I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

touch and go with your white lies

So, we have this new system at work. It's called Koha. It has its benefits, we're still trying to find the bulk of them, but...
Anyway, I've been dubbed as the smaller branch's Koha Whisperer and Sensei has been joking about me writing the handbook for it. It was hysterical, I sent out an email to the branch about how to cancel a hold in transit and she said it would make a great first chapter and that she would add in the color commentary. We're throwing ideas back and forth.

I never realized how cool phone conversations are. I mean, I rarely talk on the phone but like, you can hear someone's voice. And they're not really there. Sorry, Gilmore Girls, Emily: "I still think transcontinental calls are a bigger deal than they are."

Today I was total zombie autopilot - 4 hours of sleep for a 9-6, not smart - but when you're in public service it's like you say the same things over and over.
Them: "Nice watch"
Me: "Thanks, my sister got it for me for Christmas. She thought it was time I wore one that wasn't broken."

Them: "Oh, I have fines?"
Me: "It's cool, I have fines and I'm here every day."

Plus all the basics, "Can I help you find something?" "Do you happen to have your card with you?" "Do you have a photo ID with you?" "Anything else I can help you find?" "Do you want a bag for those?" That's what screwed me over today. Pretty sure I asked a lady if she wanted a bag twice and she said no both times - but of course I didn't realize I'd already asked her until the second time she said no and looked at me funny. Technically, the looking at me funny thing isn't all that out of the ordinary so maybe I didn't screw it up zombie-style.

"You know, people are calling you 'the blur'"
"That's mean. Or is it? What is that?"

Alright, out early, staff meeting tomorrow. Hope tonight is better. Last night I laid in bed for like hours and couldn't sleep. 4AM to 8AM was all I got. Blah.

"I kept reaching in for strawberries and coming out with liver, that's not pleasant!"

Songs of the day:
Stacy Clark's greatest hits as promised.

Song 1: "touch and go"

the taking random pictures of strangers part confuses me, but awesome song.

song 2: "white lies"

no video yet but she does have her own channel now, huzzah!

"Please erase this from your brain."
"I will definitely try."

staff meeting tomorrow morning, possible dinner with sisters to follow work, then friday is more work and harry potter with the boys. 3rd time, gonna be awesome.
still actually working on my puzzle. surprised i haven't thrown it in the closet yet. this one is kicking my butt. i did all the faces, and the outline and all that but i have all these blank pieces now with no distinguishing markers so i'm screwed.

"The blur is off!"

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