I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We can be heroes just for one day...

Okay, so you know when you wake up in the middle of the night thinking it's actually past noon and then almost call your boss before you look outside and realize it's still the middle of the night? Then wake up a couple of hours later thinking that that night is actually the next night when you have to be at work early? Then when you wake up, when you're actually supposed to wake up, you see you have a voicemail from your boss and totally freak out thinking that either you actually did call your boss at 2AM or are missing the new systems training you were supposed to show up early for? You know? Show of hands? Anyone? Nope, probably just me.

But, thankfully the call was just about covering for someone who called in sick so I was very relieved. After work (I actually got off semi early) I hit up Barnes and Noble then Target. Then caught up on my shows, Harry's Law, Castle, now it's NCIS and dude! don't go down a dark alley just to take a closer look at a talking doll. Run, Run away!

The Wallflowers version of "Heroes"

As heard on The Replacements, an excellent football comedy.

So, two things I learned today - 1. There are such things as "snow leopards" ask Space Cadet and 2. If I call and wake up Superwoman at 2AM she will retaliate.

Tomorrow means early training at work, but I'm off at 2! Then I can come home and nap.

have a good one

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