I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I guess she’s an X-Box and I’m more an Atari

But the way you play your game ain’t fair.

True dat.

The writer monkey has struck again - keeping this semi-short so I can get back to that while the muse is still here.

I’m in a quandary. A Sophie’s Choice sort of situation. Sort of. I mean, I might be in one. It depends. There are two things that I might have to choose between. And it’s hard to choose between two things that mean a lot to you, you know? And it’s like Sophie’s Choice – except that Sophie’s Choice is long and depressing and then longer and more depressing and then you think it’s over but it’s actually not cause you’re only 2 hours in and haven’t even gotten to the part where she has to make the freaking choice let alone know what she’s freaking choosing about so you stick with it even though it gets even longer and even more depressing. Then! After she makes the choice it’s too painful to watch the rest of the movie – which is at least another half an hour long – so you change the channel and put on a comedy just to get those awful thoughts out of your head. Sorry Mom, I refuse to watch it ever again. Just no.

See, rambling, writer monkey, moving on.


But this is a whole Might situation, maybe I won’t have to choose because you know there are other people out there who are smarter and qualified and all that… but still, it’s there, looming in the background. Now it just depends on what the Library Goddess has to say. After that it’s Superwoman and then me. But I have a few days to get it all figured out.


You know how hard it is to be in 3 places at once? Today I was on the phone on the second floor while helping a patron on the first floor and checking other patrons out at the desk. I find that I’ve changed a lot since I’ve started working there just because it’s so hectic all the time and if I don’t know what I’m doing I have enough acting ability to pretend like I do. It’s like the me vs. qualified people thing again. I’m a Professional BS-er which really is just another term for “English Major”. I’m owning up to it. Before I was just a nerdy loner chick who ate lunch in her car. Oh don’t awww me, it’s better than the cliché lunch tray in the bathroom thing.

But it’s best if you seem confident in what you’re doing and remain positive, especially about the new system - it just makes us look bad if you bash it in front of the patrons. I use the words “quirks” as in “we’re still figuring out its quirks”, “wonky” as in “since we switched over the self-checks have been a bit wonky” and “we’re working on it” as in “we’re working on it” – well, “they’re working on it” a lot but it seems better than just bashing it and hoping to go back. Cause we’re not going back. I spend the majority of my downtown just figuring out shortcuts and doing random searches to see how best to navigate the catalog, but I’m a nerd like that.

And somebody! I ain’t mentioning names! Has branded me “Koha Whisperer” and 1-800’s me whenever there’s a problem. So I have to at least know a little bit about what I’m explaining. One of these days I’m just gonna write a handbook, print it off, highlight stuff and hang it around the desks. Then I can just walk by, point to a piece of paper and continue shelving.

But I like being the expert, it makes me feel useful, especially since I’m lowest on the food chain there. I don’t think I’ve ever been the expert on anything relevant to daily life. I mean other than movies, TV, music or anything Drew Barrymore. Which was daily life before I got the job. Jobs.


So, remember how yesterday I ended with the whole gonna finish that freaking puzzle thing? And then of course I didn't finish the freaking puzzle, I watched a movie instead - my motivation can only last so long which is why I'm typing so fast in hopes that I'll keep working on that damn apartment story after posting this, where was I?
Oh right, well I'm glad I didn't finish it cause this morning I woke up and Carter had destroyed the whole freaking thing. Like there are pieces of it all over my living room. So yeah, either he's taking out his rage/energy on tiny chunks of cardboard because they're a stationary target or he's some sort of cosmic judge saying that I've taken too long to put together a "simple" 300 piece puzzle and now as punishment for putting it off I get total annihilation instead. Thanks dude.
Or maybe he just knows me well enough that he knows I'll keep putting it off and putting it off and eventually get tired of it being in the way so I'll put it back in the box and throw it in the corner anyway. So really, he could be saving me hassle in the future. Or he's a punk.
It's an either/or situation.

It's not actually.

I already know he's a punk. Much like my work friends already know I'm crazy. There's no either/or involved in that.
At least he's a cute punk. A big, fat, lazy, sleeps on my stomach, cute punk.


Songs of the day:

“Imagine” Glee version

This scene still makes me cry.

“Forget You” Glee version

Totally have been neglecting my Gwyneth’s One Name Campaign thing as in “that’s so Gwyneth!” - will have to start using that again. It’s pretty much the equivalent of Wicked Awesome.
Everyone can use some Gwyneth in their life. Especially now that school is starting again and all that. People are in this sort of mood. Like somber mood. Gonna shake them up with some Gwyneth. Maybe that'll be my slogan for the campaign. "Shake up your day with some Gwyneth." She does have a multi-million dollar music deal on the table. She will soon be gracing our radios - and my ipod - huzzah!

ps-if you have no idea what the squares mean go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Circles, Squares and Ugly Women, Oh My!

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