There are no other words.
To describe what happened today at work.
Okay, so in college my friend Schwartz (even though she is no longer schwartz but i will call her that until we die) and I formed this group on Facebook called "Awkward Moments at Concordia" and we filled it with stories about awkward moments that happened at Concordia, like your car alarm going off repeatedly in the parking lot and how it wouldn't even stop going off as you were driving down the road, or getting a rose on the first date from this guy you took a math class with, or having people assume you're engaged because you shared a hymnal with someone at chapel, and so on and so forth.
Today I'd like to add a new category to this blog entitled: Awkward Moments at the Library.
Today's awkward moment topped even the "likes ass or jazz" conversation mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: This Magnet Moment...
Topped it by far.
Topped the whole freaking list.
Soared over the whole freaking top of the list.
That I could spell out to you in detail, or you could just read the blog, it's full of awkward recollections of awkward moments.
Anyway, so yeah. Okay, how do I put this in words?
I'm still a little in shock.
So I was helping this older lady in the lab download some files onto her flashdrive. And she wanted to make sure that they had loaded. So we unplugged it and plugged it back in and she clicked on one that was a video. And, this is when we learned, that if you open a new video in window's media player, the former video that was playing on it, remains there.
And um, I should probably mention that this was an unfiltered computer. And leave the rest up to your imagination.
Just. Oh my god. Imagine the worst video that could pop up on the screen when you're showing someone who could be your grandmother how to make sure her files downloaded.
Oh my god.
Just oh my god.
Um, yeah, "closing out of that window."
She was horrified.
As was I.
Oh my god.
And, as I stumbled out of the lab and approached the desk at what was now shift-change, there were literally no words that came out of my mouth.
Athough I was apparently completely red.
The Reference Queen - yes we have a queen and the king is so-named "infoman" - says she's never seen me that speechless.
And continued to tease me for the rest of the day.
As did the Queen of the Known Universe, asking if I'd learned anything new.
Oh my god.
Just, there are no words.
So, we're just gonna move on and ignore the tears currently rolling down my face from laughter at this whole thing.
See, it's funny now. But at the time, I just. Oh my god. Worse than being yelled at by angry patrons. See, with them, I can walk it off and go back and do my job knowing that the percentage of the next person in line being more bitchy than the bitch before them is very low.
But see, now I'm like scarred for life from the lab and helping people download files. Cause. Just. No. I don't. There's not. I can't. Just no. No.
Of all the people that I could have been helping it had to be a older lady. and then AND THEN, the kid across the aisle jumps up and asks "are you having computer problems? cause I'm a computer student." I literally jumped up from my knees and yelled, "no! no, we're good. thanks." Because as fun as it would be for that to get announced in a crowded enclosed space, it would just make this nightmare worse.
So yeah, that was my day. I mean, it was good up until then. Slept in, had a good lunch, made plans for Friday, got to work with some of my favorite people, but yeah. That's what's burned into my brain from this day.
And, maybe, showing you some of these will make that one go away. Oh my god.
Alright, continuing the "one year" theme, here's some pics from across the year.
I'll start with ones you haven't seen.
My Life in Closed Captions: Our drinking team has a golfing problem I think this was around hole number eight. Or maybe it was more like five. Either way, it was a day of awesomeness.

My Life in Closed Captions: This is a week of my favorite things Day Three: Te... White walls and sterylized equipment. Yeah. I think we got it.
My Life in Closed Captions: 2G's version of Oh Lord of Light The finalized verses of our version.
I have no explanation for this, I just think it's the best plant ever. Something even I couldn't kill.
My Life in Closed Captions: And no one's getting fat except mama cass. Taking a break from post-camp processing.

Carter likes to sleep on my stomach. All the time.

It's the Death Star of Awesomeness. Star Wars going away party at work.

He likes to pounce on the door. So I put up an obstacle. And he freaking climbed the obstacle and was still able to pounce on the door.
My Life in Closed Captions: I've never heard silence quite this loud. And *pbbt* you was gone.

My Life in Closed Captions: Camp J 2011 Highlights JANSEN!
Plus some you have seen:
My Life in Closed Captions: Well I ain't first class, but I ain't white trash.... Spawn of Awesome
My Life in Closed Captions: To dye, or not to dye? That is the question. Receipt Printers Gone Wild
alright, tomorrow is clips and quotes and probably some other random stuff as well.
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