaller branch after that - so it was backwards day - and got to have fun conversations with my coworkers there. I love my coworkers. And my boss. They are the bomb-diggity. My Glee-loving boss says that we should get matching t-shirts for inservice with a phrase that basically deals with the name of our branch and a movement that happened in the 1860's. I think it'd be fun. I'm actually semi-excited for inservice. I mean, it'll probably be long and stuff, but I'll know people so it's okay.

"Hey Soul Sister" Glee version

The Warblers at Sectionals. Awesomeness.

Missy is my hero. I have no idea how this quote came to me today, I saw nothing dealing with Eliza Dushku or cheerleading or gymnastics or Los Angeles. But yeah. Just one of those that comes at you and sticks with you.

Now I feel like I should watch the movie. Do I even own the movie? Hmmm... gonna find out.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Maybe, completely, wrapped up in you.

Garth Brooks, stuck in my head. I'd post the link but he doesn't have anything on youtube.

Tuesday means work in the morning, play practice in the afternoon, back to work at night and now "Body of Proof". Awesomeness.
"Your daughter's not like you."
"Is that good or bad?"

Anybody else a fan? I'm loving Dana Delaney, there's similarities to her character on Castle. She guest starred as an FBI agent in the second season.
"Castle, what part of un-ass don't you understand?"
"All of it."
Awesome episode.

BTW - that whole natural cut fries thing being the best is crap. They're nasty.

Early morning at work tomorrow so I should probably konk out sometime soon. As lame as that sounds. It's more training for the new system. I'm curious as to how it works from our side - the first session we just went over what it looks like for patrons.

"How" Maroon 5

A song that goes on repeat on my ipod frequently.

Okay, like I said. Totally lame but I'm out. Have a good one.

"Don't patronize me with lies, I'm a man be a woman now."

Monday, April 11, 2011

Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.

Okay so that whole cleaning thing went out the window. I did take a nap. Which was nice...for a whole like half an hour. You can only sleep so long at the farmhouse since it's freakin' grand central station. Phone call after phone call and the ringers are loud.
Play practice was excellent, kids are getting pretty into it. The only problem that now kids are out sick and the oldest is still out because of the surgery. So we're going to play a lot of catch-up with not a lot of time. May 12th is the date. One month from tomorrow. And we're still in the classroom which is not a good sign. Maybe we'll be down on the stage by the end of the week. We're gonna have to soon to start working on blocking. Thankfully this year's play came with a choreography DVD that I still have yet to watch, woops. But I don't have to come up with it this year, hooray!
Keeping it short tonight, kinda tired for no real reason other than it's a Monday. Castle was awesome though! Yay for the ending!

"Let's Dance" David Bowie

Classic song. Although, not the video I was expecting. "Under the moonlight, the serious moonlight..."

Moulin Rouge...Just because I can.

Because everyone should have someone to scream at in a giant elephant.
Pure awesomeness, minus the offkey moment at 0:29. But it's cool, she fixes it on the soundtrack.

Tomorrow means split shift, hooray! So I can run some errands, clean apartment, attempt to nap. We'll see.

"How wonderful life is now you're in the world."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

We can dress real neat from our hats to our feet and surprise them with a victory cry!

Today flew, and in a good way. Sort of. And I only got yelled at once so that's a bonus. Tomorrow means sleeping in (hooray!), play practice, then probably helping Mom clean the yard. Although it looks like she's already gotten a big start. So I guess that depends on what's left.
Maybe I'll clean the house instead. Or my closets. Since they still have stuff in them. Lots and lots of crap that's just shoved onto shelves. Yeah, it's one of those. Like a Monica's secret closet that no one notices until they try to open the door and it's locked kind of closet. Then they open it and stuff just falls out all over the place. Monica's secret shame. Although mine isn't really a secret. Or a shame. But the doors close so it's okay. And, to be fair, since I've moved out, a lot of the stuff in the closet is actually not mine. I know! I came home and there's a bunch of other peoples' clothes just like hanging in it! I guess I should be happy they didn't turn my room into a gym. That's a second Friends reference for those of you counting.

I'm trying to think of commercial ideas for the play. Since it's a Survivor show - well, Survivor Babylon - we're writing our own commercials. One is going to be for our band which means we'll have to write another song, and the second needs to involve two of the older kids that don't have as many lines. They're both pretty good so I'm not worried, it's the writing part that is screwing me over. I'm thinking something about flame retardant material. Since it's about a fiery furnace and all the commercials should fit with the theme. So like spray or brooms or something, I don't know I'm stuck. I go through sporadic clever spells. This isn't one of them. That happens with camp too. Which reminds me I need to start working on those application forms because they need to be sent out soon. Oh well, maybe I'll think of something during practice tomorrow.

