I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Well I am young but I have aged...

Oh the joys of Easter. Lots of food, lots of candy, time with family, now I'm in need of a giant nap. But it was a good day. Church, then second sister and I hid the eggs (with the easter bunny i mean) and it was like candy overload. We always get too much, but it's awesome that way. My brother enjoys it because he finds more and more candy throughout the week. After dinner the kids were running all over the place finding the candy and playing on the playground area. Dad built this playhouse thing with a slide and a sandbox and a merry-go-round with a bunch of swings...all for the grandkids of course. We didn't get any of this stuff, huh.
Anyway, there was so much food! and then we watched - well attempted to watch - Angels and Demons, but I had to keep changing the channel when the scary parts were on since kids were running in and out of the room, plus half the adults were napping. It was humorous. So, two crying children and a broken crockpot later I'm home and jamming out on my couch.

As promised, some indie favorites.

Rilo Kiley "Silver Lining" LIVE! awesome

recorded at a radio station, love it!

She & Him "In the Sun"

I seriously love this video. It amuses me. And I would have posted "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here" since its my favorite of theirs but I posted it a few weeks ago - the morbid disturbing night with Beck's "Loser".

Eh, I'll post it again anyway. Cause I like it and I can.
Sounds vaguely like Adam Sandler in "The Wedding Singer" ... "well I have a microphone and you don't..."
"Why Do You Let Me Stay Here" She & Him

i already commented on the morbidity in my last post of this, but i still laugh hysterically at 1:02.

"Life is Short" Butterfly Boucher

very catchy.

"Hurtful" Erik Hassle

gotta love itunes free music, i actually like this song a lot.

"The Fear" Lily Allen

I think if I were to break it down, Lily Allen and She & Him would probably be my favorite indie bands.

And I'm out. I don't think I have to go in tomorrow morning so I might actually get to sleep in! Which will really kind of suck for my coworkers since we were closed yesterday and there will be a lot to catch up on. I'll leave my ringer on in case they need me.

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