I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

And if the world stops spinning I'm not afraid to fall...

Yes, I know, I'm sorry I skipped last night.

To be fair I was exhausted.

Worked 9-6 and sat down a total of four times throughout the whole day. We were that busy. But there was only two of us, and we were closed the previous two days so we had all this material coming in and going out, plus the shelves were a mess, and the displays, I seriously was sitting at the desk for maybe an hour total and I was there 9-6. I mean, I was at the desk, just not having a chance to sit. Cause there were people all over.

To make a long story short, too late, I was tired so I turned on Sherlock and konked out. or attempted to. Then fell asleep watching the Husker game, which I had taped and need to delete cause I'm running out of space for HD stuff. I'll have to switch it over to regular definition. Is that was they call it? as opposed to high definition?

I remember this one line from "Red Green" was anybody else forced to watch that with their parents? where he says, "What good is high def when you're half deaf and half blind?!"

Today was pretty busy as well. 11:35-6, computer lab was packed, phone ringing off the hook, but it was a good day. It slowed down on occasion so that was nice, but it wasn't so slow that I was going bananas. Bonus points.

Tonight I'm thinking....food. I need to eat. and then...go through my DVR and weed out stuff I've seen....then...I should write some more. Cause I have some ideas, and if I don't put them down they'll go away.

Which I blame on ZH.

Not the ideas going away, no the process of putting everything down.

It's called a Shitty First Draft. and I'm not coining that, it's already been coined. In writing - of course - but it's actually a chapter in a book we had to read in college. I was amused. It basically says that your first drafts will always be crap compared to the final results. But it's an opportunity to put everything down. It doesn't have to make sense, it doesn't have to go anywhere, as long as it's down on paper you can come back to it later. or delete it later. It gives you that option.

So, I carry quotebooks, and write stuff in my green notebook - I've started doing that, calling them "simple scenes" and adding them into stories later. Most of them have absolutely nothing to do with the characters I'm currently working on, but it's a good exercise and I can throw them into stories later. or come up with new ones based around the scene.

Did I mention I was a nerd about writing? If I could I would just do that. But, as all writers are at times, I'm cursed with writer's block at the moment. on most of my big stories. Hence the quotebooks and scenes notebook. Anything else I can write about I will, but when it comes to an ongoing story, I've got nothing. Which is crap. and backwards of how I want it to be.

Perhaps I should start putting stuff on here. But that would be an effort on my part.

More than just the copy and paste function.

I have this thing, where I'm a perfectionist. and I hate everything I've written. I think it's all crap. I've been told it's not on multiple occasions by multiple people, but I still think it's crap. Because I just have this urge to go back and fix things, or change the storyline completely.

So, submitting anything on here, would mean I'd have to actually find something good enough to share with people, and other than Sketch and Edit, I've really got nothing of that calliber finished. Actually, I don't know that I've ever actually finished a story because of this compulsion. I keep going back and deleting stuff. or I'll get bored with it and move on to another, completely putting that one on the backburner even though I'd worked on it for months, years. There are stories on my computer that I started in 2002 and I still haven't finished. and it's not like I'm writing novels. My longest is maybe 50 pages.

But, like I said, perfectionist.

So, you get Sketch and Edit's, which reminds me that I have a couple of those actually ready to post. Sort of. Compulsion strikes again. I need to sign off of here so I can work on those and post them later.


Enough rambling.

Food then writing. Maybe I'll turn on the Husker game in the background since I fell asleep mid first quarter. Even though I have seen it entirely already.

Silence messes with my head. Hence the headphones.

Alphabet Rec's
Since I skipped last night you get G's and H's. Have fun.

"Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight" The McGuire Sisters

used to sing this over the phone to an ex at night, but that was back when i still had a voice. i'm out of practice now.

"Girl Next Door" Saving Jane

good song. and amusing, since this one actually came out before Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" hmm....similar lyrics. I like them both.

"Have It All" Jeremy Kay (acoustic version)

"Scrubs" soundtrack
i really really really like this one. if you're going to watch only one choose this one

"Heroes" The Wallflowers

cause i like their version the best. even over the original, sorry bowie. c'mon, it's dylan's son, just go with it. he's got talent.
aannd it's another soundtrack song, this time "Godzilla" hence the destruction in the background, however I know it from "The Replacements" an excellent football movie. Keanu rocks. so does Jon Favreau. He's in front of the camera this time, instead of behind it. You should look into it, it's a fantastic comedy/drama/sports movie.

Honorable mentions: "Give In To Me" another soundtrack this time Country Strong
and "Head Over Heels" by April McLean. fantastic song that i would have posted but couldn't find it on youtube.

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