Okay, I'll stop with the rambling. Have fun with some Glee.
It's the Safety Dance! Artie's dream sequence.

I'm tempted to start one of these at work. But I'm guessing my musical-hating colleague might not appreciate it. We'll see.

"The night is young and so am I."

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just you and me and my GUAAARRRDS!

Hung out with family and watched Men in Tights, it was one of my favorites growing up. 9/10 on the Scale of Awesome. "You changed it to Latrine?" Although it was hard not to see Maid Marian as Hailey Nash since I'm now hooked on "Hot in Cleveland".

"Mind the big rocks!"

So. Today. Yeah. Seriously, the day started with I think the weirdest phone call I've ever gotten, that's a new high really. And since it was at the beginning of the day the rest of the day just felt bizarre.
Apparently, within the next few weeks, I'm going to find my mate. Oh, and the world is going to end. That's what a patron told me today on the phone. She could tell this because of the way I talked and what numeric system I used or something - I don't know I was just giving her the phone numbers she asked for! Well, yelled at me for. But then she was nice once I found them. So weird.
And you know, my fun and exciting coworkers finally stopped teasing me about that whole bugs thing, this is just gonna be worse. Ugh. Tomorrow should be interesting.

"I hope it's worth the noise!"

But after work life was relaxing. I got off early afternoon so I came home and watched "Morning Glory" - which I'd give about 7/10. There were a lot of funny lines, I loved Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton they were fantastic. Then went over to sister's for food and entertainment. Now I'm just starting "The Tourist", so far it's pretty good, I'll give you a rating tomorrow.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't your mole... on the other side?"
"I have a mole?!"

Think I'll be out soon after the movie, if I don't fall asleep during it, then long day tomorrow. After work is home cause Monday I'm off and we have more play practice, hooray! Now that they're excited again it makes practice fun. And it'll be the first day for me with no one gone. Hopefully. Our king might still be out, he had surgery on his leg.

Best part of the movie.
Men in Tights theme song

"We're men in tights, yes!"



Friday, April 8, 2011

I can be brown, I can be blue, I can be violet sky......

Play practice was much better. The boys have decided that they're going to do a rap-off at the end, since the king in the play is the king of rap, and now they're actually excited about the musical as a whole. So practice was fun. We're letting them write their own lyrics for their rap off, then we'll of course have to clear them, but they're stoked. Awesome.

Went to my high school's musical tonight, was cool to hit up the old stomping grounds. I realized that I'm just slowly moving down the interstate, it's actually kind of funny. High school, then 20 miles down the road was college, now 30 miles down the road is work, then another 50 or so miles down the road is grad school. I'm wondering what happens next cause I really don't want to end up in Iowa. Not that there's anything wrong with Iowa, I just prefer it here.
Anyway, the musical was awesome, they did Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. I was quite proud since a lot of my camp kids were in it. Although it made me feel really old cause some of those kids were like kid kids when I was doing those musicals. Like, I was acting with their siblings and now they're all like grown and tall and wow. I'm old.
And I got to sit by with my high school teacher, who pretty much got me through high school, so it was cool to catch up. And I drug my co-director with me even though she saw it Thursday and we talked strategy for set design and commercials for our own musical.

Quotes of the week
- What's that Abbers?
- Juice and nanas...
my niece is super cute, we were reading books this afternoon then she had to have her snack.

-Give him a pamphlet and tell him to find Jesus.
a friends mom's advice for making stalkers go away

- My orca is gonna attack your porpoise!
i really feel like leaving this one unexplained but i won't. Girlscout was admiring our squirtguns for summer reading, they are animal shaped.

What else happened this week, oh! movies!
Salt - Angelina Jolie was pretty badass, I'm gonna give it a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. She had me fooled, I was actually really confused who's side she was on, so I had to watch it all the way through. As much as I'm for Team Aniston, Jolie is still pretty much awesome, mostly in this and Tomb Raider. Oh and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

The Fighter - awesome storyline, awesome acting, earned every award and nomination it received. 8/10.

Weeds season one - pretty funny so far. Not sure if I'm gonna stick with it through all the seasons, I guess that depends on how this one ends. But it's funny. There's a lot of bust-out-laughing moments. Mary Louise Parker, who I didn't know much about before but loved her in RED (that made the top 5, check the favorites week post here My Life in Closed Captions: This is a week of my favorite things Day Two: Movi...) is hysterical as the widower who goes broke so in order to support her family she starts selling weed in the suburbs. Hilarious.

Next on my list is The Tourist more Angelina Jolie, also currently checked out to me but I haven't watched it yet. And, Nurse Jackie season one, plus today I just got Morning Glory. Hope to get to watch those or part of those at some point this weekend. Maybe tomorrow, since I'm only halfday.

