I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Now you're gonna hear the second part and that's exactly the same.

Work 9-5 went super fast, beat some levels on angry birds during lunch break, went to oldest sister's to watch Red Riding Hood - it was pretty intense, had to watch whole thing just to figure out who the wolf was, Scale of Awesome says 7/10 - then they went out for sushi and I went with. Now I'm back the apartment cleaning cause Nic is coming tomorrow. We're gonna go see Harry Potter! Got the tickets online, huzzah!

Quote of the Day:
Oldest Brother-in-law: "Getting burned like that would make you bitter."
about anakin skywalker right before he turns into a metal suit.

Okay, so my own family doesn't believe that this is a real thing. So I'm posting it.
Victor Borge is awesome. Seriously.

Anyway, because of inflation he inflates the numbers that are in words. My favorite is lieutenant going to "lieutelevenant".

Another fun one:
Phonetic Punctuation


But my favorite is this:
"and she comes in in a single pile."

pretty sure i posted this recently. i know it made favorites week. but that was a while ago.
yes, that's where the mozart quote i say all the time comes from. "now the chorus comes in. nobody knows why except mozart and he's dead."

give them a chance uncle steve. they are funny stuff.

okay, out for the night. tomorrow is a halfday then harry potter then movie night or something to that effect. girls night. there. awesomeness. girls night of awesomeness.

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