I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Um, those lyrics are crappy. -LM

I love that upstairs in the lab we have three chairs for the two people to choose from. And some of us have our designated chairs. But it's nice because if you screw with the settings on one and can't fix it then you have a backup. Unfortunately, my preference of the chairs hates me. Although today was not my fault. Someone, I ain't saying who, put the chair super short and apparently I'm not smart enough or the chair hates me enough that I can mess with it for half an hour and it will won't go back up to its regular position - yet the second, and I mean the second, that Slim Shady sits in it, she can do it and it's fine. What the crap? Seriously. I was helping patrons so I was distracted but seriously like half an hour. And of course in that half an hour when you're helping the patrons you sit down in the chair every once in a while, and forget that it's that low so you look like an idiot when you like flail all the way down. Then they laugh so it's a good conversation starter, but whatever. So maybe it's not my fault I'm social! I can blame it on someone else. Don't call me social. That's just mean. I'm not social. Am I? Really? When did that change over? I think that's part of the whole actress/librarian theory.

This section may bring out what Sketch enjoys referring to as "B-Poc" aka Bitter and Pissed Off CK. I'm not really B or PO but the rambling may turn ranting so if you're a fan of either Katy Perry or The Band Perry I'd skip this section.

So, I'm jamming on my way to the farmhouse today like jamming to good music and I hit this lull with "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. They're a good band, you know as a group of siblings and all that and I like their music, and the beginning to this song is awesome and I could listen to that by itself but really? You end it with "they're worth so much more after i'm a goner." "funny when you're dead how people start listening?" It's more like a teenager's cry for help. Which is okay, I guess. But she's like 28.

Plus it doesn't make sense. You started with "If I die young" then you end with "funny when you're dead how people start listening." But you're not dead. How do you know they're listening? Did you die somewhere between this point and the first verse? I think I got distracted by all the "Sharp knife of a short life"s you're throwing at us.

I got this one for free off iTunes back when they were still "who?"

"Who would have thought forever would be severed by the sharp knife of a short life". Um, you? You're the one putting forth this hypothetical situation.

They do redeem themselves with this one:

You Lie

this one is a jam out one, and shows off her vocal skills so it's much better.
I give them a 8/10, I think it's just the one song that gets to me. It just happens to be the number one hit that plays every other song.

Like I said, B-Poc. So, moving on.

Listening to the first one just reminded me of the fireworks show after the game last night. There's mandatory music that's usually something patriotic or pop-ish or whatever, this time they hit up with Britney Spears and Katy Perry. You know, America's poster girls? I like Katy Perry, I think she's great and really branched out and all that,
But no Katy, I never feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again.
Is it just me that cringes at that line? (I do that at both sections of TBP mentioned above as well) I mean, the refrain is great and dance-worthy, but really? Does that have to be your first line? Doesn't that make people change stations?
But like I said, I like her and she's got some great music. It amuses me even more that her parents are ministers. They always said that PK's were the most rebellious. Almost as bad as us TK's.


While the rest of the lyrics aren't all that grand either it's catchy so it's toxic.

So, Oldest Sister thinks the phrase "introduce you to" one of my characters is funny since they're fake so you really can't meet them, except that you can. And I figured it out. She's more the pro at nonfiction with all the computer manual stuff and the comedic life moments and stuff whereas I just suck at all things nonfiction. This blog should be proof of that. Fiction is my forte so my characters are important to me.
I laugh when they laugh, I'm sad when they're sad, I help them get ready in the mornings and put them to bed at night. I'm there with them when something terrific or tragic happens. So yes, they're real to me. And I enjoy introducing people to them. Unless they suck, then no.

Alright, today was a long day and tomorrow's gonna be more post-camp stuff so B-Poc is signing out. LM

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