I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just like jam and bread or maybe birds of a feather...

Time: 10:30ish
Location: Couch
Attitude: Tired

Tired. But good tired. Life is kind of all over the place lately so had to take a break and relax - hung out with my awesome friend and went to see the "Lincoln Lawyer". It was actually pretty good, I'd give it a 7/10 on my Scale of Awesome. Matthew McConaughey, Josh Lucas, Ryan Phillippe, Marisa Tomei, William H. Macy - I was surprised by him in that role I didn't think it would fit but it was good. Interesting plots twists, I liked it. I've always though that Josh Lucas and Matthew McConaughey were actually really similar because of the roles that they usually play - You know the dumb guys that women run away from and then come back to, and then the inspiring coaches, plus they look similar so it was funny to see them both together in a courtroom.
Oh, and forgot from before, Sunday also went to see "I Am Number Four" you know, just meaning to eat milk duds and make commentary but it was actually really good. I might even cave and read the book, just cause I want to know what happens in the rest of the series. I'm gonna give it a 9/10 on the S.O.A. Quinn as Sarah was kinda funny. But she pulled it off, I didn't see her as the cheerleader she is on Glee. or former cheerleader of whatever.

Another fun thing coming up - SCHOOL MUSICAL! got the script sunday, casted it today, going out for our first practice tomorrow. Don't have a lot of time this year, we're doing it in early May so it's gonna be a lot to learn in a short amount of time. Plus we don't have a regular schedule this year, it was easy when I had the same classes every week so we knew when I'd be free to go out there. This year my work schedule's all over the place so we only know so far in advance and then if I'm free sometime they might not be. But we'll figure it out.

Did anyone else used to watch that show on Nickelodeon, "Figure it out" hosted by Summer Sanders? where the kids come and they've like invented something or accomplished something big or whatever and then there was a celebrity panel who had to guess what it was and if they didn't they'd get slimed? I just remember Amanda Bynes always asking if they had slapped themselves with liver.

Sorry, mind all over the place.

Quotes of the day:
-"Okay, maybe one point."
-"124, I'll take it!"
current work score - got to work with superwoman this morning. she said i did good but didn't give me any points cause apparently that would be too easy. but finally she gave in and gave me one when she was leaving this afternoon so i felt special.

-then there was an interesting story about a mouse which I won't share as it is not mine but was totally funny.

"Birds of a Feather" The Rosenbergs

Love this song. They don't have an official video but its the song that counts.

"Only You" by Josh Kelley

Yes that is Katherine Heigl and yes they are married now.

had nachos for supper at the theater. should probably eat something resembling real food before i konk out. it's not going to be a slow day tomorrow. work in the morning. then practice. okay driving to practice, then practice, then driving back from practice, then back to work for the night shift, then come home and crash. body of proof will be on, hooray!
but i love the musical. last year's wasn't a musical so i guess i can't call it that, we'll go with grade school play. not a lot of kids this year so i might have to learn lines of my own, that's still being decided.

Have a good one.

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