I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I've never heard silence quite this loud.

I love it. It's like "Towanda" minus the bubblewrap.

Have you ever had one of those days where you're so sore that doing something as simple as walking up a flight of stairs makes you want to writhe in pain? That was me today. And I worked 9-6. It wasn't a total epic fail though, I shelved and got a lot done this morning, then worked at the desk basically all day. Work Big Brother found this pair of paper glasses and said he'd pay me a dollar if I wore them for the rest of the night. And since there was only 10 minutes left in the day he owes me a buck. I rocked them.

Oh, my, god. So people know me now. Which sucks. I liked blending in. Even when I had red hair they still had no idea who I was. Today I called a branch looking for a hold that was supposed to be picked up at one I'm at but she accidentally sent it to be picked up somewhere else and the dude who answered was very nice and helpful and after he found her hold and put it to be sent over he's like, "oh and you have a hold." "for Martin?" "no, you." Um. what? I didn't tell him my last name, just my first and he made the connection. Although I have no idea what hold he was talking about for anything being held there for me. I'd never been there before the Food Drive. Which is what brought this all on in the first place. I sent out so many mass emails that I'd be surprised if everyone didn't know my name by now. Or at least that my name exists in the system. Man.

Have you ever watched a fictional show that has like magic or supernatural stuff in it and then switched over to a regular mystery show and just feel like at any point they're going to whip out some magical weapon or discover some artifact that is causing someone to kill all these people? or is that just me after watching a marathon of Warehouse 13 online. Caught up. Stoked about H.G. huzzah!

Can't believe camp is over already. Well, sort of. Now it's all the after camp meetings plus send out mailing stuff and feeback, burning picture cd's and sending them to all campers, checking budget, paying for everything we owe. yikes.
I was really proud of the kids and how they pulled off the skits. Here are a few, as promised.
3rd Grade Boys - Keeps Running
*Half of boys stand with arms up as trees, other half are birds that fly across the stage the counselors run through the trees 'til the end*
"This is the story of Camp Jefferson.
Every year starts out the same. During spring, the trees get greener and the birds come back north for the spring." *trees stand up with leaves and birds fly across*
"Then in the fall, the birds start their long journey south for the winter." *birds fly back across*
"And the trees start to change color." *trees spin around*
"In the winter, the trees have lost all their leaves" *drop leaves but keep arms up*
"Then in the summer Camp Jefferson takes place and the whole process repeats its self. Yep, Camp J is just like any other camp. And, just like any other camp, the sap keeps on running through the trees."

The 3rd Grade Girls sold brains, 1 was extrememly expensive because "It's the brain of a counselor, it's never been used!" sorry Emily.

4th Grade Boys had a firing squad - the boys about to be fired at would yell out a diversion, point behind them and the others would turn around and look while the original boy escaped. "Ready, Aim..." "Tornado!" turn. "Ready, Aim..." "Hurricane!" turn. last one wasn't so smart "Ready, aim..." "FIRE!" and then yeah, got shot with a water gun.

4th Grade Girls did Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. literally. They were all piano keys except the musician which was the one going around and hitting them on the head. Every time she hit one they would sing the next note in the song. We did it all the way through and I told the last one to be way off key so they musician lifted up her arms, smacked her on the forehead, shook her, then stomped away and after that she finally did it right.

5th grade boys were in a contagious disease ward. every time another one came in they'd get their symptoms as well. then a pregnant boy walks in and they all ran.

5th grade girls had the Scary Monster skit where one of my favorite girls - I've known her since she was like tiny tiny cause her mom used to be my counselor and she would bring her along. Anyway, she was under a sheet and people would come, look under the sheet, see her, scream and faint, until the last girl came and instead the monster jumped up and ran. Cause she was ever scarier than the monster.

6th grade boys fought over tracks - they're beaver tracks, no they're deer tracks, no they're beaver tracks, no they're deer tracks. turns out they're train tracks so you're dead because you don't look up in time and you get run over by the camp jefferson express

6th grade girls did Pencils for Sale in which there's a russian chick who only knows the following words "Pencils for sale" "3 for 50 cents" "yellow" "if you don't someone else will." not a good variety of english when someone comes by and doesn't want to buy pencils. it ends with "i'm gonna punch you in the face!" "if you don't someone else will." kablam!

7th and 8th grade boys did the HeeHaw skit with the 8th grade girls - I'll get there.
The 7th grade girls were a giant group so I had to divide them up. Group A got to do a continuation of last year's Rapunzal skit. Told you I'd bring her back. It's the later years. And I kill her off. Sort of.

