I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We can get crazy let it all out....

Why are the pockets always sewn shut in dress pants? Do men have that problem? Are your pockets sewn shut too or is that just another "let's torture the woman-kind thing"?
Like, "Ha! We will give them something that looks suspiciously like a pocket but when they try to use it...EPIC FAIL!"
Why are they giving you a pocket in the first place if you have no access to it? Is that some sort of style thing? Like, "These pants would look awkward without pockets. Let's give them fake ones." Cause you know, real ones would be just too functional.
And then, if you try to cut your way into it, you cut a hole in the pants. And really, how can you explain that at something like camp when you're surrounded by 100 kids?
"Um, I needed a pocket."
"So you made one yourself?"
"Well, sort of. Not that it's functional. But it's more of a pocket than the one they gave me."
And then they'd look at me funny.
Well, moreso than usual.
I know if I didn't add that Oldest Sister would.

No, I didn't cut a hole in my pants. I did buy new capri-type whatevers for camp but then realized that army green would look really bad with tangerine camp t-shirts - not that I aim for fashion, but since there will be parents and I'm supposed to look semi-adult and you know director-ish...I have no idea where I was going with that. Long story short the pants are staying here not only because it's super hot and I won't wear them anyway, but also because the pockets just make me mad. Or lack of pockets. Seriously. It's like the taunt you.
"Haha, you thought you could use us, but no!"
Yes, I know, this is very ranty and when I read that last line outloud it came with a French accent... I will try to tone it down a bit.

Was grandpa left-handed? Cause I have one of his shirts and the buttons are on the wrong side. I put it on when I'm stressed. Or cleaning. Which usually means I'm stressed anyway cause really the only way my apartment gets cleaned is if I'm avoiding doing something else. Like, oh! I have to write 8 skits by Friday morning! I'm gonna clean the apartment. Or, hey, isn't that paper due tomorrow? Nope, gonna clean the apartment. So, if you come to my apartment and it's actually cleaned and not just things thrown in the back closet with the door closed, BEWARE!

I'm freaked. Directors are dropping like flies - one of the tri-directors bailed, another has kidney stones, Jim is gone, Liz won't be there 'til Saturday night so the 6-headed monster is just down to me and Pastor. and Jayne. Who's a miracle worker in the kitchen. Plus Cherie for crafts. But music is me with 3 teen help and Nic. Because we're making her come. For Friday anyway. Then it's Becca on Saturday and I'm assuming Sunday.

And, if you took any part of that beginning rant seriously, you'd realize that no, I haven't written/found skits yet. Well, I started. You know, looking through a website and tagging a few. But they suck. Cause they're not mine. But I think mine always suck anyway. So maybe they're okay.

Jim says we should do "tankety-tank-tank" again. Think I'll save that for next year maybe since the boys that did it 5th grade year are only 8th graders now. After they're teen help and/or gone enough time will have passed to use it again.
It's my favorite so far. I'll post it later. Along with the list of others I use. Or used. As this is my last post for like a week. Yeah, Wednesday night I come back. Then work 9-6 Thursday.

But I love my job. And my boss. Who gave me 3 points today for Food Drive related statements. Basically what I learned by co-chairing it leadership-wise. I came up with some oddball stuff, I think there were 13 things I'd learned that I listed and maybe 2 of them were serious. Like how to get to all the branches and how much the Food Bank does with so little support. The others were more like if you text Fearless Leader *invisible milkjug dance* *invisible milkjug dance* over and over she'll remember to pick up empty milkjugs after work. Or Remember to grab your apartment keys out of your vehicle if you're switching with someone or you'll get locked out of your apartment for 8 hours. And if I mention the words "Food" and "Drive" to the Cool Aunt she'll drive over and donate. Oh, btw - if you're reading this, we won the competition. Downtown had the most total but per person we dominated. Mostly because there's only 7 of us.
Woops, did I just let that slip. Well, I'm e-mailing the announcement tomorrow during work anyway. So for those of you reading this before like 1PM...ish maybe 2 or 3, congrats. You've got the...what do you call it when you get the news before everyone else? Dish? or like Inside Scoop? Whatever. I can't even think of real words how am I supposed to write skits?

WHO PUT ME IN CHARGE OF THIS ANYWAY?! I was volunteered! I honestly don't know how this happened. But I'm here. And I love it. Mostly. So I should probably get back to it. Or clean my apartment.

But speaking of work, SHE'S SAFE! Well, for now anyway. Unless they really do plan to fire me - they're going to have to do it over the phone. That'll be pleasant. Budget cuts at work suck.

Oh, btw, I'm thinking of making my 7th/8th grade boys do this:

Seriously. Or like a series of them between skits. I found a bunch of others. Maybe I'll make them do it between each grade or something. But getting an older boy to sing is like bloody murder. Especially when the girls are around. But I got Jeffrey. He's brave. I'll make him be lead. Or his sister will since she's my teen helper. He was the victim of tankety-tank-tank too.

Okay, I was literally singing that refrain over and over and over while shelving this morning. Drove me bananas. So, gonna blast it out with this one, find skits, shower, finish packing...or maybe I'll just clean my apartment. And watch Warehouse 13.
Watch this.
Everyone loves H.G. Wells.

"You were covetting my grappler."
"It's a little old fashioned."
"Well, it wasn't when I invented it."

See, and now I've lost all motivation again. Okay, kicking myself off of here.
I'll post next week, in the meantime enjoy this little vacation. You put up with all my crap all the time, take some time off. You deserve it.

Tonight, Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae

Summer song makes another appearance because I'm clueless as to anything other than Where Oh Where's theme of the day.

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