I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I have the magic ingredient, it's called Splenda.

Freakin' H.G. Wells. Seriously. The woman is a mystery. But the finale was fantastic, and sad. Gonna have to find the first episode of season three online cause duuude...cliffhanger.

So yes, you'd think that after a hard day of moving 12 bins all over the place that were overflowing with food and weighed about 100 pounds each, plus collecting all the change, taking it to the bank to figure out the winner, and then coming back to work after all that - AND did I mention that I left my apartment keys in my car back at the farmhouse so I was locked out all day plus I took a detour to visit Oldest Sister's house to take care of their animals - that all I'd want to do is come back and write skits for camp. Write skits and plan and freak out about how I'm not ready and Skits & Worship is going to be a disaster without Liz because we only have 1 guitar... I have no idea for new skits I'll have to find some online because I don't have time or inspiration - i hate writer's block.

But no, instead I crashed on my bed and turned on season two of Warehouse 13 and watched the last disc. H.G. Wells is tricky. Is she good? Is she bad? Yes, that H.G. Wells, they turned him into a her and her into a mystery. I won't say anything more in case someone else on earth actually watches this show other than me. But yeah, the last disc, including when Claudia Donovan guest stars on Eureka in a big crossover episode.
"I came to Eureka and I got was this stupid fence?"

I tried that series but couldn't get into it, even though it's basically the same kind of story except in Eureka, Oregon instead of podunk South Dakota. And-

OH MY GOD that's a giant bug and it crawled across my wall. Gotta find a shoe.....
Or a dealer's license plate, that works as well. Dude. giant bug.

Now I'm just starving and exhausted. But my fridge is empty. Maybe I have something in the freezer.

Alright, I started packing. I'd upload a picture of my bedroom right now but it's probably enough to make even the messiest person scream in terror. And speaking of screaming in terror - I live in fear of opening my mailbox because every day I get more application forms for camp. I just love it when I get them on the 26th when camp is on the 29th and the deadline was the 1st. AKA 25 days ago.

Okay, food. Then crash. Long day tomorrow. Work all day then need to write all my skits - 9 of them btw...just throwing that out there. any ideas email me - then pack my car cause I'm leaving straight after work on Thursday.

Clip of the day:
The BAU does horoscopes

one of my favorite scenes.

Song of the night:
Blackbird - Glee Cast Version


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