7th Grade Girls group A - "She appears to be dead"

Witch: So, you thought you could escape the tower, Rapunzal, but no. I have found you and for your punishment you get the curse. Fall down on the ground and appear to be dead! MWHAHAHA! *girl falls down, 2 girls come to rescue*
Girl 1: You gotta call for an ambulance. She appears to be dead!
Chick: 911 what’s your emergency?
Girl 2 calls: Please, please you have to send an ambulance! There’s a girl here and she appears to be dead!
Chick: Who is she? What happened?
Girl 2: I don’t know, everything was fine then an evil witch cast a spell on her and she fell over and appears to be dead!
Chick: Where are you?
Girl 2: The sign says Montgomery and Westchester.
Chick: What did you say? You’re breaking up.
Girl 1: What’s wrong?
Girl 2: I’m breaking up. Blast this cellphone service!
Chick: Repeat what you said. Where are you?
Girl 2: Montgomery and Westchester.
Chick: Where?!
Girl 2: Montgomery and Westchester!!!
Chick: Westchester and what? I still can’t understand you! Try spelling it.
Girl 1: We’ve got to do something! She appears to be dead!
Girl 2: Uh, it’s M..O….T…G … hold on a minute. Let’s drag her over to King and Elm!

so that's the later years. maybe next year we'll cover Rapunzel the middle years.

Group B did this one:
Airplane Disaster
Four campers are sitting on chairs, one pretending to be an airplane pilot, and the others are the passengers.
Pilot: "The plane is too heavy - we can't land!"
1: "I'll throw out the drink cart!" (Throws a gatorade cooler out an imaginary window)
Pilot: "We're still too heavy to land!"
2: "I'll chuck out this packet of peanuts" (Throws peanuts out)
Pilot: We're still too heavy, throw something else out!"
3: “I’ll throw Cassie out!”
4: “What?! Not again!” *thrown out* “AHHHHH!!! This stinks!”
Pilot: “What’d you do for?”
3: “hehehehehe” evil laugh
Pilot: “Almost there, just one more thing!”
2 Pretends to throw something out and says: "Done."
Pilot: "What did you throw out that time?"
2: "A Grenade"
Pilot: "I don't think you should have done that. Oh, well, at least we can land now. Prepare to land. Everybody ready? 1.2.3. Jump!" *they all jump*
Pilot and passengers land the plane and start walking away.
They pass Camper 1, who is holding her head and the gatorade cooler.
Pilot: "What happened to you?"
Camper 1: "I was walking along and this drink cart fell out of the sky and hit me in the head!"
They pass Camper 2, who is holding her head and eating peanuts.
Pilot: "What happened to you?"
Camper 2: "I was walking along and this packet of peanuts fell out of the sky and hit me in the head!"
They pass Camper 3, who’s sitting in shock staring at passenger #4.
Pilot: What happened?!
Camper 3: “I was just sitting here, eating a banana when suddenly this chick just falls right in front of me. It’s rainin’ women!”
They pass Camper 4, who is laughing.
Pilot: "What happened to you?"
Camper 4: "I farted and the bathroom I was standing in blew up!"

And then there was the highlight of all highlights aka the 7/8th boys and 8th girls. These are the verses I used this year. I found them online - some lyrics, some youtube videos. next year i'll have to write more.

GIRLS 1. Remember when you went out hunting for possum? -- You said you’d get one and wouldn’t be long. -- That’s ten years ago and I’m sitting here waiting -- beginning to wonder if something went wrong.
Where Oh Where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another and *pbbb* you was gone.

BOYS 2. Down here on the farm the weather is messy -- lying around with nothing to do -- when you went away you took my cow Bessie -- I miss her darling more than I miss you.
Where Oh Where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another and *pbbb* you was gone.

GIRLS 3. Pardon me dear if my words seem bitter -- There’s no defense for my broken dreams. -- I didn’t know I married a quitter -- my life is coming apart at the seams.
Where Oh Where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another and *pbbb* you was gone.

BOYS 4. Remember you phoned me a-sobbin' and cryin' -- The dog bit your maw, and drug her around -- You said she looked pale and thought she was dying -- I said "Don't worry, I'll buy a new hound."
Where Oh Where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another and *pbbb* you was gone.

GIRLS 5. The noises you made at our supper table -- Your habits, my dear, were surely absurd -- But how many times do I have to tell you -- Soup is a dish to be seen and not heard
Where Oh Where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another and *pbbb* you was gone.

BOYS 6. You took out your false teeth, your wig and your glasses – You were just scattered all over the place. – I wanted to kiss you and hug you so tightly – I guess I would have if I’d found your face
Where Oh Where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another and *pbbb* you was gone.

Still working on uploading that video. I'll have plenty of pics to go with it once I get Jim's camera and all the pictures downloaded.

Other than camp life is good. Busy with work. Oh, quote of the day. My mom, who now reads this blog, read yesterday's massive post and all she had to say was, "didn't know you liked Justin Timberlake." I cracked up. Apparently actual people read this thing. which is a little nervewracking since I'm a nerd but I'll go with it.

"Story of Us" Taylor Swift

Completely stoked for Saturday. Tee it up for tuition is gonna rock. This is how we golf.
"Oh Oh Oh" Golf Boys

Song and dance included. And if it's a bad hit we say "there was no woohoo in your backswing." And Pastor is hysterical. "Woohoo with you. And also with you." Our orange t-shirts came in and they are super super bright. Apparently. I haven't seen them yet, they got sent to Nic at the school. I'll get mine Friday night. Huzzah!

I feel like there was so much more than I'm forgetting. Oh well, I'll post more tomorrow.


  1. Hey Chika! Why is this the first time I've read your blog???

  2. don't know, i've had one since November. pretty proud of myself that i've stuck with it.
    it's mostly just rants and ramblings but i like it.
