I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Singing my life with his words

Day off.

More productive than I planned.

Woke up before noon.


Picked up my computer stuff.

Picked up my painted stuff.

Did the phone online stuff.

Made dinner plans with the Cool Aunt.

Went to church.

Oh my god, the guest stars on Hot In Cleveland. Hysterical. It was Roz! She was in LA! at the same table as Joy! Who played Daphne on Frasier. so that was humorous. Nice ties there. This episode it's Amy Sedaris. Before that it was Susan Lucci.

I love this show.

Season two is out on DVD. It's winter this time. Last season it was summer.

"You're my friend!"
"Yes, and as your friend I'm horrified by my actions."

"The beards are designed to tell single women to stay away."
"They're working."


"Keep Breathing" Ingrid Michaelson

she's pretty good live.

"I'm trying to decide whether I want that to be a euphemism."

"Well, I could say 'move your donkey' but it's not as satisfying."

"Keep On Lovin' You" Steel Magnolia

no it's not the song you're thinking. but listen to it anyway, it's fantastic.

"Somebody just run the blender. I don't even care if there's anything in it."

"I thought you wanted to be amish."
"Turns out I was just amish-ish."

"Killing Me Softly" The Fugees

favorite song in high school

"How hard is it to make lemonade? No I mean, really? How hard is it? I seriously have no idea."

"Maybe my date could part them."
"He's Jesus, not Moses."

"I wish he'd break up my date with Jesus. I'd break up with him myself but he'd just show up three days later."

OH MY GOD another frasier tie-in. it's the dad. whoa.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'll be running circles around you sooner than you know

Things I Did Today:
-Slept in.
-Watched Green Lantern I'd give it a 6/10 on the Scale of Awesome. It was amusing seeing Blake Lively as a professional pilot. Ryan Reynolds wasn't awful as the Green Lantern. It's just the storyline that I wasn't so stoked about.
-Caught up on The New Girl
-and Body of Proof
-Went to work for two hours

Things I Need To Do Tomorrow:
-Sleep in.
-Cellphone stuff, got a new one and need to figure out what to do with the old one
-Go to Best Buy, and get computer upgrades
-Pick up my gnome from the paint shop
Basically everything I was going to do today but realized I had all day tomorrow to do it instead.
-Catch up on The Closer - which was new last night but I didn't watch it cause I still haven't seen the past two before that one


"Jerk It Out" The Caesars

dig it.

"Jolene" Dolly Parton


"Just One Look" The Hollies

i prefer doris troy's but i've already posted her version. love it.

Alright, out for the night. or for the morning. I guess it's past midnight. Shocking. Two nights in a row. Which is funny cause I used to stay up until 1 almost every night. Since I've been 40 hours I'm lucky if I can make it past 11. Geez. I'm getting old. Make it stop.

Oh well. I'll sleep in tomorrow again. Woohoo!

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's only half past twelve, but I don't care...

Today was a long day, 9-6. Not much to say other than I got nicknamed twice. Girlscout called me "Supergirl" in the morning. When I told that to Superwoman she laughed. I said I was Superwoman in training. She sometimes calls me Sidekick so it fits.
Then in the afternoon the New Guy called me the Queen of the Back Room. Which I am. It's kind of my lair. I spend a lot of my time scheduled there. Either because I'm one of the few people who can get through five carts in an hour or because they're tired of me being out front. Hmm...

So there was that. And Mom stopped by. Brought me CDs and picked one up for herself.

I found that there's a talk to text function on my phone so I can speak and it'll type what I say. Or what it thinks I'm saying. I attempted the "I am grief stricken" conversation again and it came up with "I am a great sturgeon" then "I am a green dragon" and finally got it right a few tries later.

Also, saw this today while watching The Grinch and had to post it.

so funny.

As we're up to I in the alphabet and there are far too many good ones I'll skip to that and ramble some more.

"I Drove All Night" Celine Dion

i enjoy her random pointing and air guitar moments.
although cyndi lauper actually legitimately rocks this song, (how many times can you say that?) I'm still posting this version because it's the version I head-banged to in high school so I could stay awake and finish my homework. sh, don't tell the dorm moms. but it made juwanna laugh. and that's what you want in a roommate.

well, that and one that will save you from demon furniture.
go here: My Life in Closed Captions: "Well, this is awkward."

granted i don't remove paintings from walls like some people but seriously, if you can top being attacked by a dresser while sleepwalking please let me know. there's more to the story if you're interested. tons in fact. made the school paper. which i was the editor of at the time, so that was fun.

"I Run To You" Lady Antebellum

this world keeps spinning faster to a new disaster
this was a college fascination. it was my favorite song for about two weeks. and then i was sick of it already. i haven't listened to it since, but it's good to jam to it again now.

"I Say A Little Prayer For You" My Best Friend's Wedding

who does her hair?!
how can you top this? seriously? i'm tempted to break out into song at the library but refrain because i enjoy my job. and my point level of 140. even though i'm stuck there and she won't give me any more. making me actually work for my points, geez. what a mean boss. what kind of lesson is that supposed to teach me? really?

"I Want You To Want Me" Cheap Trick

because i love them. i saw 10 Things I Hate About You and was doomed from then on.

"Istanbul" They Might Be Giants

Superhumann used this song as an educational tool to get us interested in world history in high school. it worked for me, not so much for the others. but that was true for me in a lot of her classes. that chick got me through high school. period. wasn't for her i dunno where i'd be today. definitely not where i am now.
high school english. i wanted to teach it because of her. then i got in the ed program and went, eh. too many hoops to jump through.
so i switched to behavioral sciences - yeah, less hoops to jump through there. but then the idea of being a social worker became completely depressing so i went back to english. which is helpful as it's where i am today.
anyway, this song has stuck with me over the years, because not only did we have to listen to it for world history, i also had to sing it onstage for one act junior year. in front of actual people. i played the token girlfriend - stereotyped that way, shutup sketch - and i got to jam on stage with my headphones. so, when the time came around that i would have to figure out what song i was actually going to sing and jam out to i went back to the old faithful director, who just happened to be superhumann, and we decided on this one. i still karaoke it with her to this day.
she's taught me a lot over the years. i still have her safety net in my wallet. high school was kind of a hard time in life for me. it was a dorm school and i was a very homesick kid - at first, it was okay in the end - but stress and school and being away from home got to me but she was there if i needed to talk. when i was having a particularly rough day she wrote me a note - 5 pages front and back - and i carried it around in my back pocket for years until it got almost torn to shreds. now it is safely tucked into my wallet which i carry with me every day.
another thing i got from her - which actually, she got from my uncle as he was once her teacher way way back, - is the saying...okay give me a second, i don't want to butcher it.

Say One Thing
Mean Another
Write A Third
Expect A Fourth
If It's Simple, Complicate It
It It's Complicated Draw A Picture
If It's On The Test Don't Talk About It

oh my god. just oh my god.

i'm still dying. yeah. those are the kind of guys that i hung out with in high school, so it's not hard to imagine them doing that. actually, pretty sure i've seen them do something similar but it was to the bohemian rhapsody.

"It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" Alan Jackson feat. Jimmy Buffet

love it. i sing it in my head often because it makes me laugh. brightens up the day.

Alright, that's enough I-Recs for the night. Off to sleep. Stoked to sleep in. Don't have to go in until 6 and then it's Home Library for two hours before I'm off all day Wednesday, woohoo!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

And if the world stops spinning I'm not afraid to fall...

Yes, I know, I'm sorry I skipped last night.

To be fair I was exhausted.

Worked 9-6 and sat down a total of four times throughout the whole day. We were that busy. But there was only two of us, and we were closed the previous two days so we had all this material coming in and going out, plus the shelves were a mess, and the displays, I seriously was sitting at the desk for maybe an hour total and I was there 9-6. I mean, I was at the desk, just not having a chance to sit. Cause there were people all over.

To make a long story short, too late, I was tired so I turned on Sherlock and konked out. or attempted to. Then fell asleep watching the Husker game, which I had taped and need to delete cause I'm running out of space for HD stuff. I'll have to switch it over to regular definition. Is that was they call it? as opposed to high definition?

I remember this one line from "Red Green" was anybody else forced to watch that with their parents? where he says, "What good is high def when you're half deaf and half blind?!"

Today was pretty busy as well. 11:35-6, computer lab was packed, phone ringing off the hook, but it was a good day. It slowed down on occasion so that was nice, but it wasn't so slow that I was going bananas. Bonus points.

Tonight I'm thinking....food. I need to eat. and then...go through my DVR and weed out stuff I've seen....then...I should write some more. Cause I have some ideas, and if I don't put them down they'll go away.

Which I blame on ZH.

Not the ideas going away, no the process of putting everything down.

It's called a Shitty First Draft. and I'm not coining that, it's already been coined. In writing - of course - but it's actually a chapter in a book we had to read in college. I was amused. It basically says that your first drafts will always be crap compared to the final results. But it's an opportunity to put everything down. It doesn't have to make sense, it doesn't have to go anywhere, as long as it's down on paper you can come back to it later. or delete it later. It gives you that option.

