I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, April 25, 2011

I got Spocked.

He "live long and prosper"-d me then walked out.

I keep these notes in my cellphone and date each one. I was reading them on my break, last year on this day it was, "Her life is what great tragic novels are made of." I wish I could remember who I was talking about. Yesterday's was "Well, that's something to scrapbook." Which can work in really any situation, bad or good. Although it would probably seem more amusing in a bad one. Last year yesterday's was from a lit class in college. "I hear something." "It's my heart beating." I was kind of an English nerd and was friends with fellow English nerds. We had a lot of fun with literature.

It was brought to my attention this weekend that mis-matched socks are now fashionable. Which sucks. Because that means I have to find matching socks. I've never been into the whole fashion thing. I grew up wearing tear-aways and a backwards Titans hat. Which suspiciously went missing by the way... I suspect foul play *cough*Mom*cough* but have yet to prove it.

Alright, song for tonight is an old favorite. I mean, it's not too old...actually it's been like 10 years. So, recently old. Yes, recently old. I'm going with that.
Uncle Kracker's "Follow Me"

Used to sing this song with my softball teammates between games. Fun times.

Tomorrow is split shift and play practice. BTW - it was a good thing I left my phone on last night since I did get a call this morning from work. Anyway, play practice is going to have to be some sort of hardcore tomorrow. Going over all the songs - no skipping - saying lines with their faces out of the book. They'll be mad about both those things but I'm starting a countdown. May 12th. 17 Days. We're soooooo not ready.

Okay, I'm gonna crash. Well, make supper and then crash. Long day tomorrow.
Have a good one.

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