And now, "Grace Kelly" by Mika

got my camp friends hooked now i'll share it with you.

Humphrey, we're leaving.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I bought a troll, I bought a troll for you. The one you wanted was blue, but they only had yellow.

Jimmy Fallon's troll doll jingles, in case you were wondering.

Okay so this track, and the rest of the cd, brings back some interesting memories, mostly revolving around KRT tour, midnight phone calls to Mak (not actual phone calls that's kind of a long story) and "NO PANTS! You get the doll you don't get the pants!"

Second sister and I randomly text the lyrics to some of these back and forth and I texted them to my oldest sister and just completely confused her. So, since your life isn't really complete until you've heard Jimmy Fallon's troll doll jingles I am posting it for your listening pleasure.

The story behind it is that earlier on the CD - he's performing live at someone's homecoming - he's finding celebrities to be a spokesperson for this new line of troll dolls that are coming out and they think that they should have a jingle as well. So this is him basically taking some songs and tweaking their lyrics. It's hysterical.

i really enjoy coldplay's and the dave matthews band. although alanis was pretty good as well....
But I'm posting this one cause it's the CD version and you can actually understand what he's saying......as opposed to these next ones.

here's the live performance part one, there's an additional fugees insert

and an extra george michael's one in here

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We can be heroes just for one day...

Okay, so you know when you wake up in the middle of the night thinking it's actually past noon and then almost call your boss before you look outside and realize it's still the middle of the night? Then wake up a couple of hours later thinking that that night is actually the next night when you have to be at work early? Then when you wake up, when you're actually supposed to wake up, you see you have a voicemail from your boss and totally freak out thinking that either you actually did call your boss at 2AM or are missing the new systems training you were supposed to show up early for? You know? Show of hands? Anyone? Nope, probably just me.

But, thankfully the call was just about covering for someone who called in sick so I was very relieved. After work (I actually got off semi early) I hit up Barnes and Noble then Target. Then caught up on my shows, Harry's Law, Castle, now it's NCIS and dude! don't go down a dark alley just to take a closer look at a talking doll. Run, Run away!

The Wallflowers version of "Heroes"

As heard on The Replacements, an excellent football comedy.

So, two things I learned today - 1. There are such things as "snow leopards" ask Space Cadet and 2. If I call and wake up Superwoman at 2AM she will retaliate.

Tomorrow means early training at work, but I'm off at 2! Then I can come home and nap.

have a good one

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs, and they'll think it's just cause we're young...

Hooray for our first play practice! So, lots of work still to do. Mostly work with the music since there's more of that than there is dialogue. I'm just hoping Friday goes better than today. We were missing a couple kids and then got the usual reaction about drama from one kid and then the younger ones were...um okay see, Mom is always saying that I'm supposed to have kids but I have plenty already. Between this and camp I'm all kid-ed out.

On a high note, "the Teacher and the Failed Librarian" is planning on making a return appearance, this time as "the Teacher and the Part-Time Librarian" (the band was originated before I was in the library system). Last year we promoted our fake album by performing a song entitled "Snippets of Conversation" which was written at the Home and Garden Show - long story - we're gonna write another one for this year and since I played guitar last year she gets to play piano this year. We're still debating what the song will be about but we do have a month. We wrote the other one in a few hours about a day before the performance. I'd write out the lyrics but strangely I'm exhausted and tomorrow is going to seem super long and super weird since it's backwards, library-wise.

"The Great Escape" Boys like Girls

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just like jam and bread or maybe birds of a feather...

Time: 10:30ish
Location: Couch
Attitude: Tired

Tired. But good tired. Life is kind of all over the place lately so had to take a break and relax - hung out with my awesome friend and went to see the "Lincoln Lawyer". It was actually pretty good, I'd give it a 7/10 on my Scale of Awesome. Matthew McConaughey, Josh Lucas, Ryan Phillippe, Marisa Tomei, William H. Macy - I was surprised by him in that role I didn't think it would fit but it was good. Interesting plots twists, I liked it. I've always though that Josh Lucas and Matthew McConaughey were actually really similar because of the roles that they usually play - You know the dumb guys that women run away from and then come back to, and then the inspiring coaches, plus they look similar so it was funny to see them both together in a courtroom.
Oh, and forgot from before, Sunday also went to see "I Am Number Four" you know, just meaning to eat milk duds and make commentary but it was actually really good. I might even cave and read the book, just cause I want to know what happens in the rest of the series. I'm gonna give it a 9/10 on the S.O.A. Quinn as Sarah was kinda funny. But she pulled it off, I didn't see her as the cheerleader she is on Glee. or former cheerleader of whatever.

