I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm the butler, I like to keep the kitchen tidy.

I love that someone typed "exploded babysitter" into google and got to my blog. That's fantastic. Also amusing, another person's search for "O Lord of Light" ended up with 2G's version. Hope we didn't scar them for life.

Wore my 2G shirt to work today. Well, tonight anyway. I usually wear jeans and a nice shirt if I'm headed to the main branch since I'm like a professional there. Or para-professional. Their words not mine. This is why I love camp. Got back to my roots and wore t-shirts and sport shorts the whole time. That's the actual me. I used to wear tear-aways, t-shirts and a backwards hat every day to school for years. This whole jeans and a nice shirt thing is like prom to me. Every day. Which is why it's nice to throw in a superhero shirt or funny reference one every once in a while when I'm just an Aide.
Besides, I've learned not to wear those shirts at the other branch. If they're going to stare at my chest I would rather them do it in silence and get it over with instead of staring and overwhelming me with conversation about the symbol emblazoned across my chest. That's just awkward.

Staff meeting this morning where my Koha Whisperer thing was made known. Now I'm just nervous they're going to ask me actual questions. Go to someone smart. I'm just a cronie. After that it was covering at the other branch while they had their staff meeting. Okay, I'm calling favorite cause at which branch does she bring pizza to a staff meeting? Yeah. But I got two pieces. Cause it's my branch too. And it was my lunch hour. And that branch is obsessed with all things bread. I blame Space Cadet. Her baking skills got us hooked. They're constantly finding recipes in books and trying to bribe her into making them. It's amusing. She says she'll slip me a few easy recipes that I won't burn down my apartment with. That should be interesting.

After all that fun it was lunch hour - yes a whole hour! that I didn't have to spend finding parking! - so I ran back to the apartment and watched Bonekickers - "like graveyard jenga down here" c'mon you knew that was coming - then went back for three hours and shelved in my bright orange shirt. Joe Studley said I needed to turn it down. It's that bright. I'm proud. Then dinner with Second Sister, got my leftovers in the fridge! I'm stoked for chicken tikka and rice at 3AM. Yes, small children sleep more than I do, get over it.

Then we hit up Barnes and Noble which...okay I used to make fun of it because it was a big bookstore and then they started selling all this other crap and I was like, "get that out of my bookstore!" Now I work at a library, so they can sell whatever they want. Anyway, so I go in, and okay, remember how I'm a nerd. And I got a raise. So what does a nerd do when they get a raise? They buy a wand. That lights up. And is awesome.

Yes a raise. It's interesting in these budget times but I'll take it. Another fun work thing - got my year evaluation! Which is amusing cause I still haven't gotten my 6 month one yet. Again, I'll take it. As long as he doesn't say that I suck. Which, I don't think I do. People are generally glad when I'm there. But I'm a nerd and make them laugh so maybe that's part of it.

Anyway, right, so in between the chicken tikka and the wand-buying was the driving from place to place and I pulled out of the parking lot following her and she's driving and suddenly pulls in the parking lot and starts waving all frantic and flailing. "Why are you following me?!" She was lost. And technically I live like less than a few miles from the place so I guess it would make more sense if I were to lead. So, I led, and got us on the right road and I'm calling Oldest Sister to see if she can meet us and I see Second Sister pass me in the lane next to me. I was like, "What?! She's in the wrong lane!" like chanting it, "She's in the wrong lane, she's in the wrong lane" all while being on the phone with Second Sister when we pull up to the stoplight and she turns...which makes me realize that it was me in the wrong lane. It's another one of those zombie moments, you know when you're driving on a road you take often but to a different destination and you're just used to driving to that place. Anyway, she turned but I was able to switch lanes and turn behind her. Meanwhile Oldest Sister was probably making fun of me the whole time.
OH! BTW - she has threatened to come to my apartment and steal a piece out of all my puzzles. That's just mean. I don't need any help from you to not finish the thing.
"Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests?!"
"You don't need any help from me sir."
"That's right!"
name that movie. if you were at camp you'd be all over it.

I blamed my poor sense of direction on being on the phone. "I can only remain sane when not involved in actual conversation." quote of the day. true story.

It was a Lily Allen kind of day. Yes, I've posted a lot of hers since she's my favorite, here are a few new ones.

"The Fear" Live version at The Sound on BBC 2

"Smile" official video
awful. love 2:21. was she eating candy with the wrapper still on it? i totally have those headphones.
these are both two of her biggest hits, yes she's british but she's awesome. we like british people, they're cool and have fun accents.

"But he was your second husband. Your first husband also disappeared."
"But that was his job. He was an illusionist."
"But he never reappeared!"
"He wasn't a very good illusionist."


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