I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This Issue Is Not For Checkout

Okay, so weirdest thing ever. I shelve the morning away, run my errands, feed my cat, start a project then come back to work where my coworker finds the youth section to be like a disaster area. All the stuff was all turned backwards, stuff was on its side - and it wasn't like a normal little kid invasion where there's stuff all over the floor. Literally all the VHS tapes in that area were turned backwards, a bunch of the CD Roms, and the books on display were all on their backs. So weird. Space Cadet and I were just weirded out. I took pictures and sent them to Superwoman, not knowing what else to do. What would you do? Like, I don't even know how that happened. It's just too weird.

I love working with Space Cadet. It's kind of a competition as to who can say the words "Space Cadet" first. It's amusing. "It's da Space Cadet!!" is usually my opening line.

Anyway, remember how I'm a nerd? I got these Star Wars crossword puzzles, cause I'm a nerd. And started one. Dude. I suck at puzzles. I used to have all these Star Wars puzzles like framed on my wall and I was like, dude, only 300 pieces I can do this. But no, I'm missing my sister-in-law who totally rocked at helping me. I was a kid so 1000 pieces was a little out of reach. I figured I could rock it, but nope. I'm stuck on a 300 piece one, I haven't even started the 500 piece one. But it's a bunch of faces. I can name the most of them but making them fit together is like more than I can handle. Maybe I'm distracted. SVU is on, I look up every 5 seconds.

OH MY GOD, why would you hold on to a dead body for 14 years? Wouldn't that be like disgusting? Even if you stuffed it in a trunk? That's just gross. Sorry, I've been watching too much SVU. Even Carter's grossed out. Sittin' in front of me turned away from the TV.
"Do you propose to try your case right here, Miss Cabot?"
"No, I'm just merely using rhetoric to prove my point."
"One of your more endearing qualities."

Anyway, Star Wars puzzle: Take one. I suck. Even Carter knows it. He just stares at me. I gave up. He's not easy to do puzzles around. Or wrap presents. He has to lay in the middle of everything. Like, you lay out all the wrapping paper and he lays in the middle of it before you can stick the present on it. And he doesn't move. I think he got that from Junior. He used to do it too. It was worse when they were together. You'd lay out wrapping paper and Junior would lay on that. So you'd go get more paper, lay that out and Carter would lay on that. Then Junior would be jealous cause you weren't using his paper so he would growl at Carter, who would jump at him, then I'd have to separate them and by the time I was done catching them both - individually - and putting them both in the basement, I'd lost all energy to wrap up the freakin' presents anyway.

OOOHHHHH, Cabot's in contempt. Behind bars. Busted.

Where was I? Puzzles right. I'm a nerd. Did I mention that?
Space Cadet: "Don't you have a cardtable?"
I told her they were a phase. Which is true. By tomorrow they'll probably be kicked in a corner or something. What are these doing in my living room? What was I thinking? You're such a nerd. Yes, I talk to myself. In both 1st and 3rd person.

Got new shoes today. They're black and awesome. I put some new laces in them. Hopefully they'll last longer than my last ones. Which are still totally comfortable. And totally backwards. They broke from the outside in, instead of me dragging my feet and breaking the backs. This time I would step on the backs to take them off and ripped one in half.

Quote of the day: "Well, isn't that just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic," (Friends, Rachel).

Songs of the day: Hey Monday - the underrated pop band of awesomeness - I found them a while ago...before Glee took one of their least...um... let's say, least best? Is that a phrase? Least best. Not the best one of their releases... and made the Warblers do it at Regionals. Not sure why they picked that. "Fall Into Me" has basically the same message and is better written, music-wise.

"I Don't Wanna Dance"

their most well-known release

"Fall Into Me"

song mentioned earlier.

Love it. If you like them check out Stacy Clark. Similar in style and lyrics. I'll post hers tomorrow.

Out for the night.

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