So, I carry quotebooks, and write stuff in my green notebook - I've started doing that, calling them "simple scenes" and adding them into stories later. Most of them have absolutely nothing to do with the characters I'm currently working on, but it's a good exercise and I can throw them into stories later. or come up with new ones based around the scene.

Did I mention I was a nerd about writing? If I could I would just do that. But, as all writers are at times, I'm cursed with writer's block at the moment. on most of my big stories. Hence the quotebooks and scenes notebook. Anything else I can write about I will, but when it comes to an ongoing story, I've got nothing. Which is crap. and backwards of how I want it to be.

Perhaps I should start putting stuff on here. But that would be an effort on my part.

More than just the copy and paste function.

I have this thing, where I'm a perfectionist. and I hate everything I've written. I think it's all crap. I've been told it's not on multiple occasions by multiple people, but I still think it's crap. Because I just have this urge to go back and fix things, or change the storyline completely.

So, submitting anything on here, would mean I'd have to actually find something good enough to share with people, and other than Sketch and Edit, I've really got nothing of that calliber finished. Actually, I don't know that I've ever actually finished a story because of this compulsion. I keep going back and deleting stuff. or I'll get bored with it and move on to another, completely putting that one on the backburner even though I'd worked on it for months, years. There are stories on my computer that I started in 2002 and I still haven't finished. and it's not like I'm writing novels. My longest is maybe 50 pages.

But, like I said, perfectionist.

So, you get Sketch and Edit's, which reminds me that I have a couple of those actually ready to post. Sort of. Compulsion strikes again. I need to sign off of here so I can work on those and post them later.


Enough rambling.

Food then writing. Maybe I'll turn on the Husker game in the background since I fell asleep mid first quarter. Even though I have seen it entirely already.

Silence messes with my head. Hence the headphones.

Alphabet Rec's
Since I skipped last night you get G's and H's. Have fun.

"Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight" The McGuire Sisters

used to sing this over the phone to an ex at night, but that was back when i still had a voice. i'm out of practice now.

"Girl Next Door" Saving Jane

good song. and amusing, since this one actually came out before Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" hmm....similar lyrics. I like them both.

"Have It All" Jeremy Kay (acoustic version)

"Scrubs" soundtrack
i really really really like this one. if you're going to watch only one choose this one

"Heroes" The Wallflowers

cause i like their version the best. even over the original, sorry bowie. c'mon, it's dylan's son, just go with it. he's got talent.
aannd it's another soundtrack song, this time "Godzilla" hence the destruction in the background, however I know it from "The Replacements" an excellent football movie. Keanu rocks. so does Jon Favreau. He's in front of the camera this time, instead of behind it. You should look into it, it's a fantastic comedy/drama/sports movie.

Honorable mentions: "Give In To Me" another soundtrack this time Country Strong
and "Head Over Heels" by April McLean. fantastic song that i would have posted but couldn't find it on youtube.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Every single breath you take away gives me more life than before...

Dad: "If that spills your car will smell like spiced tea forever."
Mom: "She likes spiced tea."

Return trip = success

No spilled spiced tea or pies all over my floor. Why is it that I always end up with a fridge full of leftovers even when it's not at my house? I think that they think that I can't feed myself properly. Since I can't cook.

But I can.

Sort of.

I mean, my apartment is still standing, and I haven't gotten sick, so both of those things mean I'm doing something right, right?

Got my new phone today. It's all fancy and shiny. It's giant compared to my blackberry, but I like it. Touch screen, I'll have to get used to that instead of a keyboard but it's cool so far. I didn't get a lot of time to mess with it today since we watched the Husker game - woohoo!! - and then I put up the trees. I'll mess with it more tomorrow after work.


Plus a stop to make sure Bubby is still alive and feed him.

I miss vacation time already.

Now that I actually earn it I should start taking some. I started in May 2010 and the only vacation time I've taken is for camp. And that doesn't really count, as it's more work than work work. But I like it so that's okay.

What else?

Oh yeah.

Trees. Not as bad as the nightmare that was last year. This year it went okay. Listened to my Christmas music, set them both up, new one included. It turned out pretty good actually. Much better and easier than the one I'll be throwing in the hole. Oh! Forgot to do that. Will have to when I go home next.

And film it.

I think Mom thinks I'm joking when I say I'm going to film it. I'm not. I want to watch it fly. and die. That thing caused hours of pain and suffering. This new one took about two minutes to put together. Decorating it took a while, but seriously, two minutes and it was standing straight in the right direction. Fantastic.

So I'll do the old tree throw next time I go home. That and pick up all the stuff I forgot, aka CD's, random stuff in closet I was going to grab but forgot/didn't want to carry up stairs along with everything else I was sent home with.

But I'll make it out there soon. Maybe this weekend. I have class Saturday but I'm off Sunday.

Oh yeah, so next semester I'll have class on Sundays. That'll be different. But good cause it's in the afternoon and not 8:30 AM. Huzzah! Last one of those of this semester on Saturday. All assignments have been submitted so I'm basically done. All I have to do is show up and talk about outreach advocacy and marketing. Oh yeah, and download the plan of study form from the website, fill it out and give it to the Library Goddess. Someone remind me to do that, cause I'll forget.

Okay, enough rambling. It was an excellent day. Huskers rocked it. Seriously. Heroes Game trophy included.

Alphabet Rec's of the night. What am I up to, F? Right? Cause yesterday was "Everywhere" and something else. "Evil Woman" that's right.

So tonight, let's see....

Aww man, there's too many good ones! I'll limit myself to three.

Alright, something you haven't heard...or you probably have in the background of big movies. I'll let you figure them out.

"Feels Like Home" Chantal Kreviazuk live

She's pretty good live, amusing. Though it's funny cause she switched up some of the lines. I was like, wait, what?

"Find My Way" Gabe Dixon Band live

and a bonus one.
okay, music video slideshows kind of weird me out, especially ones with lyrics on them, cheesefest style, so you won't see a lot of them on here. I only sacrifice when I think the song is worth it, and this one is.

"Fall Into Me" Hey Monday

love it.

out for the night. long day tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

"I'm gonna need some bail money."

Okay. So I got a speeding ticket. Yes, I'm aware. But, now, apparently, everyone else is as well. But as least I called and told them about it after it happened. It could have been worse. I wasn't calling from behind bars or something. My one phone call. Asking for bail money. Thanks for that Second Sister. The lot of you really. You're all so supportive. The second I walk through the door. Seriously.

So, Thanksgiving. A time for food, family, and sarcasm galore. There wasn't as much this year since there was no Apples to Apples involved. There was however a lot of card playing.

Some really really and let me add another really bad pinochle playing on my part. Joe sat by me trying to pick up the game and I had to say, "Well, here's how you lose." But, just to say, we were 87 in the hole at one point and still finished with a positive 40 something. So that could have been worse as well. Got a double marriage and a double pinochle and a run in one hand and I think we scored about 80 on that one alone. But that was my only good hand the whole night.

I did win one game though, when I was paired with Dad. Which is weird, I mean it's not cause he's good, but Teina and I usually rock when we're paired up. But that was a while ago when we were last paired. This year we got owned. On multiple occasions. But crappy cards man. Geez. One good hand means getting set every other one. Yikes. I should have just stopped bidding altogether.

I haven't played that game in literally years. Which is weird, because we use to play it all the time and I mean all the time. We never played pitch. It was always pinochle. But when we're with extended family it's pitch because it's easier. And faster.

Other than card playing there was a lot of food, yes, but there was also a mass amount of laziness. About an hour of sitting on the couch, watching Suh get thrown out, smooth move dude, and going through the ads. It was funny cause we were out in the living room on the awesome new furniture, Sarah on the end, then Cindy then Mandy, Me then Teina and Mark on the floor and we would just pass the ads down the couch basically. All with paper and pens coming up with Christmas lists.

Second Sister wants me to get her one of those emergency tool things so if your car goes under water you can slice your seatbelt and hammer your way out of your window. Cause apparently you're trapped. They saw it on Mythbusters. And she drives over mass amounts of water daily. Not. But she's pregnant and hormonal so I shall do as she asks.

And they always ask if we're doing a big Christmas, aka are we buying presents for the siblings? And I do. Cause I like Christmas. They don't have to buy lots of stuff if they don't want to, but I'm going to. Cause I like it. and I have this awesome catalog of random stuff - similar to a Sky Mall if you've flown and browsed through that - and yeah, there's gonna be a lot of random gifts this year. I'm thinking Everts Christmas gag gift stuff. Primo collector edition.

And of course, everything I was repulsed with I talked about and they all claimed they were going to buy it for me. But really, why would you need a fake plastic person who's actually a tape dispenser but is sitting on a toilet with a pen in his mouth and paper clips coming out of his butt? Is that repulsive to anyone else? Who wants that sitting on their desk? Seriously. I'm gonna have to find a picture of that, cause I really can't describe it any better than that. I'd rather just have a coffee cup filled with pens and tape.

