I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

You're shaking my confidence daily...

Things I did today:

-Did not sleep in. Well, not much. What I did do, was forget to turn off my alarm, so I woke up before noon when I didn't have to wake up before noon. In return I turned on Sherlock and fell back asleep.

-Took out the trash and did laundry.

-Caught up on Castle and 2 Broke Girls. Was super sad for Beckett - not a lot of comedy moments in that episode - but laughed really hard about the 2 Broke Girls working in Santa's Village for money.

-Signed up for Stop Class. Looks like Cataloging isn't the only class I'll be taking in January. Now, how do I explain that I need the whole day off to my boss without her taking away points. "Um, I have a dentist appointment that day?" Not. She'll laugh, I'm sure. But I like my 140.

-Bought liquor. That's my contribution to Thanksgiving with the family. Apples to Apples and liquor. Does anyone else drink Asti? Or is that just an Everts family thing? It's present at pretty much all Everts family functions so I think it's wildly popular... however, things that are also present at Everts family functions such as "Spoon River Anthology", painted grapes, the phrase "TMI" and male cousins who dress up as cheerleaders to perform The Perfect Cheer, are not things that are involved in other peoples' family functions, so perhaps Asti isn't wildly popular either.

-Went to work for two hours. And shelved. Even though that's not really my job anymore. You can take the girl out of shelving range, but you can't take the shelver out of the girl. There was a buildup of carts, what was I suppose to do? Dump it all on the Quiet One so he can suffer through shelving 80 jP's by himself? That's just mean. Adult Fiction, maybe, but jP's? Dude, that's cold.

-Wrote and posted my paper. Hooray for Wichita Public Library. They have clear examples of both advocacy and marketing, which made finding examples really easy. Huzzah!

Things I'm about to do today:

-Post this entry.

-Watch NCIS.

-Go to bed.

Back to the alphabet rec's

Music from the C Section.

A classic and one with classic potential.

"Cecilia" Simon and Garfunkle cover by The Local Natives

If you haven't heard the original version then you are seriously culture-deprived. I posted this version because I find it amusing. I especially like the drummer who uses the tree for a drumset. They're highly resourceful.

"California Hustle and Flow" Social Distortion

there is a serious amount of guitars in that background. yes, i'm aware it's a guitar center. just saying.

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