I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ghetto Superstar, that is what you are

Don't you hate it when you pack up a bunch of DVD's and books and stuff that are due but you forget they're in your bag so you totally don't drop them off even though you watched them like weeks ago but you keep forgetting to pack them and then when you finally don't forget you end up forgetting that you for once didn't forget so you forget to put them in the slot? Did that make sense?


close enough.

I'm getting fines cause I keep forgetting. Oh well, I'll take care of them later.

Totally stoked for Charlie's Angels the new series produced by Drew Barrymore, huzzah! Starting up on the 22nd of September which I guess is the 35th anniversary of the original series - take that Mom! I must be good since it's lasted that long! She makes fun of me cause I love it. So does Sketch, but whatever. The cheesy stunts and the too-loud music just adds to the show's dynamic of comedy, action, and more comedy. Cheesefest style.
"It's not the wilderness, Bosely."
So, from what I can tell, other than Drew's company Flower Films producing it they have the three angels - which to me are completely unknowns except for the blonde who played Lucy Fields on Grey's this past year.
And it's completely different - the chicks aren't all cops who were tired of the boring daily life, one was a thief, one was a dirty cop and the other was a carjacker and it's like Charlie is giving them a second chance or something.
Bosely is some dude who was in Battle Los Angeles, Robert Wagner was going to do the voice of Charlie but there was some sort of conflict there so I don't know if he's still attached to the project. But it will be Thursday nights on ABC like right before Grey's at 7.

here, watch this:

It looks a bit short-lived. Hopefully the series will be better than the previews.

This pilot is supposed to have Dina Meyer in it - aka Holly Snow from NCIS, Lady Irina from Castle, and Kate Miller from Friends. you know, the one that doesn't like Joey back, his costar who makes fun of him cause he couldn't open a carton of milk on an infomercial, then they're friends and they stay up talking and then she ditches him for LA? You know? maybe not. you have lives. I forget that sometimes.

"Everything" Michael Buble Live at Madison Square Garden

You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
love all the accents. but the beginning of that song sounds too much like this song:

"Ghetto Superstar" Pras feat. Mya

cameo central.
so i sing that instead. even though this one is based off of this:

Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers "Islands in the Stream"

stick with it to the refrain, then you'll get it.

Had a burrito for supper, it was awesome. Think I'm gonna start going there more often. They have green tea too so I give them a thumbs up. Scale of Awesome says 9/10. Was nice, got off at 5 then started season one of 24. I'm still up in the air about that one. At this point I could take it or leave it. It's not all that intriguing and I'm kind of like, do I really need another series? I've got Six Feet Under waiting for me on the shelf plus all the ones I actually watch, if this one isn't interesting why put up with the 80 millions seasons it went through? Scale of Awesome says 5/10. I like some of the storylines but others are just stupid and I want them to move in. Which they don't. There are like 8 different storylines going at once. And it's 24 cause it's like 24 hours a day. Each episode is an hour in the day and it's like that for a whole season so like season 2 would be 24 hours of the next day. So, if there were like 8 seasons, which I think is what it was, but don't bet on that I don't really like the show so it's a total guess, it would just be 8 days total.

HA! There were 8, Aces!!

love that. "Have you seen these? You write important messages on them then affix them to objects. Aces!"
3 guesses as to who said that. Post-its, she's talking about post-its. Didn't know people could get that excited about post-its, but you should have seen my dorm rooms in college. Whenever I went on a writing binge they were hung all over the walls along with pictures of the characters and notes about their quirks, possible storylines and all that. I'm a nerd. I pick a character name then google for images on what I think they might look like, print them off and hang them up. Haven't had a chance to do that yet in my new apartment, it might look awkward in the living room, people see that room. Granted anyone who actually enters the room already knows about my crazy but for the maintenance people who occasionally visit, they don't need to know all about the crazy.

It is about time though - not for the crazy but for the pictures and all. Need to get back into the apartment story. I actually worked on that a little tonight just character names and ideas for each apartment.

alright, split shift tomorrow. gotta clean the apartment as well. out!

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