Here, go here: Creepy Plastic Person

It freaked me out.

Even more than the 100 dollar bill toilet paper. It doesn't cost 100 dollars, it's an actual (fake) 100 dollar bill on a roll.

or the kind that glows in the dark. WHY?!

Good god.

I did, however, find something fantastic for The Cool Aunt. which I guess I can't mention cause she reads this. So she'll just have to be excited for things that fly. and that's all I'm saying.

Speaking of Everts Family Christmas. We have this baby. It's plastic. and Ugly. and Dances. Supposedly. But it's still in the box so really it only sways side-to-side and it's been a gag gift for years. Literally. and it just keeps getting passed back and forth. and I have a problem. Because I'm pretty sure that I have it. and that means I have to find it. So it's either in the boxes in my apartment, or the boxes in my closet here at the farmhouse. or in the abyss that's the basement. Hmmm... I'll check tomorrow.

Okay, so other than cards, trail mix, ads, football, napping, mass amounts of food, drinking chocolate wine, and watching children run wild, there was a lot of talking. and some good quotes. Though there are really none of them that I can repeat. Other than the ones I've already explained.

I did enjoy our 20 minute conversation about the Dougie dance. If you have no idea to what I'm referring to skip to the bottom and watch the video. We want to change it to "Teach me how to Teina". We watched the video and she said she does most of the moves so we could change the name and add a few more moves. and Mark can do the cabbage patch in the background.

Alright. Music Rec's I think we're to the E's.

And due to good timing you get a family classic:

"Evil Woman" Electric Light Orchestra

used to dance and sing this when i was little tiny. and we taught it to Squirt and Bubby when they were little tiny.
"there's an open road that leads no where, so just make some miles between here and there"
hahahahaha, oh my god. one of the comments on the youtube page is a dedication.
"I'd like to dedicate this song to my ex, Sheila.
Sheila, if you are reading this, rot in hell.
Love, Mark

"Everywhere" Michelle Branch

a big one from college. good god she looks young.
yes i know this is the second one of hers i've used for the alphabet rec's and we're only to the E's but get used to it, cause she rocks. and technically that was The Wreckers. just cause she's one of the lead singers in the band...

as mentioned above:

"Teach Me How To Dougie" Cali Swag District

Big day tomorrow. New phone on the morning, means I had to go through my current phone tonight typing up all my notes cause they won't save to my media card. Do you know how long it takes to type up 479 notes? I skipped half. Didn't even upload any of the dream log. Cause dude. That's soooo much more. But the pictures and ringtones and all that are good to go. I'm hoping they'd just be able to transfer all that stuff - like contact numbers and stuff - to the new phone but I'm guessing it doesn't work with the notes. Hence the typing.

I did find a few more life mottos that I forgot to mention in the One Year post.

-"One minute I'm sane, the next two I'm crazy" think that came from a dream
-"Put it in the microwave and pour it over chips" that's a Magic Bullet direct quote but I like to use it out of context, it's more fun that way
-"It's a worthless guide to an epic ride" which is kind of a disclaimer to this blog
-"We won't judge you. We may slow clap you, but we won't judge you." camp quote, that was one of mine when we went bowling, works well in life events

Okay, will consider transferring more depending on how tired I am after this post.

After the new phone tomorrow is the Huskers game. First annual Heroes Game, trophy included. It's a "revivalry" really. I enjoy that word.

And then I get to set up the trees - yes I did buy them a new one and I'm stoked - and decorate the house. My favorite thing to do for Xmas, aside from the whole Xmas day proceedings. It's cool to have all the lights up and all that. I'm excited.

So, big day. I'm out.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Danger! Danger! High Voltage!

I'm sure I'll have more to say tomorrow, so I'll keep it short tonight. I'm giving you quotes of the week now cause I'll get plenty tomorrow when there's family around.

Wordie: "Some people are stuck on stupid."
so true.

Me as the alarm is blaring over and over about the emergency evacuation plan: "What is the emergency evacuation plan?"
Queen of the Known Universe: "Nobody knows."

Second Sister: "I like you and think u r the bees knees. I dont know how essential bees knees are and where that saying originates, so maybe i should research that phrase before i say u are it."
thanks. good reference question. i'll have to research that one later.

Worked all day, slowly counting down the hours until I could drive home. Got lunch with Fearless Leader, we talked library, grad school, and dating, she's fun, I enjoy working with her.

After work, drove to the farm where I was of course, made fun of for my speeding ticket, I expected on less, by my brother. Then we played some pitch and pinochle. Anybody else play pinochle? I haven't in so long I had to re-adjust, we've been playing so much pitch it was weird to play with a deck where 9 is the lowest card. Messed with my head. But we did pretty well.

Now I'm watching Swamp People with Squirt. Jamming on the couch. Tomorrow will be the parade and lots of food and all. Stoked. Seriously, stoked.

And sad that my vacation will probably fly by and be over with soon. I need to start taking vacation time. Really, the only time I have is for camp. And that's it. And that's in the summer, should start using it since I'm 40 hours and actually earning it now.

Alright, out for the night.

Give you these from the D section.

"Damn That Radio" The Wreckers

live version. amateur but it works. I love Michelle Branch. and The Wreckers. Jessica Harp was actually just a backup singer but they teamed up and started their own band. "Leave the Pieces" is in my top 5 of all time. Even though it's been years.

"Danger! High Voltage" Electric Six

heard it on charlie's angels originally and thought it was so bizarre and hilarious, that it became kind of a running joke in high school. i drew a comic for art class, calling my villain "high voltage" his power was that he'd sing and dance to the song so loud and obnoxiously that it would blind people and they would fall over dead. should try to find that. wonder if mak still has my copy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

You're shaking my confidence daily...

Things I did today:

-Did not sleep in. Well, not much. What I did do, was forget to turn off my alarm, so I woke up before noon when I didn't have to wake up before noon. In return I turned on Sherlock and fell back asleep.

-Took out the trash and did laundry.

-Caught up on Castle and 2 Broke Girls. Was super sad for Beckett - not a lot of comedy moments in that episode - but laughed really hard about the 2 Broke Girls working in Santa's Village for money.

-Signed up for Stop Class. Looks like Cataloging isn't the only class I'll be taking in January. Now, how do I explain that I need the whole day off to my boss without her taking away points. "Um, I have a dentist appointment that day?" Not. She'll laugh, I'm sure. But I like my 140.

-Bought liquor. That's my contribution to Thanksgiving with the family. Apples to Apples and liquor. Does anyone else drink Asti? Or is that just an Everts family thing? It's present at pretty much all Everts family functions so I think it's wildly popular... however, things that are also present at Everts family functions such as "Spoon River Anthology", painted grapes, the phrase "TMI" and male cousins who dress up as cheerleaders to perform The Perfect Cheer, are not things that are involved in other peoples' family functions, so perhaps Asti isn't wildly popular either.

-Went to work for two hours. And shelved. Even though that's not really my job anymore. You can take the girl out of shelving range, but you can't take the shelver out of the girl. There was a buildup of carts, what was I suppose to do? Dump it all on the Quiet One so he can suffer through shelving 80 jP's by himself? That's just mean. Adult Fiction, maybe, but jP's? Dude, that's cold.

-Wrote and posted my paper. Hooray for Wichita Public Library. They have clear examples of both advocacy and marketing, which made finding examples really easy. Huzzah!

Things I'm about to do today:

-Post this entry.

-Watch NCIS.

-Go to bed.

Back to the alphabet rec's

Music from the C Section.

A classic and one with classic potential.

"Cecilia" Simon and Garfunkle cover by The Local Natives

If you haven't heard the original version then you are seriously culture-deprived. I posted this version because I find it amusing. I especially like the drummer who uses the tree for a drumset. They're highly resourceful.

"California Hustle and Flow" Social Distortion

there is a serious amount of guitars in that background. yes, i'm aware it's a guitar center. just saying.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Won't do me no good, washing in the river, can't no preacher man save my soul.

Things I was a fan of today:

I figured, in order to be a semi-decent reference librarian I should at least practice with some of the databases, that way I can use them in the future. So I've started going through them. There are some kickass music ones, by the way. Totally stoked. Today was music and automotive, tomorrow is literature.

-New locker. As I'm there 40 hours I went from sharing a locker with an aide, to having my own locker, to now sharing it with a different aide. But this time it's decorated. And farther toward the corner than right away at the door. And it has garfield stickers on it. She's going to bring magnets. I'm excited. You know it's been a weirdass day when you're excited about magnets.

-Sherlock on DVD. Duuude. Loving the British series for the new young Sherlock. Carter slept on my stomach while we watched the pilot. I'd seen parts of it before at Oldest Sister's but actually saw the whole thing just now. Had to pause it so I could post then start the next one. Carter is patiently waiting for me to put down the laptop so he can go back to sleep. Okay, so not much patiently, more like glaring. But I'm getting there.