Another fun thing coming up - SCHOOL MUSICAL! got the script sunday, casted it today, going out for our first practice tomorrow. Don't have a lot of time this year, we're doing it in early May so it's gonna be a lot to learn in a short amount of time. Plus we don't have a regular schedule this year, it was easy when I had the same classes every week so we knew when I'd be free to go out there. This year my work schedule's all over the place so we only know so far in advance and then if I'm free sometime they might not be. But we'll figure it out.

Did anyone else used to watch that show on Nickelodeon, "Figure it out" hosted by Summer Sanders? where the kids come and they've like invented something or accomplished something big or whatever and then there was a celebrity panel who had to guess what it was and if they didn't they'd get slimed? I just remember Amanda Bynes always asking if they had slapped themselves with liver.

Sorry, mind all over the place.

Quotes of the day:
-"Okay, maybe one point."
-"124, I'll take it!"
current work score - got to work with superwoman this morning. she said i did good but didn't give me any points cause apparently that would be too easy. but finally she gave in and gave me one when she was leaving this afternoon so i felt special.

-then there was an interesting story about a mouse which I won't share as it is not mine but was totally funny.

"Birds of a Feather" The Rosenbergs

Love this song. They don't have an official video but its the song that counts.

"Only You" by Josh Kelley

Yes that is Katherine Heigl and yes they are married now.

had nachos for supper at the theater. should probably eat something resembling real food before i konk out. it's not going to be a slow day tomorrow. work in the morning. then practice. okay driving to practice, then practice, then driving back from practice, then back to work for the night shift, then come home and crash. body of proof will be on, hooray!
but i love the musical. last year's wasn't a musical so i guess i can't call it that, we'll go with grade school play. not a lot of kids this year so i might have to learn lines of my own, that's still being decided.

Have a good one.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Her voice was soft and cool, her eyes were clear and bright, but she's not there

Just when you think your weekend is going to be one of those relaxing, nothing big going on kinda ones. Hang out with some friends, jam out at the derby, sleep in... That's when you get more fun phone calls. More sterilized equipment, but at least these walls were beige. And they had carpet! More comfy than the tile floors. Life is never boring.

Dad about Mom: "You're the second biggest blab around."
Me: "Does that make you the first?"

Sarah: "Did you swear in text form?"

Me: "Is that like the Splenda of salt?"

The Zombies - "She's not there"

Classic. love how into it the lead singer is.

Panic! at the Disco - "Nine in the Afternoon"

Okay, add this to the list of bizarre videos I've posted this week. But at least it's not morbid.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Why so serious?

Too tired to even stop for coffee this morning. But I made it through the morning shift, thankfully I have the afternoon off. Space Cadet said I was supposed to come home and take a nap.
And my paper's done and posted!!! I finished all the citation junk and uploaded it around midnight last night. Hooray! A weight has been lifted. As cliche as that sounds. Now I can take M&J to the derby and relax. Or as much relaxing as one can do at the roller derby.

Song for the day is "Raise Your Glass" originally by Pink - this is the Warblers version from Glee

Tomorrow means fun at the farmhouse plus movie night with a friend. It's a Sci-Fi flick so we said if it sucks we'll just sit in the back, do some snarky commentary and eat milk duds. I have a feeling there will be a few more, "at least the baby stopped crying" moments.

"So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways...."

Friday, April 1, 2011

"Your jammer's lame!"

Things overheard at the Derby
-"I could be wearing them now, You don't know what I'm wearing under these jeans." fishnet stockings...
-"That was pretty." "That wasn't pretty at all. It was hardcore." "Right it was hardcore pretty!"
-"Point it at the pretty girls!" "That's when you're supposed to point it at your mom." *he points his glowstick at the very large and very male referee*

Wow, sleep-deprivation has never been more fun. Worked more on my paper until the wee hours of night, then went to work 9-6 (smart planning on my part), then hit up the roller derby with some friends. One I haven't seen since derby last year, I got to meet her little boy he was such a cutie. He came and sat by me, other friend "you have an admirer..."
We were down by like 20 but made a major comeback. Pure awesomeness. Flash Gloria is the bombdiggity. I'm saying it. The problem is that we need a secondary awesome jammer. We lost Busty St. Claire and Lt. Slamher so we're left with some inexperienced last year's junior varsity jammers instead. But Flash was fantastic. And DropKick Muffy was pretty good as well. I could ramble for hours about the derby and the skaters but I should probably be sleeping. Or finishing my paper so I can go to the derby again tomorrow night. I mean the paper's done, I just have to finalize it with you know correct grammar and all that crap then throw in some APA citations that are still kickin' my butt then save it then upload it and post it then I'll be done.

And then do one of these with all my papers.

Song and dance included.
