I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

"I'm gonna need some bail money."

Okay. So I got a speeding ticket. Yes, I'm aware. But, now, apparently, everyone else is as well. But as least I called and told them about it after it happened. It could have been worse. I wasn't calling from behind bars or something. My one phone call. Asking for bail money. Thanks for that Second Sister. The lot of you really. You're all so supportive. The second I walk through the door. Seriously.

So, Thanksgiving. A time for food, family, and sarcasm galore. There wasn't as much this year since there was no Apples to Apples involved. There was however a lot of card playing.

Some really really and let me add another really bad pinochle playing on my part. Joe sat by me trying to pick up the game and I had to say, "Well, here's how you lose." But, just to say, we were 87 in the hole at one point and still finished with a positive 40 something. So that could have been worse as well. Got a double marriage and a double pinochle and a run in one hand and I think we scored about 80 on that one alone. But that was my only good hand the whole night.

I did win one game though, when I was paired with Dad. Which is weird, I mean it's not cause he's good, but Teina and I usually rock when we're paired up. But that was a while ago when we were last paired. This year we got owned. On multiple occasions. But crappy cards man. Geez. One good hand means getting set every other one. Yikes. I should have just stopped bidding altogether.

I haven't played that game in literally years. Which is weird, because we use to play it all the time and I mean all the time. We never played pitch. It was always pinochle. But when we're with extended family it's pitch because it's easier. And faster.

Other than card playing there was a lot of food, yes, but there was also a mass amount of laziness. About an hour of sitting on the couch, watching Suh get thrown out, smooth move dude, and going through the ads. It was funny cause we were out in the living room on the awesome new furniture, Sarah on the end, then Cindy then Mandy, Me then Teina and Mark on the floor and we would just pass the ads down the couch basically. All with paper and pens coming up with Christmas lists.

Second Sister wants me to get her one of those emergency tool things so if your car goes under water you can slice your seatbelt and hammer your way out of your window. Cause apparently you're trapped. They saw it on Mythbusters. And she drives over mass amounts of water daily. Not. But she's pregnant and hormonal so I shall do as she asks.

And they always ask if we're doing a big Christmas, aka are we buying presents for the siblings? And I do. Cause I like Christmas. They don't have to buy lots of stuff if they don't want to, but I'm going to. Cause I like it. and I have this awesome catalog of random stuff - similar to a Sky Mall if you've flown and browsed through that - and yeah, there's gonna be a lot of random gifts this year. I'm thinking Everts Christmas gag gift stuff. Primo collector edition.

And of course, everything I was repulsed with I talked about and they all claimed they were going to buy it for me. But really, why would you need a fake plastic person who's actually a tape dispenser but is sitting on a toilet with a pen in his mouth and paper clips coming out of his butt? Is that repulsive to anyone else? Who wants that sitting on their desk? Seriously. I'm gonna have to find a picture of that, cause I really can't describe it any better than that. I'd rather just have a coffee cup filled with pens and tape.

Here, go here: Creepy Plastic Person

It freaked me out.

Even more than the 100 dollar bill toilet paper. It doesn't cost 100 dollars, it's an actual (fake) 100 dollar bill on a roll.

or the kind that glows in the dark. WHY?!

Good god.

I did, however, find something fantastic for The Cool Aunt. which I guess I can't mention cause she reads this. So she'll just have to be excited for things that fly. and that's all I'm saying.

Speaking of Everts Family Christmas. We have this baby. It's plastic. and Ugly. and Dances. Supposedly. But it's still in the box so really it only sways side-to-side and it's been a gag gift for years. Literally. and it just keeps getting passed back and forth. and I have a problem. Because I'm pretty sure that I have it. and that means I have to find it. So it's either in the boxes in my apartment, or the boxes in my closet here at the farmhouse. or in the abyss that's the basement. Hmmm... I'll check tomorrow.

Okay, so other than cards, trail mix, ads, football, napping, mass amounts of food, drinking chocolate wine, and watching children run wild, there was a lot of talking. and some good quotes. Though there are really none of them that I can repeat. Other than the ones I've already explained.

I did enjoy our 20 minute conversation about the Dougie dance. If you have no idea to what I'm referring to skip to the bottom and watch the video. We want to change it to "Teach me how to Teina". We watched the video and she said she does most of the moves so we could change the name and add a few more moves. and Mark can do the cabbage patch in the background.

Alright. Music Rec's I think we're to the E's.

And due to good timing you get a family classic:

"Evil Woman" Electric Light Orchestra

used to dance and sing this when i was little tiny. and we taught it to Squirt and Bubby when they were little tiny.
"there's an open road that leads no where, so just make some miles between here and there"
hahahahaha, oh my god. one of the comments on the youtube page is a dedication.
"I'd like to dedicate this song to my ex, Sheila.
Sheila, if you are reading this, rot in hell.
Love, Mark

"Everywhere" Michelle Branch

a big one from college. good god she looks young.
yes i know this is the second one of hers i've used for the alphabet rec's and we're only to the E's but get used to it, cause she rocks. and technically that was The Wreckers. just cause she's one of the lead singers in the band...

as mentioned above:

"Teach Me How To Dougie" Cali Swag District

Big day tomorrow. New phone on the morning, means I had to go through my current phone tonight typing up all my notes cause they won't save to my media card. Do you know how long it takes to type up 479 notes? I skipped half. Didn't even upload any of the dream log. Cause dude. That's soooo much more. But the pictures and ringtones and all that are good to go. I'm hoping they'd just be able to transfer all that stuff - like contact numbers and stuff - to the new phone but I'm guessing it doesn't work with the notes. Hence the typing.

I did find a few more life mottos that I forgot to mention in the One Year post.

-"One minute I'm sane, the next two I'm crazy" think that came from a dream
-"Put it in the microwave and pour it over chips" that's a Magic Bullet direct quote but I like to use it out of context, it's more fun that way
-"It's a worthless guide to an epic ride" which is kind of a disclaimer to this blog
-"We won't judge you. We may slow clap you, but we won't judge you." camp quote, that was one of mine when we went bowling, works well in life events

Okay, will consider transferring more depending on how tired I am after this post.

After the new phone tomorrow is the Huskers game. First annual Heroes Game, trophy included. It's a "revivalry" really. I enjoy that word.

And then I get to set up the trees - yes I did buy them a new one and I'm stoked - and decorate the house. My favorite thing to do for Xmas, aside from the whole Xmas day proceedings. It's cool to have all the lights up and all that. I'm excited.

So, big day. I'm out.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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