-Don't have to work tomorrow until 6 and it's at my home library. Which means, sleeping in, running errands, etc. But in a lazy fashion.

Things I was not a fan of today:

-School Zones.
Kicked my butt this morning. But I'll sort all that out tomorrow. Yeah. That kind of made the day so weirdass. Hence the being excited about things like magnets and databases. Not that they're not cool in their own way, but today they were super cool.

-Blaring alarms. In a way, it's good to know that the security system is back up and fully functional, it is, however, rather annoying when you get the blaring emergency message telling patrons to leave the library and then they log off their internet session so when you tell them it's only a test you get the glares of doom.

-Lack of pop. Dude. Need to go shopping tomorrow. I can live without food, I cannot live without Diet Dr. Pepper.

-Lack of milk. I hate milk. I can't drink it, it grosses me out. Don't ask, I can't explain it. But I need milk to make these potato things. And this cake batter stuff. And I hate that because I'll buy it and use it once in these things and then it'll just sit there and get ever grosser.

-Aw crap, I gotta post that paper. I have it planned out, I just have to type the thing and post it. But I can do that tomorrow. It's not due until midnight anyway.

Alright. Songs that start with the letter B.

Why is it, that there are no B Batteries? Did you ever notice that? Yes, I've heard what's his name spout about it in comedy form, he is rather amusing with his theory about glass houses, but it makes me wonder. You get triple a's and lots of c's even d's but no b's. Hmmm.

Sorry. B Music. That I haven't already recommended and that you've probably never heard before. Okay. Here we go.

"Barton Hollow" The Civil Wars

yes he looks like johnny. you get used to it.
listen to this one. seriously. it lives and breathes old school. though for some reason it reminds me of the underground railroad. i blame that on a similar song we sang in high school. anyway, it's awesome and i love it. so simple yet so powerful. i'm sorry. all this music databasing - yes i'm making it a verb - is bringing out my choir nerd tendencies. yes, i was one of those. which you either already knew or could have guessed by now. mandatory choir and traveling select choirs and musicals and all that.

"Bedroom Eyes" Dum Dum Girls

does it weird anyone else out that it's just the one of them that doesn't sing. and the rest do? i mean, she could fake it at least. bizarreness.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Forgetting to forget that you're not mine.

Milk Duds. They rock.

So, on the phone with Sketch. And her orgy friends. Who aren't actually having an orgy. But it sounds a lot like they are. There's a lot of laughing and loud noises in the background.

And I had stuff to post. Originally. But now I can think of none of it.





My colleagues are pretty cool. Especially when it comes to homework tips. We debated the difference between advocacy and marketing today. I'm still at a loss. I mean, I know what the difference is, but finding examples on other library's websites are kicking my butt.

Which is what I was working on.

Prior to this call.

But now that's not happening. So I'll save it for tomorrow night. It's not due until Tuesday night anyway.

Okay, other coherent thoughts before I'm gone and distracted again.

Had an interesting conversation with an aide today. He's one of the cool-aides. As I call us. We joked about going union. An aides union. Where we collaborate all of the ideas that we have and put them into action. Only good ones, I promise.

Then I went back to the advocacy vs. marketing thing. And was talking about how it's in support of things and somehow that came back to the aides thing so we were like, I'm an aides advocate! Wait, that sounds wrong. I'm an advocate for library aides! Wait. Also wrong. I'm an advocate for libraries with aides! No. Bad. Awkward. So we changed it to, I'm an advocate for library pages!

Which fixed things. And even though I'm no longer an aide/page, I'm still an advocate. It's part of the shelver's curse. It never really leaves you.

Okay, other coherent things.

Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.

Yep. That's all I got.

Now you get some "Mean Girls".

Sketch is so awesome.

How can I begin to describe her awesomeness?

Sketch is flawless.

I hear her hair's insured for $10,000.

I hear she does car commercials... in Japan.

Her favorite movie is Varsity Blues.

One time she met John Stamos on a plane... And he told her she was pretty.

One time she punched me in the face... it was awesome.

So, today was interesting. I went to listen to music on my ipod and flipped to the A's in pursuit of finding a certain song, and instead of the usual shuffle it just went through the a's. Which gave me an idea.

So tonight you'll get awesome songs that start with A. Tomorrow you'll get B's. and so on and so forth.


"Anytime" Eve 6

Out Cold. See, lately everyone raves about Zach Galifianakis. But see, when I hear his name I think of this one. Awesome snowboarding comedy from back in 2001.

"Achy Breaky Heart" Billy Ray Cyrus

this video just brings me so much joy. check out that mullet. and those clothes. niiice. I especially love 3:17 on with his white boy hillbilly moves.

and i'm a country girl.

but still.

just no.

Alright, out for the night.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Oh, Lordy. The Nerd Days are here.

So I'm watching Thor. And loving it. 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome

And checking out all the Avengers stuff.

And it's making me think about the awesome upcoming movie.

May 4th, 2012 by the way.

And think about the characters and movies.

I'm debating.

Pretty sure Iron Man is my favorite. Robert Downey Jr. is fastly rising to the top of my list of favorite actors with his awesomeness as Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes. Plus it has both Gwyneth and Scarlett Johansson. So you get both Iron Man and Black Widow - which sounds more like a bad chick's name to me, but maybe that's just me. She is kind of a badass - and then Rhodey, I did like Terrance Howard better, but Don Cheadle will do. But the comedy is so great in those movies, mixed in with all the action and the stunts and Jon Favreau is just fantastic. I loved him in the Replacements, I still love him now as a director. 10/10 on the Scale of Awesome.

So I think that's my number one.

Number two would be Captain America. Great movie, storyline and effects. Actually just bought that one, and I haven't bought a lot of movies lately. I blame that on the library and their holds system. 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Sad ending. But I guess it works as a segue into the new movie. I was really really impressed by the effects that made him look completely scrawny and weak in the beginning of the movie. That was impressive to see the changeover after all the injections and stuff.

Which makes Thor number three. I didn't really know that much about the Thor storyline until I saw the movie. He's kind of "one of these things is not like the other" as he's an actual god, and not actually from earth. But when you put it into the storyline where Loki is the bad guy and it's aliens taking over earth, then it kind of makes sense that he's there. I do enjoy both Kat Dennings and Natalie Portman in this one. I just find it humorous that all of Kat Dennings characters are all so similar. It's kind of like Max Black on 2 Broke Girls is the epitomy of them all. So that's fantastic.

Ohh, Loki. What did you do?

Who's left? Oh, right.

Bruce Banner. Gotta say, honestly, never really been a fan of The Hulk. I mean, he's big and he's green and he breaks stuff. Right. Got it. Move on.

But see, the thing is, who the hell is Hawkeye? Why doesn't he have his own movie? The Hulk got 2! Iron Man is getting a third. I mean, he's in Thor. And you get to see him with his bow and arrow, but it's like for 2 minutes and then he's gone. And he's already working for the government at that point.

And Nick Fury, I'm super curious about his character. I mean, I could break down and actually pick up a comic book. I'm sure I'd hear certain members of my coworkers cheer when I do it. It's not like I'm against them. I'll read them. I just don't know where to start.

I read John Boy's comics that he creates himself. Cause he's awesome like that.

Anyway, I'm just super pumped for The Avengers. It's gonna be epic. And packed with crazy nerds everywhere.

Interestingly enough, Cobie Smulders is in it - aka Robin from How I Met Your Mother - so that's gonna be interesting. She plays this boss person chick who was the leader of SHIELD or becomes the leader at one point or something. I don't know. Like I said, I should just read the comics.

dude, I want one of those spins you around and shoots you through space really fast things! Can I put that on my Christmas list?

Alright, back to the movie. This will be second time watching it total, but it's good because I'm noticing things that I didn't notice before.

Just one more thing.

...do they really need to remake Spiderman? Seriously? Wasn't the musical enough?

Friday, November 18, 2011


Okay, so, as expected spent my day off sick and on the couch. Coughing up a storm, but getting through even more of season eight of NCIS. Right now I'm up to the flashback episode of where Gibbs and Tony first meet. It's making me crave fortune cookies.

"You can't outrun me, I'm wearing tubesocks!"

Loving the flashbacks. Wish we could learn more about Abby's past through flashbacks. She intrigues me.

Other than that it's been pretty slow today.

I did get a visit from Mom though, bringing me soup and fruit, taking the Christmas tree.

Quote of the day:
Mom: "We had a good time, went to a funeral."
Me: "That's fantastic. I'll put that in the blog."
Mom: "No!"

So, after sleeping pretty much all day and watching more NCIS I ate some icecream, well rainbow sherbet. Good stuff.

Then chicken noodle soup.

Now Reese's.

I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll be 100 percent. Or at least 70.

Anything less is gonna make 9-6 interesting.

Alright. I'm off to go back to sleep. And drink some orange juice.

"Hey Ya" NCIS

love how it matches with the clips.

out. officially.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lights will guide you home...

First day.

