I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Oh, Lordy. The Nerd Days are here.

So I'm watching Thor. And loving it. 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome

And checking out all the Avengers stuff.

And it's making me think about the awesome upcoming movie.

May 4th, 2012 by the way.

And think about the characters and movies.

I'm debating.

Pretty sure Iron Man is my favorite. Robert Downey Jr. is fastly rising to the top of my list of favorite actors with his awesomeness as Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes. Plus it has both Gwyneth and Scarlett Johansson. So you get both Iron Man and Black Widow - which sounds more like a bad chick's name to me, but maybe that's just me. She is kind of a badass - and then Rhodey, I did like Terrance Howard better, but Don Cheadle will do. But the comedy is so great in those movies, mixed in with all the action and the stunts and Jon Favreau is just fantastic. I loved him in the Replacements, I still love him now as a director. 10/10 on the Scale of Awesome.

So I think that's my number one.

Number two would be Captain America. Great movie, storyline and effects. Actually just bought that one, and I haven't bought a lot of movies lately. I blame that on the library and their holds system. 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Sad ending. But I guess it works as a segue into the new movie. I was really really impressed by the effects that made him look completely scrawny and weak in the beginning of the movie. That was impressive to see the changeover after all the injections and stuff.

Which makes Thor number three. I didn't really know that much about the Thor storyline until I saw the movie. He's kind of "one of these things is not like the other" as he's an actual god, and not actually from earth. But when you put it into the storyline where Loki is the bad guy and it's aliens taking over earth, then it kind of makes sense that he's there. I do enjoy both Kat Dennings and Natalie Portman in this one. I just find it humorous that all of Kat Dennings characters are all so similar. It's kind of like Max Black on 2 Broke Girls is the epitomy of them all. So that's fantastic.

Ohh, Loki. What did you do?

Who's left? Oh, right.

Bruce Banner. Gotta say, honestly, never really been a fan of The Hulk. I mean, he's big and he's green and he breaks stuff. Right. Got it. Move on.

But see, the thing is, who the hell is Hawkeye? Why doesn't he have his own movie? The Hulk got 2! Iron Man is getting a third. I mean, he's in Thor. And you get to see him with his bow and arrow, but it's like for 2 minutes and then he's gone. And he's already working for the government at that point.

And Nick Fury, I'm super curious about his character. I mean, I could break down and actually pick up a comic book. I'm sure I'd hear certain members of my coworkers cheer when I do it. It's not like I'm against them. I'll read them. I just don't know where to start.

I read John Boy's comics that he creates himself. Cause he's awesome like that.

Anyway, I'm just super pumped for The Avengers. It's gonna be epic. And packed with crazy nerds everywhere.

Interestingly enough, Cobie Smulders is in it - aka Robin from How I Met Your Mother - so that's gonna be interesting. She plays this boss person chick who was the leader of SHIELD or becomes the leader at one point or something. I don't know. Like I said, I should just read the comics.

dude, I want one of those spins you around and shoots you through space really fast things! Can I put that on my Christmas list?

Alright, back to the movie. This will be second time watching it total, but it's good because I'm noticing things that I didn't notice before.

Just one more thing.

...do they really need to remake Spiderman? Seriously? Wasn't the musical enough?

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