I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Circles, Squares and Ugly Women, Oh My!

I was told today that I'm "social". Yuck! That's just mean. And they wouldn't take it back! But it got me thinking, in that building I'm a totally different person. It's funny, Superwoman told me once that being in public service is a lot like being an actress. And it's so true. I get it now. Me, outside the library, totally different than the "actress" on the inside. Not that I'm a bad person. I'm just...antisocial. I prefer being by myself at my apartment not talking to people. I mean, I like my friends and I like hanging out with my friends and my family they're fun. But being told that I'm suddenly this extraverted social person is like a slap in the face. Like a big wake up call. I don't know how else to describe it and I know that sounds ridiculous, but it just proves how much I've changed. In college I had like 3 main friends. And they were pretty much the only people I talked to until senior year. Everyone else was a friend from high school. Then again I hated college so maybe that was a part of it.
And now I'm just rambling in a big circle that really has no point. Cause that's what a circle is. A never ending round thing with absolutely no point. So I should jump out of the circle and into a square. Cause that has like, four points. Yeah, didn't see that coming did you? Neither did I, moving on.

None of this post is going to make any sense whatsoever, just so you know. You should probably just skip down to the bottom right now.


So, a supervisor at work, who I didn't know before we switched to the new system but now I think is awesome - the supervisor, not the system but I'll get there - anyway, I follow her around with applause literally because she's saved me on multiple occasions. But yeah, she told me today I "done good." I was like super excited. Cause I'm a nerd. And social apparently, but mostly a nerd. She said she knows she can count on me to test stuff with the new system. And this week I've decided that I'm going to stop complaining about the new system. Because, guess what, we're not going back to the old one. So either you can whine and complain because of the change or you can just go with it. I've decided to just go with it and find out any shortcuts I can and pass them on. Which is why the supervisor likes me. Cause I don't complain about the system. Or I've stopped complaining about the system, let's go with that. More rambling, freaking circle.


Our security guard asked me for gum and while I went to get it I said to cover for me. So she came around and sat at the desk - decked out in her security uniform - and pretended to work. I snapped a picture and sent it to Superwoman. Her response was Quote "Damn the place is going to the cops." End Quote. I died.


Maintenance people came over to put curtains up today but could only do the ones in the bedroom cause the brackets weren't long enough to cover the blinds in the living room. Then, I went over to Oldest Sister's place and we got new brackets and then pizza and beer and all that stuff then they came back here and we watched Match Game while oldest brother-in-law attempted to put up the curtains with the new brackets...which were now too small. So first too short, and now too small...and now I just have a bunch of brackets that don't work. So hopefully oldest-brother-in-law will be able to return the ones we got tonight. Cause yeah, brackets, what am I gonna do with brackets... freaking circle.


Pretty sure it was Jack the pigeon dead in the parking lot last night but the cool aunt says that Jack simply left because he wanted a hot dog or to go and drive a bus. I was proud of her Mo Willems references. Made me smile.

Oh crap! I gotta email a chick about camp forms. And text mom about the curtains cause I forgot. Circle! Geez!

This is like another one of those write as you go along ones like I did with the booktalk writing. Usually I have things planned out. Not tonight. Circle.

Hey look, four SQUARE points. I should really just end this post now. Cause it's not gonna go anywhere else. We watched the boobs episode of Match Game tonight while they were here. It's funny. And yes, that's the only way I can name that episode, I'm pretty sure I posted that clip yesterday...or the day before but you should watch it if you haven't already. Fannie is awesome. "I said berries" I died.

Okay, before I ring around the circle again I'll hit you with a music rec and get the heck offa this keyboard before I say something stupid...er... than I've said earlier.

hmmm.... music.... oh!

I've heard this song like five times in the past couple weeks. And before this week I haven't heard it in like years. I mean, I have it on my computer cause it's from a soundtrack I own. But yeah, today brought it all back yet again this week.

"If you wanna be happy" Jimmy Soul

this song is just mean. but funny. but still really mean. I like the screaming part from 1:38-the end. "YOUR LIFE!.....YOUR WIFE!....OF VIEW!....get an ugly girl to marry you...."

Name that soundtrack. I'll give you a hint.
"The moment I wake up.........before I put on my makeup........"

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