Spent it falling asleep on my feet. Literally. I mean, I was able to stay awake and conscious at work, but I totally passed out between shifts for an hour at my apartment.

Apparently, the two guys I worked with yesterday called in sick this morning.

But that's not exactly something you can do when it's your first day as a 40 hour professional.

I've only taken one sick day since I started in May of 2010. It's November of 2011.

Bring it.

It was a good first day, aside from the weakness and the wanting to crash.

And I have tomorrow off so I can rest up. I have a feeling I'll spend it on the couch. It's interesting having the whole day off from both places. I liked working at two different places for two different jobs but it was a lot to keep track of. Hopefully, this will be a little easier.

Other than working, and learning all about Kindle and its capabilities I also talked to my mom, who is coming to town tomorrow. She's always entertaining. And I can give her her new Christmas tree to take to the farm so I don't have to keep hauling it around in the back of my car.

Oh, did I mention I bought them a tree for Christmas? I think I might have in passing. Remember the Christmas Tree From Hell story? My Life in Closed Captions: A Christmas Tree Nightmare Mom says I get to throw the tree in the hole. I might even film the freaking event. It will be fantastic. And EPIC. I hate that freaking tree.

So yes, I bought them a new one. With no lights already attached. They just die off and don't work the next year anyway. This is easier. I will also buy them some new ornaments, if she wants them. It is her Christmas present. Well, hers and dad's. Who said I should get a giant 9 foot one, but since she and I are the ones to decorate the thing every year, I went with her decision on the 7 foot one instead.

And it's still in my car. So Mom can take it home tomorrow. No real point in taking it out of the car if I'm not going to put it up in my apartment.

Okay, other good things in life. Talked with Obi-Wan about camp today. Last weekend of July is set up. We'll get most of the rowdy crew back again, but with the exception of some major players who have scheduled conflicts. Gonna be interesting there.

Ummm... I'm watching the Kate's Sister episode of NCIS which totally makes me sad. Kate was my favorite. Think I still like her more than Ziva, which is saying something because Ziva seriously rocks. I'm glad that Sasha is back on TV. Rizzoli and Isles is rockin' it on TNT.

Oh! And Kat guest-starred on NCIS. As Chaplan Burke. I was impressed. And she's a redhead so maybe they'll keep her around since Gibbs has a thing for redheads. That'd be awesome. Kat as in Kat Gardener from Eastwick. aka Jaime Ray Newman. I loved Eastwick. But of course, it got cut short. Not a surprise there it did star Lindsay Price and Rebecca Romijn. Not exactly solid TV series records in their background. But I like them so I watched it. Found it quite funny. Although, the problem with it ending so quickly was that in the finale it made you believe that Darryl was a good person and not the devil like in the real Eastwick.

Speaking of redheads, I think my very favorite NCIS guest star redhead would probably be Casey Novak with a gun, Diane Neal aka Abigail Borin. Call the Coast Guard, She's fantastic. I just watched "Ships in the Night" yes, I'm watching season 8 on DVD again, get used to it. And I'm still laughing. She's on a horrible blind date on a boat - with nowhere to go - when someone gets shot and murdered and then Gibbs comes and she's still in a dress trying to work a crime scene, it's hysterical.

Gibbs: Well, somebody get something!
McGee computer beeps: Boss, I got something.
Borin: My guys never do that.
Gibbs: Get yourself some new guys.

Sorry. NCIS rocks. Maybe tomorrow night I'll serenade you with things about Bones or Criminal Minds or Castle or one of the movies I have checked out. But I'll stick with NCIS until I crash tonight.

Which is now. Cause yeah. Exhausted.


"Fix You" Coldplay

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm so glad we had this time together.

Well, that sucked.

I learned today that I'm a crazy emotional girl.

So I spent the majority of my day doing what crazy emotional girls do.

I figured it was my last day, so I had an excuse.

And I had this whole thing planned out to say. About how we're a family. Now it just makes me sad, but I should say it anyway.

The father (Glee-Loving Boss) who watches out for everyone, teases them about getting flu shots, jokes with you about Glee.

The mom (Sensei) who's a genius about family histories, and who you can joke about anything with, especially anything involving The Closer, Criminal Minds, or Jay Leno.

The cool aunt (Space Cadet) who you debate about things like sea cows and snow leopards. And bond over things like breadsticks, pizza, and morning shifts.

The older brother (Joe Studley) whose knowledge of movie and music trivia will make your head spin. Who'll do voice impersonations just to make you laugh.

The older sister (Queen of Awesome) who keeps you sane in times of crazy, who you can count on when you need someone to talk to or a night out for sushi.

The younger brother (the Quiet One) who makes you laugh and steps up when you need them to.

And now we've adopted another older sister (Trainee) who you can talk derby, basketball, football, booze cakes, library, practically anything with. Someone who's proud that, when a derby girl walks in and comes to the desk, you're able to remain professional and withhold going all fangirls until said derby girl has left the building.

Originally, I was the shy younger sister. Too afraid she was going to screw up to stand up for herself.

But, with the assistance of everyone listed above, I've definitely grown into something completely different. And I'm grateful for each one of them and their guidance and support for more than a year now. I will miss them all.

And I know, I'll still be around a few nights a week, but that's different.

Walking out of there tonight was different.

Tomorrow is my first full day as a 40hr professional.

But I'll always remember my first day as an Aide. Spent half of it in the back room, three-hole-punching the bottoms of plastic bags, because apparently tiny children might think it's fun to put them over their heads. I can still hear Glee-Loving Boss saying, "I know this is ridiculous, but..."

That was just the start of what became a crazy and exciting year-and-a-half long journey to where we are now.

And I'm grateful for the experience.

"This Time Together" Show Finale

I figured, for the night, I'd hit you with a collection of some of the songs I'd sing while shelving.

I'll call it "Songs of the Shelver" much like those collections you see advertised late at night or on Who's Line is it Anyway, except these have their actual lyrics.

"All My Ex's Live In Texas" George Strait

"6 Months" Hey Monday live/acoustic

"Where Oh Where" HeeHaw

Random assortment, I'm aware. But those are just three of the many. Perhaps tomorrow I'll post some more.


Big day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A year and a half in the life of me.

Five years ago, if you would have told me that I'd be working full-time in a library, and getting my Master's in Library Science, I would have just stared at you. Heck, if you would have told me that two years ago I probably would have stared.

It's just not where I saw myself going.

Not that I really had a plan.

Or a backup plan.

I didn't like to think about the future and what it entailed. My high school roommate and I actually lovingly referred to it as "the F word" because I hated it so.

I'd try to make lists of places I could go to college, jobs I could maybe tolerate.

Librarian was nowhere on my list of things I might consider doing in the F word. (which sounds vaguely dirty but really isn't.)

It's amazing how much one person can affect your life.

Especially when you don't even know them.

You meet them at your cousin's graduation party and you talk for half an hour about the Library Science Program. Get along so well that you plan to meet up for coffee a few weeks later. That's when you learn about their caffeine addiction which you don't exactly hinder by bringing them coffee every class period.

Soon you're sending in a resume and an application form, not expecting to get three different phone calls about coming in to interview. You're used to sending out resumes as a part of a Placement Seminar Class that requires you to participate in fake interviews with real professionals. Find references. Build a portfolio.

Be an adult.

It's that class that got you the job.

Well, that and the Library Goddess.

So you go in to interview. Ramble a lot, fidget with your clothes. You know, do exactly what you were told not to do in an interview. Although you did cut down on the jewelry, black fingernail polish and hand gestures.

And then you wait patiently by the phone for a few days waiting to hear back, when you get the call offering you two jobs instead of one.

Which shocks even you.

Because you didn't expect the same woman to be supervisor at both branches you were interviewing at separately. (You later hear stories of "you can't hire her, I was going to hire her!")

You remember this next part in detail because it was kind of a big moment in life.

You're on the phone with the woman you will in the future refer to as "Superwoman" and jumping up and down in your bedroom, then remember that you're on the phone so you sit. And fidget. Because that's much quieter than knocking something down in your sudden fit of energy.

After you get off the phone you run outside to find your mother, who's about half a mile from home, doing her usual morning walk. She speeds up when she sees you, knowing exactly why you're walking quickly toward her.

"Which one did you get?" she yells.

"Both!" you yell back.


Yeah. You were confused too.

The next call you make? The Cool Aunt. These jobs are in fact her fault. She was the one to introduce you to the Library Goddess in the first place. You had plans that night with her to see "Date Night" and eat sushi. You nonchalantly mention your previous phone conversation and she flips. It would be a serious celebration evening. "I don't want the kids to live with your mother, she's awful!" quoted repeatedly on the way out of the theater.

In the meantime you've called both sisters, your brother happens to show up at the house - which he often does since he farms with your dad and lives half a mile away. After hearing the news he looks at you, says "you must really interview well" referring to your utter lack of work experience, and goes out to work. Thanks for that, by the way.

