I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Every single breath you take away gives me more life than before...

Dad: "If that spills your car will smell like spiced tea forever."
Mom: "She likes spiced tea."

Return trip = success

No spilled spiced tea or pies all over my floor. Why is it that I always end up with a fridge full of leftovers even when it's not at my house? I think that they think that I can't feed myself properly. Since I can't cook.

But I can.

Sort of.

I mean, my apartment is still standing, and I haven't gotten sick, so both of those things mean I'm doing something right, right?

Got my new phone today. It's all fancy and shiny. It's giant compared to my blackberry, but I like it. Touch screen, I'll have to get used to that instead of a keyboard but it's cool so far. I didn't get a lot of time to mess with it today since we watched the Husker game - woohoo!! - and then I put up the trees. I'll mess with it more tomorrow after work.


Plus a stop to make sure Bubby is still alive and feed him.

I miss vacation time already.

Now that I actually earn it I should start taking some. I started in May 2010 and the only vacation time I've taken is for camp. And that doesn't really count, as it's more work than work work. But I like it so that's okay.

What else?

Oh yeah.

Trees. Not as bad as the nightmare that was last year. This year it went okay. Listened to my Christmas music, set them both up, new one included. It turned out pretty good actually. Much better and easier than the one I'll be throwing in the hole. Oh! Forgot to do that. Will have to when I go home next.

And film it.

I think Mom thinks I'm joking when I say I'm going to film it. I'm not. I want to watch it fly. and die. That thing caused hours of pain and suffering. This new one took about two minutes to put together. Decorating it took a while, but seriously, two minutes and it was standing straight in the right direction. Fantastic.

So I'll do the old tree throw next time I go home. That and pick up all the stuff I forgot, aka CD's, random stuff in closet I was going to grab but forgot/didn't want to carry up stairs along with everything else I was sent home with.

But I'll make it out there soon. Maybe this weekend. I have class Saturday but I'm off Sunday.

Oh yeah, so next semester I'll have class on Sundays. That'll be different. But good cause it's in the afternoon and not 8:30 AM. Huzzah! Last one of those of this semester on Saturday. All assignments have been submitted so I'm basically done. All I have to do is show up and talk about outreach advocacy and marketing. Oh yeah, and download the plan of study form from the website, fill it out and give it to the Library Goddess. Someone remind me to do that, cause I'll forget.

Okay, enough rambling. It was an excellent day. Huskers rocked it. Seriously. Heroes Game trophy included.

Alphabet Rec's of the night. What am I up to, F? Right? Cause yesterday was "Everywhere" and something else. "Evil Woman" that's right.

So tonight, let's see....

Aww man, there's too many good ones! I'll limit myself to three.

Alright, something you haven't heard...or you probably have in the background of big movies. I'll let you figure them out.

"Feels Like Home" Chantal Kreviazuk live

She's pretty good live, amusing. Though it's funny cause she switched up some of the lines. I was like, wait, what?

"Find My Way" Gabe Dixon Band live

and a bonus one.
okay, music video slideshows kind of weird me out, especially ones with lyrics on them, cheesefest style, so you won't see a lot of them on here. I only sacrifice when I think the song is worth it, and this one is.

"Fall Into Me" Hey Monday

love it.

out for the night. long day tomorrow.

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