I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, November 18, 2011


Okay, so, as expected spent my day off sick and on the couch. Coughing up a storm, but getting through even more of season eight of NCIS. Right now I'm up to the flashback episode of where Gibbs and Tony first meet. It's making me crave fortune cookies.

"You can't outrun me, I'm wearing tubesocks!"

Loving the flashbacks. Wish we could learn more about Abby's past through flashbacks. She intrigues me.

Other than that it's been pretty slow today.

I did get a visit from Mom though, bringing me soup and fruit, taking the Christmas tree.

Quote of the day:
Mom: "We had a good time, went to a funeral."
Me: "That's fantastic. I'll put that in the blog."
Mom: "No!"

So, after sleeping pretty much all day and watching more NCIS I ate some icecream, well rainbow sherbet. Good stuff.

Then chicken noodle soup.

Now Reese's.

I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll be 100 percent. Or at least 70.

Anything less is gonna make 9-6 interesting.

Alright. I'm off to go back to sleep. And drink some orange juice.

"Hey Ya" NCIS

love how it matches with the clips.

out. officially.

1 comment:

  1. I remember laughing out loud at the tube sock thing.

    Sorry to hear you are sick but laying around watching TV is a great pastime