So you go in, sign all the paperwork, move in with your sister, start work at one branch first, putting books in order on carts, shelving books sideways with colored tags sticking out the sides to be checked they're in the right place. A few weeks later you start at the second branch, finding it more chaotic than the original. You got the slow mornings where no one really expected you to be a morning person although you suspiciously became one, and the fast afternoons to keep you busy and entertained by all the crazy locals.

And that's when you realize that these were the places you were meant to be.

With these people, in this town, in this library system.

You find an apartment, move in with your big fat cat. (your parents secretly cheer because lack of a certain feline means they can get new carpet) Order cable and internet.

So, you work at both branches for over a year. Get offered a full time position at one of the branches, forcing you to leave the other. Your home library. Sure, you'll still be a special guest star there every once in a while, couple nights a week for now. But it won't be the same.

No more singing George Strait while shelving in the jNonfiction section. No more morning Space Cadets with Space Cadet. Listening to storytimes by your Glee-Loving Boss. Hearing about endless trivia from Joe Studley. Joking around with the Queen of Awesome. Talking TV with Sensei. Shelving with the Quiet One. Sorting out holds for the lone adult volunteer. Who now, when she calls, asks to speak with you.

You're a family. So that sucks.

Tomorrow's your last day as an Aide.

Which means you'll be an emotional mess.

And it's not that you're not happy, grateful, even excited for your new job. You love those people and that place too. But it'll never be your home library. Your first real job. Your first real work family.

You try to rationalize, that you're not actually losing your home library. You'll still be there a couple nights a week. Be the first one on the list to go cover if someone is sick. Can stop by since you're off at six and they don't close until eight.

And that's fine.

Or, it will be fine.

You'll make it fine.

So you'll be there tomorrow, 2-8. For your last day.

Trying not to cry in the jNonfiction section.

"No Envy, No Fear" Joshua Radin

"Bring on the Wonder" Susan Enan

Monday, November 14, 2011

Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway

I've been watching too much SVU.

"Sometimes all that brooding intensity is just annoying."

I think it's getting to my head.

Gotta break it up with some comedy and music recs so I'll leave you with these and I'm off to watch 2 Broke Girls to laugh the night away. I love that show, it's hysterical.

Monday nights man.

You get that, Mike and Molly and Castle, plus the Closer once that comes back on. Although, I might have to crossover when it does. But that's what DVR is for.

No Castle tonight, some sort of 20/20 special or something. Castle's always good, I especially loved the bank heist episode. Super intense drama there.

Mike and Molly was supposed to be good tonight. Mike's mom gets a job at the school and she bonds with Molly over gossip. I'll watch that one before I crash as well. Should be funny. I love his mom. She's so awful.

Season one is out on DVD. I'm debating on buying it, but that's mostly thanks to Katy Mixon's "Victoria" character. Her Bigfoot story made my year. But of course you know that, since I've posted it about ten times.

Alright, music recs then finish this totally depressing episode of SVU, and switch over to some comedy so I can sleep. Tomorrow's a big day. Get to plan out my life for the next 2-3 years. I'll keep you posted.

"Miss Halfway" Anya Marina

love it. quite the comedian.

"Psycho Killer" Talking Heads

nerds. i love it. i was tempted to post the Bird and the Bee's remake of it but I resisted.

and just in case you missed it: Bigfoot

call that eleven.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's just been one of those, one of those days...

Rollin' with my gnomies. Yep. Painted another one today. Think it's gonna be my thing. Cool Aunt always paints grapes on things. I'll just paint gnomes. I'll have an army of them. Yeah, Gnome Army. I like it. Rollin' with my gnomies. What? It's not like it's an army of clowns or something.

"There is a heavy clown presence in this room. It's unsettling and I'm obsessed with it! I want both more and less of the clowns." -Max, 2 Broke Girls. Love that episode. "It's Hoarders 3D: The Experience!"

okay. got distracted for about 20 minutes watching clips. must move on.

So, today. 11-2 shelving. Then painting. Then came back and CLEANED MY APARTMENT! heck yeah! vacuum and broom included. Although I still need to dust. And clean the bathroom. But the main room, kitchen and bedroom are golden.

Along with that cleaning I'm also cleaning out my DVR. I've taped all the pilots to a bunch of shows that I wanted to check out but have yet to get around to them. I kept the good ones that I'll attempt to watch soon aka Once Upon a Time, Unforgettable, and Grimm but deleted Pan Am, and some old episodes of shows I've already seen. I am keeping however, all the episodes of Castle, Bones, 2 Broke Girls and all that.

If you haven't seen 2 Broke Girls yet you should check it out. Monday nights on CBS. It's fantastic. Max is my new hero. Her personality is very similar to the voice in my head. She has all the best lines. Like stuff you really want to say to someone but refrain cause you know, you're a nice person or want to make it seem like you're a nice person.

I'm a nice person.

I think.

Shutup Sketch.

I can be a nice person. And not like Phoebe's I can be a bear cub kind of thing.

middle season two. and i can tell you the title without looking if you're interested.

Music Recs:

"One of Those Days" Joy Williams

cool video. i sing this often at work. especially after incidents that involve reports.

"Leave the Light On" Priscilla Ahn live on the Late Late Show

just a bonus that craig introduces her. he's my hot guy of late night. used to watch his show every night for over 2 years. college craziness.

Alright, tomorrow is all day and then I'll probably crash and burn so I should probably konk out soon.

Carter is scratching at the carpet. It's freaking me out. I think the cleanness is freaking him out.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Who licked my boots?"

I cannot convey how much I love She & Him's new Christmas CD. Buy it. Or check it out on iTunes. It's worth it. Zooey Deschanel's voice is fantastic and they don't kill any of the classics - like so many others do. I'm impressed.
Although, whenever I hear "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" I cry no matter who sings it. And if they suck it's because they suck. I have no idea why that song. So don't ask. Just like I can't keep a straight face when I hear "Baby, It's Cold Outside." But I blame that on Tallulah Bankhead. I'll explain that one later.

Okay, so Booze Cakes with Slim Shady and Fearless Leader. I left the baking to the pros since Slim Shady likes her apartment as it is - minus the scorchmarks that would array her ceiling if it was me. Not that they adorn mine, yet. But I'm sure those days are numbered.

I documented. and threw in some colored commentary.

Cake #1: Take #1. "Mudslide Cake"

Check these.

post-baking process.

caramel of awesomeness

adding the creamy stuff.

cake pre-caramel wreckage

post-caramel wreckage of awesomeness.

It's excellent. And now there is a significant hunk-o-booze-cake sitting in my fridge. Surrounded by other random leftovers that have built up this week.

But that was yesterday. Today was class, and I think I'm good. And forgiven. It seems to be good, "I'll probably do it to you twice before we're done." So life is good again. Huzzah! Excited about life! Well. Getting there.

Class this morning, went early so I could grab coffee for self and the Library Goddess on the way. Then hit up their impromptu lunch thing in the lobby with sloppy joes and the fixings. I jammed with David. I seem to be hanging out with him at class a lot. He's cool. We jam in the back corner for class. And he's in cataloging with me next semester as well. We also redesigned the same library, he's the one that set me straight on the due dates and saved my butt.

But anyway, we watched the game in the lobby and cheered and yelled at the screen. Freaked out one of my female classmates when she thought I was yelling at her to "GO!" No. Not you. Burkhead. Up the middle. Sorry. WHAT A GAME!! Oh man!! I could not be prouder of my boys. Seriously. That was a tough game with all the drama involved but they kept it together and were classy about it as well. No disrespect at all, met them on the field before the game. I was impressed. And that was drama central. I don't even want to think about that, seriously. Awful.

After that I came and watched some Scooby Doo at the apartment, finished all my discs so I can return them tomorrow. I'm loving these collections that have them grouped by genre. Scooby Doo and the Zombies or and the Pirates or and the Ghosts. It's fantastic. Cause it's classic episodes mixed in with the "What's New Scooby Doo's" and all that. I'm a fan. Our whole family is a fan. My big brother used to take a break from driving tractors when he was like 10 to come back and watch Scooby Doo for half an hour before he'd go back out to work. Left a 4-wheeler at the end of the field for him. Still makes me laugh. I'm tempted to download the original theme as my family ringtone. Not that Super Mario Bros. is getting old, but it's good to switch it up every once in a while.

Aannd after that I hit up the Parthenon with Oldest Sister. She was pretty much zonked out with tiredness so when we attempted to watch Captain America afterward she was out within minutes. "You awake" .... .... .... "Guess not." But I jammed with her fluffy cat on the couch. Although she was freaking me out. Has a thing for my jeans. Think they smell like Carter or something.

Quotes of the day:

Me: "I'm gonna need a serious box."
Oldest Sister: "As opposed to a normal one?"
Me: "Yeah, cause a serious box helps to contain the seriousness of the dish and keep it seriously contained because of it's seriousness..." and then I added a few more "Seriousness"s in there somewhere. But I refused to explain it again to the waiter cause you know, that would just be redundant. For serious.

