I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lights will guide you home...

First day.

Spent it falling asleep on my feet. Literally. I mean, I was able to stay awake and conscious at work, but I totally passed out between shifts for an hour at my apartment.

Apparently, the two guys I worked with yesterday called in sick this morning.

But that's not exactly something you can do when it's your first day as a 40 hour professional.

I've only taken one sick day since I started in May of 2010. It's November of 2011.

Bring it.

It was a good first day, aside from the weakness and the wanting to crash.

And I have tomorrow off so I can rest up. I have a feeling I'll spend it on the couch. It's interesting having the whole day off from both places. I liked working at two different places for two different jobs but it was a lot to keep track of. Hopefully, this will be a little easier.

Other than working, and learning all about Kindle and its capabilities I also talked to my mom, who is coming to town tomorrow. She's always entertaining. And I can give her her new Christmas tree to take to the farm so I don't have to keep hauling it around in the back of my car.

Oh, did I mention I bought them a tree for Christmas? I think I might have in passing. Remember the Christmas Tree From Hell story? My Life in Closed Captions: A Christmas Tree Nightmare Mom says I get to throw the tree in the hole. I might even film the freaking event. It will be fantastic. And EPIC. I hate that freaking tree.

So yes, I bought them a new one. With no lights already attached. They just die off and don't work the next year anyway. This is easier. I will also buy them some new ornaments, if she wants them. It is her Christmas present. Well, hers and dad's. Who said I should get a giant 9 foot one, but since she and I are the ones to decorate the thing every year, I went with her decision on the 7 foot one instead.

And it's still in my car. So Mom can take it home tomorrow. No real point in taking it out of the car if I'm not going to put it up in my apartment.

Okay, other good things in life. Talked with Obi-Wan about camp today. Last weekend of July is set up. We'll get most of the rowdy crew back again, but with the exception of some major players who have scheduled conflicts. Gonna be interesting there.

Ummm... I'm watching the Kate's Sister episode of NCIS which totally makes me sad. Kate was my favorite. Think I still like her more than Ziva, which is saying something because Ziva seriously rocks. I'm glad that Sasha is back on TV. Rizzoli and Isles is rockin' it on TNT.

Oh! And Kat guest-starred on NCIS. As Chaplan Burke. I was impressed. And she's a redhead so maybe they'll keep her around since Gibbs has a thing for redheads. That'd be awesome. Kat as in Kat Gardener from Eastwick. aka Jaime Ray Newman. I loved Eastwick. But of course, it got cut short. Not a surprise there it did star Lindsay Price and Rebecca Romijn. Not exactly solid TV series records in their background. But I like them so I watched it. Found it quite funny. Although, the problem with it ending so quickly was that in the finale it made you believe that Darryl was a good person and not the devil like in the real Eastwick.

Speaking of redheads, I think my very favorite NCIS guest star redhead would probably be Casey Novak with a gun, Diane Neal aka Abigail Borin. Call the Coast Guard, She's fantastic. I just watched "Ships in the Night" yes, I'm watching season 8 on DVD again, get used to it. And I'm still laughing. She's on a horrible blind date on a boat - with nowhere to go - when someone gets shot and murdered and then Gibbs comes and she's still in a dress trying to work a crime scene, it's hysterical.

Gibbs: Well, somebody get something!
McGee computer beeps: Boss, I got something.
Borin: My guys never do that.
Gibbs: Get yourself some new guys.

Sorry. NCIS rocks. Maybe tomorrow night I'll serenade you with things about Bones or Criminal Minds or Castle or one of the movies I have checked out. But I'll stick with NCIS until I crash tonight.

Which is now. Cause yeah. Exhausted.


"Fix You" Coldplay

1 comment:

  1. Diane Neal does rock! Did you notice that Mark's son, Sean, played him as the young Gibbs in the last 2 episodes? By the way, I hear that Jimmy Palmer's wedding will feature in an upcoming ep.

    Where are you working now?
