I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

And it turns out he was a missing person who nobody missed at all.

I learned something new today.


I actually don't hate onions.

I know.


Okay, to you that may not be a big deal, but to me it's like a revelation of sorts.

I used to despise them. I thought they were disgusting. I used to fork them off of my salad and onto my mother's. Cause she loves them.

Now they're actually quite good on burgers, on nachos with salsa, tacos, not to mention onion rings. Duuuude.

Don't worry I'm not going to start eating them like apples...like some peoples' fathers. Not my father. He hates them as well. That's where I got my despization from.

Is that a word?

I'm making it one.

Despization, yes he has a despization for all things onions. He calls Pizza Hut "Heartburn Hut". But we still eat there.

Okay, moving on.

So as glad as I am to be in grad school I forgot how much I'm really not a fan of homework. Granted this is actually useful and relevant to my daily life - it's not like take the factor in this equation and times it by 2 then add a million, divide that in half, throw in a few numbers after some sort of a decimal point and then add three.
This is actually useful for working in a library. Thankfully. I don't know if any of that equation makes sense at all, I was never a math person. Fortunately all I have to be able to do is count to 10, 25, 150, and 14.99. Plus you know the Dewey Decimal System which I have down anyway with the Shelver's Curse mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: Rockin' the Reference with the Shelver's Curse

But I have homework already! Where did my summer vacation go?! Oh....that's right...I had camp! So, what summer vacation?

This time it's taking our Mission Statement and comparing it to that of three other libraries then revising it. Not that big of a deal. But I like our mission statement! It's simple and to the point. It doesn't use giant big tremendous voluminous substantially huge words that no one can understand. It's one sentence that anyone can understand and repeat.

So how do I revise that?

If you're more thorough you'll live in a constant state of revisement. If you're not thorough enough you get people who ask "and what do you mean by that?" If you're too wordy they'll skip past it to something else.

Plus there's argument over wordage. Which sounds dumb but it happens.

Sorry. Rambling. Will work on it tomorrow night. Perhaps coworkers will have suggestions, they're always good for those. It's not due 'til Thursday night anyway.

"Tortured Tangled Hearts" Dixie Chicks live

sheer awesomeness.

"Goodbye Earl" Dixie Chicks live

"well uh, I don't think we'll ever get tired of killing this guy."
i love it cause they're all cracking it.
this was definitely one of my favorite songs growing up, and probably one of my favorite bands ever. used to jam out and dance like an idiot. still do. actually just did.

Alright, me and my big fat cat are gonna watch some more Chuck. I'm mid-second season and still loving it.

"Why didn't you stay in the car?"
"It's never safe in the car!!"

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