Oldest Sister: "Who licked my boots?" ... "Who got slobber all over my new kicky boots?" I'm gonna blame the dog. She was trying to lick the paint off your fake trees while we were leaving.

Me: "Freakin' Bellydancers. Gonna have nightmares they're gonna come at me with their stomachs."
Oldest Sister: "What?!?"
does anyone else have that phobia? is that a phobia? belly-smothering? it should be! there's one for clowns and cake and socks, there should be one for belly dancers.
somehow it's always with her that there's belly dancers. Craft shows. Greek Restaraunts. Freakin' bellydancers.
"And him, waltzing up with some bellydancer girl."
"Bellydancer girl? Izzy I think you and I should talk."
"As long as I don't get shot."
sorry. Mummy Returns. had to. be glad I stopped there, I could go on for the rest of the movie.

Music Recs: To get you in the season.

I'm looking for a new Xmas tree for the farmhouse. I still want to burn that freaking tree. My Life in Closed Captions: A Christmas Tree Nightmare Seriously. Match and lighter fluid. Watch me roar. Dude.

"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" She & Him

no one can beat out judy garland, but they come pretty close.

"Baby, It's Cold Outside" Tallulah Bankhead and Jack Carson

There. Listen to that and not laugh. I dare you. Then try listening to the original and not reply like she does. I can't do it. She's too good.

"Say anything about me, dahling, as long as it isn't boring." -TB

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cheer them on to their rivals...

Okay, since I have to leave early for class tomorrow and should have been sleeping half an hour ago I'm going to keep this short.

This Year Anniversary week has been pretty cool. I liked posting the highlights, looking at them was super fun. Although reading through the entire blog start to finish took hours. Which was shocking. But I stuck with it. After all it is filled with the innerworkings of my twisted mind.

Today was fun. Booze cakes of awesomeness, I'll post the pictures and quotes tomorrow. It was quite fun. I didn't do any of the cooking myself since Slim Shady is a fan of her apartment building but I did document the majority of it.

Alright, a Music Rec and I'm out.

Friday Night: Strait Up.

"Round About Way"

"Carrying Your Love With Me"

and I'll throw in a fitting one for today as well.

"Sixteen Military Wives" The Decemberists

love the video

Happy Veteran's Day, and a big thank you for all of those out there!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November: Take Six

Oh my god, Oh my god, the snake on Bones, totally disgusting. Did anyone else watch that? I'm still screaming.

Alright, more Quotes of the Year


Lori: "Give him a pamphlet and tell him to find Jesus."
advice for making stalkers go away

Ben at the derby: "I could be wearing them now, You don't know what I'm wearing under these jeans." fishnet stockings...

Me: "That was pretty."
Ben: "That wasn't pretty at all. It was hardcore."
Me: "Right it was hardcore pretty!"

Wordsmith: When do I get a blender?
W's Mom: When you get married.
Wordsmith: How do you expect me to get a woman if I can't blend a margarita?

Me: “How do I make it go woo?”
D...R partner: “Tripods don’t make that noise.”

Me: “Did it work?”
D...R partner: “I guess we’ll find out if it falls down and breaks.”
pre-recording our Delayed...Reaction new songs

Juwanna: “That’s why I don’t know anything about babies, I ran after you!”
i'm sorry! but watching that on tv was just not appetizing at all!

Smo: “Show me your T-Magic!”
yeah, she actually said it. to T-Magic. well, yelled it at him as he was leaving.

Pastor: “Cause when I think of cheerleaders I think of the Golden Girls.” golfing. enough said.

Taylor: “Where’s your lost and found?”
Carrie the nurse: “Somebody lose their skivvies?”
Me: “Just put it on the table.”
Carrie: “Don’t put them there, I keep meds there!”
camp fun.

Jim/Me/Ken: JANSEN!
more camp fun.

Grad School:

Classmate: "I was in nursing until I realized I have no bedside manner." on life before the library

Classmate: "Just don't be a D-bag."
Me: "That's your mission statement?" that's his life code.

Classmate: "Unless he was quelling their rebellion by boring them to death." someone's comment of joy about the diary of a certain one of shackleton's crew members

Presenter: "Why do we collect statistics? Anyone?" *silence* "Okay!"

Classmate: "Yeah, but there's a difference between that and forgetting to put sauce on a big mac!" this chick is married to a military officer so they were talking about discipline and then this other dude's former boss was an officer and flipped out at this dude at mcdonalds for messing up his order. somehow that mistake got tied to officers making mistakes and having consequences.

Professor: "Note to self, it there's ice and a ship, don't go!" about titanic and shackleton.

Professor: "You need a plan, Shackleton."

Library Goddessisms:
-"That could bore the paint off walls..."
-"I'm so glad that spellcheck doesn't have a 'duh'... It took me five times to spell weenie..."
-"Got sexier than their server will support!"
-"Why are we looking up magazine articles on the Titanic? It sunk, we're over it...Why would you go to that movie? We know how it ends! I can save you some money, it sinks!"
-"Interoperability...haha, FACE!" excited she could spell it
-"Who, When, What, Where and then we have another Who...ish" about citation
-"That's why there are 800 books named 'Frog'!!.......I don't know where that example came from." since you can't put a copyright on a title
-"Ha! plus five!" pronounced a difficult last name correctly
-"Donkey Hotey" okay...I can't explain that one
-"I don't care if you have a girl middle and a boy high or a boy middle and a girl high...school! High school!" yeah...haha, gotta include school on that one.
-"Take the call but go down the hall, don't say Hey by the door. We don't care about your hey." but it was like "Hey" as in "Hey, Ho, Hey, Ho" hysterical.
-"You will not get a handout for your marriage." true dat.
-"They call it the highrise because it's the only building there with 2 stories."
-"Support a para-professional a year, pay your library fines!"
-"Hoarders...one time's all you need."
-"Practice in your car, they'll just think you're singing."
-"I've been booktalking since dirt!"
-"I've read that book four times and I still don't know what happens!"
-"Like we'd know if you mess up...if it falls apart just lie!" booktalks
-"Big plastic fish thing." Jaws, she was talking about Jaws.


Claudia (Warehouse 13): "Well, Serendipity is my stripper name." Oh Claudia, how much you add to Warehouse 13's already awesome level.

Wolcott: "Is there not a man in London you haven't charmed?"
Helena (HG) Wells: "Oscar Wilde, and not for lack of trying."

Castle: “How do you know when you’re in love?”
Beckett: “All of the songs make sense.”

Roz (Frasier): “Just passing by, thought I’d stop in for a career.”

Frasier: “We’ve decided to think it’s charming.”

Maya (Just Shoot Me): "Competition brings out the worst in people!"
Nina: "Actually bike shorts bring out the worst in people..."

Nina: “Guess what I got!”
Finch: “Why, are they stumped down at the clinic?”

The Chief (Carmen Sandiego): “If cheese isn’t safe in Wisconsin, nothing is safe in Wisconsin!”

Victoria (Hot in Cleveland): "God I hate jocks!"
Joy: "You were married to a wide receiver!"
Victoria: "I still don't know what sport that is!"

Carrie Fisher: “I just have basically too much personality for one person but not enough for two.”

Magwilde (Bonekickers): "It's like graveyard jenga down here." Freaking Bonekickers. Every thought in my head for weeks came out in a Scottish accent.

Victoria (Mike and Molly): “So yes, I do believe in Bigfoot. And yes, I think he’s a total jerk.”

Elphaba (Wicked): “Not everyone can come and go by bubble.”

Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe: “He punched the highlights out of her hair!”

Kelly (Charlie's Angels): “You move it turkey, we were here first!”

General Beckman (Chuck): “It’s longer than my copy of Atlas Shrugged!”

Castle: “And now, I own a boat!”

love the horn at the end.


-Bumper Sticker: “Hit me, I need the excitement.”

-Rasputin was poisoned, shot and drowned.

-An Angler on the Amazon hit a beehive with his stick. In order to avoid the angry bees he jumped into the river and was eaten by piranhas.

-When in doubt shelf-read the jNonfiction. That place is always a disaster area.

-In 1865, in the war between Uruguay and Brazil, one of Uruguay's ships ran out of cannon balls so they fired chunks of stale Dutch cheese out of the cannons. One of them dismasted an enemy ship and killed two sailors.

-If you've ever had to haul a can of paint to the top of a water tower to defend your sister's honor you may be a redneck.

-People used a rhyme in the olden days to remind others to stay away from Oak trees in a lightning storm. "The oak brings the stroke." Apparently oak trees were thought to be highly conductive.

-It's lucky to spit in your hand before you pick up your bat. It's unlucky to share bats with someone else. ....and now totally gross if you play with superstitious people.

A random collection of knowledge I know. That's the beauty of public libraries. The information is limitless, unlike academic or special libraries. Booyah.

