I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.

Okay so that whole cleaning thing went out the window. I did take a nap. Which was nice...for a whole like half an hour. You can only sleep so long at the farmhouse since it's freakin' grand central station. Phone call after phone call and the ringers are loud.
Play practice was excellent, kids are getting pretty into it. The only problem that now kids are out sick and the oldest is still out because of the surgery. So we're going to play a lot of catch-up with not a lot of time. May 12th is the date. One month from tomorrow. And we're still in the classroom which is not a good sign. Maybe we'll be down on the stage by the end of the week. We're gonna have to soon to start working on blocking. Thankfully this year's play came with a choreography DVD that I still have yet to watch, woops. But I don't have to come up with it this year, hooray!
Keeping it short tonight, kinda tired for no real reason other than it's a Monday. Castle was awesome though! Yay for the ending!

"Let's Dance" David Bowie

Classic song. Although, not the video I was expecting. "Under the moonlight, the serious moonlight..."

Moulin Rouge...Just because I can.

Because everyone should have someone to scream at in a giant elephant.
Pure awesomeness, minus the offkey moment at 0:29. But it's cool, she fixes it on the soundtrack.

Tomorrow means split shift, hooray! So I can run some errands, clean apartment, attempt to nap. We'll see.

"How wonderful life is now you're in the world."

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