I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November: Take Two

Have you ever had one of those days where you're so upset with yourself that you literally just want to go cry in a corner? That was me today. And the psychology behind it is actually really interesting. How I can be so much more effected when one person is upset with me compared to anyone else being upset with me. It literally killed my day. But it's okay. I mean, it's not. But it'll be okay. Soon. I'll fix it. I hope.

But if Superwoman has taught me anything it's that being a librarian is much like being an actress so I faked my way through the day successfully as none of the patrons seemed to notice. My coworkers were smart enough to realize it was not a good day and waited for me to come to them. That's how I know I'm where I'm supposed to be.

So I'm trying to be happy and excited and just you know, manageable of emotions. And it's crap, because when I'm really really mad I just write a scene and kill off the bad guy in a really painful inhumane way. But when I'm sad, life just bites.

Slim Shady and I are going out for lunch tomorrow. She's trying to cheer me up. "Yes, I need to be excited about life." "Well, I wouldn't go that far." And the Cool Aunt who is perpetually there when I need her was very helpful. So I'm grateful.

Aannnd now that we've rinsed off the soap we can get back to the good stuff.

So yes, it's been a year. One crazy and exhausting year. Through job interviews, camp excursions, play practices from hell, creepy stalkers hitting on me continually, and I'm still here to post. So that's something. Right?

Those were 38, yes 38, of my favorite posts. And guess what. You're about to get even more.

39. We go, we drink, we banter, we dance, we cheer, we eat, a lot, and drink some more. My Life in Closed Captions: Extra Innings Victory! Love Mom.

40. Damage control on the fly. My Life in Closed Captions: Rockin' the Reference with the Shelver's Curse Plus I'm a nerd. Remember that.

41. Which Steve? My Life in Closed Captions: Tin Roof!...Rusted... "You don't look like a librarian."

42. What's your walkup song? My Life in Closed Captions: Motions of Motherhood "Don't put your lime carcuss on my plate!"

43. Queen of Koha turned Plant Killer My Life in Closed Captions: Say Goodnight and Go "Oh, I was looking for shotguns."

44. Play nice or you will wear my latte. My Life in Closed Captions: "You need a plan, Shackleton." "Unless he was quelling their rebellion by boring them to death."

45. Oh, we're mercenaries, didn't they tell you? My Life in Closed Captions: 2 games, 2 amazing right-field catches, an injured... "Don't listen to him, he's just used to dealing with cold bodies."

46. Just don't sleepwalk when there's an office chair at the base of your bed. My Life in Closed Captions: "Well, this is awkward."It will scar your roommate for life.

47. Library Swag My Life in Closed Captions: Green Bags and Nametags "No idea, but we should probably clap."

48. You die your way, I'll die mine. My Life in Closed Captions: "That's not coffee, that's diabetes on ice." 10/12... "to give you a gentle push, or a kick in the ass."

49. You flip to the back of the hymnal to see if anyone's made a note about the water damage. My Life in Closed Captions: You know you're a librarian when: Who wouldn’t want to drive across the country with a protagonist fixated on drugs, women, and intellectualism?

50. Battle of the Lutherans My Life in Closed Captions: Lutherans in the Outfield Therefore, I'm destined to marry a Catholic.

51. If you see a sign claiming they will file legal action against you if you clean poultry in the bathroom My Life in Closed Captions: Joys of Small Town Nebraska blame my sister. That's all her.

52. Librarians go Gaga My Life in Closed Captions: "Don't you ever interrupt me while I'm readin' a b... "I feel sort of rocky sometimes."

53. Remember when you went out hunting for possum? You said you’d get one and wouldn’t be long. My Life in Closed Captions: Where Oh Where Are You Tonight? That’s ten years ago and I’m sitting here waiting, beginning to wonder if something went wrong.

54. Dear Facebook, My Life in Closed Captions: Something tells me I'm into something good... You need a Bitchslap Button.

55. Rollin' with my gnomies. My Life in Closed Captions: "You know if you move that fast enough, you can al... Why is the g silent?

56-62. Favorites Week - These Are a Few of My Favorite Things Seven whole days of lists and clips of awesomeness.

Tune in tomorrow for clips, quotes and pictures of the awesomeness that's been one year in the life of me.

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