New Life Mottos:
-Social life in progress
-Well that’s something to scrapbook
-At least the baby stopped crying
-I’m just coloring in the chicken feathers
-Black in the crevices
-I’m a constant surprise
-I’m just not hooked on your phonics
-That's a second Friends reference for those of you counting.
-Because everyone should have someone to scream at in a giant elephant.
-Another day another margarita
-And don't go all shrink on me. If you tried to analyze my crazy you'd drive yourself there.
-Is she telling me this because she expects me to be social?
-The Sideways Hat Theory
-I live my life behind the tab.

and that's all she wrote.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November: Take Five

"I've had marriages shorter than that story." Okay Jack, I'll try to keep it simple.

I've had the pleasure of working at two public libraries for over a year now, add that to my very amusing family, hysterical friends and crazy imagination and you get hours of entertainment.
So, without any further ado you get,

Quotes of the Year:

ps- there were far too many so the other half comes tomorrow.

Things overheard at the library:
Fearless Leader: *holding up a copy of Legally Blonde the Musical* THIS is why I hate musicals!

Trainee: "It's like, what's that mean? and then Why are you reading my ass?" about the shorts with words on them.

Me: “He says I deserve a pizza.”
Superwoman: “Crap.” ha!

Slim Shady: “Magnet, Magnet, Magnet…” i attract all the crazies.

Coworker at Staff Inservice: “There’s no crying in Koha.”

Creeper: “Likes ass or jazz” what are you supposed to say when someone hands you a note with their name and that on it? Seriously? Thanks, but no.

Me after hitting button in car and it asked for a command: "What the hell?"
Jarvis my car: "To call hell say dial."
Glee-Loving Boss: "Did a creepy guy with a deep voice answer?"

Slim Shady: "They say it's a psychological thriller. I want to know what that means in the context of ballerinas." About Black Swan

Me: "That'll be me in 40 years."
Space Cadet: “But you'll use your inside voice...unless you're too deaf to hear it." She says that my hearing at 35 will be her hearing at 70 since I blast music in my headphones.

Koha Queen: "I'm way passed bananas."

Girlscout: "My orca is gonna attack your porpoise!" summer reading program water guns were sea animal-shaped

Super Librarian Status: "You have a lot to live up to. Just don’t throw cranky customers across the room." about my nickname Pippi cause of my hat

Reference Queen: "This shirt is older than you are." Barcode Blues

Superwoman: “Are you free tonight? Do you need to ask your mother?” geez, you forget about one family gathering.

Coworker: “Don’t run in the library.”
Kid: “I’m jogging” and keeps running.

Me: “Was it Patience or Fortitude?”
Slim Shady: “I think it was Patience.”
Me: “You don’t know do you?”
Slim Shady: “No idea.” take a picture in front of the lions

Sam the Man: “Jam hands bring nothing but pain.” joy


Me: "It's like, I'm surrounded by books all day. The last thing I want to do when I get home is read."
Second Sister the pharmacist: "Well, I don't come home and do drugs."

Bubby: “Can I do it to Mandy?”
Me: “No.”
Bubby: “Can you do it to Mandy?” oh sibling love.

Oldest Sister: "Give me a piece of that gum, you didn't tell me it was enjoyable!"

Rick: "Spontaneous combustion is pretty awesome unless it happens to you." Apples to Apples

Oldest Sister: “Picture ‘I can’t run anymore I’m gonna puke!’ and then running the next few steps.”

Oldest Sister: “They didn’t punch a hole, they punched a crawl space.”

Oldest Sister: “Get your head out of your purse.”
Squirt: “It smells good in here.”

Teina: “How do you spell Eminem?”
Rick: “It’s on the candies.”

Me: “You get the jerky, I’ll get the nuts.” christmas shopping

Aunt Hay-Hay: “We ordered an ostrich and they had to go out and find one.” order took longer than anyone else's

Dad: “You were good, you didn’t fight with anyone.”
Mom: “That’s because she didn’t have anyone to fight with. You would have if she did.” Thanks mom.

Mom: “Is it Apples to Apples or Apples to Oranges?”

Second Sister: “It’s an appropriate amount of freakage.” About my level of sanity after I was told about dad in the hospital. Knew it was serious business when both Oldest and Second Sisters called me at work within five minutes of each other.

Mark: “I used to say ‘oh pigeons’ it’s appropriate cause they’re annoying as crap.”

Squirt: “Lock him in the closet with a piece of cheese and a glass of water.”

Mark: “We’ll split the trains four ways. Carrie can have the beer mugs.”
Second Sister: “I want the Corve.”
Me: “Can I have the Bird?”
Mark: “Yes, we’ll flip you the bird.”

Mom: “You get $2500 when you die.”
Me: “What am I supposed to do with it?”
Mom: “Bury yourself.”

Mom: “Get that on! I don’t wanna see you hanging out!”
Me: “The doors are closed!” a seatbelt, she’s talking about a seatbelt.

Justin: “Put on some music. It’ll make her look less crazy.”

Liz: “I will murder you at my wedding. I’m not above that.” about showing a video of her singing and dancing

Justin: “If he made it old dirty underwear in a dump no one would ever look for that. Best Horcrux ever.” harry potter

Oldest Sister: "Did you just turn that down with your butt?"
Me: "Yes, my butt has magic powers."
Oldest Sister: "That's fantastic."
Me: "My butt or the magic powers?" remote control

Me to Creepy Stalker Date: “That’s not love, that’s not even like! That’s nausea-inducing, frustration anxiety psychosis!”

Oldest Sister: "I'm related to that one."
Me: "She's my older sister."
Josh: "You're very strong."
Oldest Sister: "So you've met my family."
Josh: "Just that one."

Dad about Mom: "You're the second biggest blab around."
Me: "Does that make you the first?"

Sarah: "Did you swear in text form?"

Me: "Is that like the Splenda of salt?"

Squirt: "You stole my happy!"

Dad: "And! If that fails! We'll put Mom out there with a shotgun!" he was determined to keep the racoons away from the corn.

Mom: "Tell him he's wonderful for staying to work on that so late. Oh, and you're great too."
Me: "Thanks Mom."
thanks mom.

Me about The Closer: "Should we watch last week's?"
Mom: "Sure, I watched it already." *shows starts and literally 30 seconds later she bombards me with questions about what's happening*
Me: "I thought you said you saw this one."
Mom: "I forgot it already."

Me: “You learn that at pharmacy school?”

Dad: “Oh god, not pizza again.”
Mom: “We don’t want old chicken.”

Oldest Sister: “I’m sorry creepers were taking pictures of your butt.”

Cool Aunt at the College World Series: “Just sitting here, enjoying my hummus.” yeah, they seriously had hummus.

Me: “You’re the Tar to my Heels.”

more tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November: Take Four

Another instance of: My Life in Closed Captions: Here's a little segment called: "My boss is cooler...
Got called to the backroom today. Superwoman says I work too much. She's making me take tomorrow off. I mean, what does she expect me to do? Sleep in? Lay on the couch all day catching up on TV - OMG, have you seen "Unforgettable"? it's fantastic. - and watching DVDs I have that are due this week, aka yesterday?

Geez. Watching out for my sanity like that.

That's why she's the coolest.

Alright, so we did Posts of the Year and Pictures and tomorrow is Quotes so I guess that makes today Music...

Favorite new songs I've discovered throughout the year.

"I'm Into Something Good" The Bird and the Bee

i could recommend this over and over and over.

"Lover Lover" Jerrod Niemann

love the vocals. awesomeness.

"Tonight, Tonight" Hot Chelle Rae

summer song 2011 still lives on. somehow still not sick of it.

"Back At Your Door" Maroon 5

i've probably listened to this song more times in 24 hours than i have most songs ever.

"Time Warp" Glee Cast Version

okay so it's a little before the year mark, but i've listened to it enough times throughout the year that it still counts.

"He Wasn't There" Lily Allen live recording

i've been a fan of hers since college but just recently found this on youtube, love it.

"Misery" Glee Cast Version

i've watched this videos many times, mostly after i complete big assignments. wanting to throw all my papers up like that but not wanting to have to clean it up. i'll stick with just watching.

"Since You've Been Gone" Theory of a Deadman

my first ever video rec back on the first of the year. geez. (well this and 'heart of gold')

"Why Do You Let Me Stay Here" She & Him

morbid but awesome. stoked for their christmas album. love her voice. again, fan since college but never saw this video until a few months ago.

annnd now for the most rec'd videos I've posted.

3. "Forget You" Glee Cast feat. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth man, no last name campaign.
Though I really do love this version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFnth12HyJU Audacity-Made, it's a program that can mess with vocals. Yeah, still Gwyneth. Just a bit lower. Just a bit. haha.

That was born after the blog was started. These two I had been big fans of before I started on here. Yes, complete opposites, but stick with me.

2. "You Drive Me Crazy" Shakin' Stevens

diggin' the dance moves. he's welsh. just go with it.

1. "Reflecting Light" Sam Phillips

love it.

Tomorrow is Quotes of the Year, such as this: "How do you expect me to get a woman if I can't blend a margarita?" Tune in for more like that one and I'll probably throw in some other random stuff as well.

"Why do you edit? Just give me credit. I'm just sitting on the shelf."