I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, July 22, 2011

10 points for Gryffindor!

Subtitle: Shenanigans ensued.

Theme of the day: "Put on some music, it'll make her look less crazy."

I learned a lot things today.

1. Everything tastes better when you're drinking it out of a funky glass from your cool aunt. For instance - we made Butterbeer today, which sounds disgusting, but it was surprisingly delightful.

2. Beware when filming your Smart Cousin while she sings karaoke. I threatened to play it at her wedding and she threatened my life. "I will murder you at my wedding. I'm not above that."

3. Voldemort could have thought of much better/safer options for his horcruxes. "Old dirty underwear in a dump. No one would look for that." "That would be the best horcrux ever."

4. Gryffindor is the best house. Seriously. I kicked ass in Harry Potter trivia today. I was actually the first of our group to be sorted. Mostly because the Smart One would yell out trivia and I would answer it or finish her quote and she would respond with "Ten points for Gryffindor!" She ended up in Slytherin - sidenote, we would not be surprised if she turns out to be the next dark lord. She kind of has it all planned out already. Anagram'd name included. Watch out PotterMore! My Vegan cousin + Justoooone were in Ravenclaw, and the Young One - aka the youngest of all the cousins together, not just this group of us - voluntarily chose Hufflepuff. He said he's bringing it back. When you think about it, who is from Hufflepuff even other than Cedric Diggory who doesn't come around until the 4th movie and Susan Bones...who gets mentioned during the sorting hat scene in the first movie. At least Ravenclaw has Luna and Cho.
It was a very HP day. Cool Aunt made themed cookies, we watched 7A until the end when we ran out of time and they did a fast/comedic summary, then we played HP 20 questions which is actually really fun and difficult cause it's not just people you're guessing it's objects and places included. Vegan cousin chose Mad Eye Moody's eyeball, and Smart one and me went back and forth for like half an hour with that as our top choice but we kept hypothesizing because we didn't have many questions left.
And we saw HP7B in 3D which was awesome. and ran into one of our tech guys from work which is ironic because when I went to see the 2D version he was coming out as I was going in and the same with this one. Out of all the theaters and days and showings...

5. I finally understand why our family is so crazy and gets thrown out of places. I mean, I already knew we were crazy, but now I understand why. When you get all of us together our energy like builds until we're just this endless ball of adrenaline. Seriously. Plus, there is usually some amount of alcohol at these family gatherings/reunions/dinner whatever's and that just adds to it until we get loud and obnoxious and they kick us out.

6. I feel like an awful granddaughter. I freakin' live in the same town as Grams and I don't make enough time to go over there. We went over today to see her and she was so happy and so surprised that she just kept telling us how happy she was. Like I was all emotional about that which hopefully she didn't notice but I feel like crap. Cause I should go over there more often. I lived with the woman for months for crying out loud. Then went back to school and it was like complete life change. I don't know how to explain it. Other than I should go over there more.

and speaking of - totally feels weird going back to a house you used to live in, letting yourself in with the code and seeing all the furniture/setup different. My cousin is taking up residence there now so we jammed out there for a while.

Decisions made today include:
We need to start a cousin band named "Marvin Gardens" and write themed songs about Monopoly. And then others about Harry Potter. We all play different instruments so we could make it work.
Cousin roadtrip - this is always mentioned and thought about but it never actually takes place. We used to go all over the place - Florida, California, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon... us girl cousins are thinking Vegas. Last time we were there we were too young to get the whole experience of it. Maybe for like a weekend. But like I said, always just an idea.

Soak Up The Sun - Sheryl Crow

"maybe I am crazy too."
one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite artists. and a good theme for the day as well. her greatest hits is definitely in the running for most listened to CD in my collection.

and with that i leave you. i'm not sure about my schedule for tomorrow, it's conflicting which isn't unusual. I'll probably just go to one branch in the morning even though I'm not scheduled to go until 11 and then go to the other at 12 because yeah, overlapping and unlike the Smart One I'm not talented enough to be in two places at once.

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