I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

This Magnet Moment...

Magnet Magnet Magnet...terrible. I am a freaking magnet. And I didn't even do anything this time! I was sitting at my desk and he comes up and starts hitting on me. I wasn't even in public service! I was at the lab! Answering the phone every two minutes!
Okay, so Grandma (25-yr-old-coworker, I really need to think of another nickname that doesn't take quite that explanation) calls me a magnet. Because I attract all types of weirdos and they like latch on or something. Apparently I'm "too nice to the weird boys." That's what she says every time I tell her about a new magnet moment. Which is what I call them. Unfortunately, it's a conversation I've been having a lot lately. Anyway, these "magnet moments" range all the way from being hit on and/or stalked by teenage boys to old women. Although my favorite was this guy around my age - I was helping him find sheet music cause the music goddess was already gone and he slipped me this piece of paper with his name (illegible btw) and a note at the bottom saying "likes ass or jazz". Yeah, that was something to scrapbook. It cracked myself, Grandma (25...), and my favorite college professor up majorly. Actually that was my second choice for the name of this blog, haha. But then people would have thought that it was me saying that, therefore My Life in Closed Captions won.
Today's Magnet Moment was interesting. He asked me out, I said I don't date patrons - learned that the hard way, then he tried to find a loophole saying something about how he would ask me out at the other branch or something. But he would still be a patron there so I'm confused. Whatever. But that's going to be awkward, since he goes to both branches. I'm toast. And I'm tired of being toast.
Think I'm just going to start being mean to anyone that looks at me twice. No, couldn't do that. I'd get in trouble. I'll just run instead. That works. And it helps when your "big brother" is around to save you. Haha, another fun coworker who has had unfortunate experiences with patrons as well.
It was funny, I described the guy to him earlier, then someone looking like the guy came to the desk to ask a question about parking meters and big brother comes from out of nowhere saying, "it's time to the count the money, let's go." Wrong guy, but still appreciated. Good to know I've got people who have my back. And Grandma (25... yeah that's getting old it's time for a new nickname)...where was I... oh yeah Grandma (...) says she'll play girlfriend, but I won't see her again 'til like Thursday or something since I'm at the other branch until then. And I'm sure he'll show up at that branch. Hooray...Not. Toast. Freaking magnetic qualities.

What else...oh yeah, tonight I'm going bowling...yes, bowling. I suck, but it's still fun. Usually I only go once a year when we take the kids at teen camp. We have our usual group with our usual nicknames - Boomer, Obi-Wan, Chickenfro, Maynard, this year Scuba Steve joined us as well. I'll let you guess which one of those is mine. Anyway, tonight I'm going with Boomer (there, eliminated an option for you) and Nic, plus I think Tyler will be there as well. We grew up together, same grade school and both went away to same high school so it's always fun to see him. His two little brothers have to put up with me still since I direct the play. Speaking of, I'll get to talk to Nic about that tonight, I gotta remember to ask about the rap and commercial.

Anyway, songs for tonight:
"Something's Got a Hold on Me" Christina Aguilera from Burlesque

Figured the title fit the whole magnet theme. Love the whole 50s/60s style.

"You Drive Me Crazy" Shakin' Stevens

This is at least the third time I've posted this, yes I'm aware. But it's one of my favorites. And it also fits the theme. Well, the title does. Pretty sure these people weren't sent down to give me a thrill. Someone else a thrill perhaps.

Alright, food then bowling. Have a good one.

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