I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's just a jump to the left...

And a step to the riiiiiiiiight.

Split shift + play practice + listening to Carrie Fisher's autobiography = a full day.

Quotes of the day:
-"I just have basically too much personality for one person but not enough for two."
"Wishful Drinking" is the title of her autobiography, it's fantastic. I listened to the audio version which she reads and I totally recommend.
-"Ultimately, who's gonna give a medal to someone with a big stupid red dot in their eye? I don't care how much force is with him."
Her on Mark Hamill's bursted blood vessel in the final scene of SW4.

Play practice was kind of a mess. We have a new girl which means Hooray! I don't have to learn lines anymore! But I still have to write a song and work on that commercial. Or maybe they'll want to write their own commercial. That might be fun for them. But we are super late with everything. We don't have blocking, they're still in their books, we're still skipping half the songs and yeah, we have less than a month until performance. May 12th. So that's what like 3 weeks and change. Yikes.

Carrie Fisher roasts George Lucas

She includes parts of this in her autobiography. It was funny cause I was kind of quoting it along with her - yes I posted this during favorites week get over it. It's fantastic.

Now I'm starving. Don't think I've eaten anything today so I should probably work on that before I konk out. Early day tomorrow with training and all that.

"Because there was no underwear in space!"

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