I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, August 12, 2011

She'll make her way.

Put batteries in my wand. Best flashlight ever!

"Do you want juice or are you a milk person?" I hate milk. It's gross. Watching the Warehouse pilot. Moving on.

Last year today was when Delayed...Reaction did all of our recording which reminds me that I need to work more on that song. Maybe it'll be finished by next year. Ha! It's not as easy when it's just me.

Saw Harry Potter 7 with the boys tonight. Was cool, worked 9-6, went to Applebees for hamburgers and then hit up the movie. Loved it. "Blow it up? Boom?" "Boom!" 3rd time was even better. I love it. But totally sad that it's over. Hope PotterMore is awesome as well. We talked comics - as we usually do - and are stoked for the new Batman and Avengers movies.

Now I'm totally stoked to sleep in tomorrow. Only working part of the day then going to see a movie with Oldest Sister and maybe getting food. Can't remember what we're going to see but we're going to see something. Oh! Cowboys and Aliens. Cause it looks awesome. It's like Indiana Jones meets Space Bond. Who's lost his memory.

Think I'll wear my Angry Birds t-shirt to work tomorrow. I love being an Aide.

Still haven't finished that freaking puzzle. I just have this weird feeling that Oldest Sister is gonna steal a piece while I'm at work give it to me for Christmas. Because that's totally what I would do if the situation was reversed. And she's more devious than me.

Songs of the day:

"Wonder" Natalie Merchant

i enjoy her as well, solo and 10,000 maniacs.

"One Fine Day"

one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies. not talking about the rosie odonnell show, i'm talking One Fine Day - Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney plus little Mae Whitman and Alex D. Linz.

totally starving. gonna eat the rest of that chicken tikka - that i didn't eat last night around 2. yes, small children sleep more than i do, you knew that already.


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