I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy , Happy New Year!

Every time I heard the words 'happy new year' I could hear Captain Raydor's voice in my head and then Tao's follow-up, "I really hate her! Did I say that out loud?" Gotta love the Closer. I'm beginning to really like Mary McDonnell. Excellent addition to the cast, even if it is only a recurring guest spot.

And Wow, 1-1-11, that's new.

Today was our family xmas, so right now I'm exhausted and it's only 9:55. Sad day. Two nights of staying up late will do that to a girl I guess. First, two nights ago, I got to watch us get our butts wooped by Washington. That was just pitiful and sucks because now I gotta put up with my coworker who said we were gonna lose. There was no motivation from us at all. It's like our whole team is depressed or something. Bo needs to turn that around.
Then, last night was filled with playstation - aka SSX Tricky, Simpson's Road Rage and Dance Dance Revolution - drinking lots of sparkling cider even though we're both of age, flipping between Carson and Ryan and their crews (um, did Dick Clark look really at retiring age to anyone else or is that just me? and c'mon MTV step it up! Jersey Shore? Seriously?!) and falling asleep watching Boy Meets World. Same thing every year, but the Boy Meets World is new. We usually watch Pirates or Jason Bourne. Also, we didn't run around the house at midnight, sad day. Usually we bring a bottle of sparkling cider with us, shake it and then pop the cork spraying it everywhere in the process of awesomeness. (I say that word a lot, Awesomeness. I've noticed that my aunt has started saying it as well. It's catchy. Say it with me: Awesomeness.) Anyway, we took this year off of running as it was freaking freezing out there. And we're old. We figured that out while playing DDR and almost dying out after the first round. But it was fun. Same thing every year. Nothing really planned - it was funny. She texted and was like "you have plans for new years" and I was like "yeah with you!" and that was as far as the planning process went. We go with the flow.
And what was up with the countdown acts this year? I really need to listen to the radio more or something because the only people I recognized were MCR and Avril (hooray for a comeback from her btw).
Interesting fact about CK #-whatever-we're-up-to: I don't listen to the radio. I listen to my ipod. Constantly. And have a hookup for my car so it plays through the speakers.
So, because of this interesting fact, I had to text my best friend - "okay, i'm lame. who is that?" But she didn't know either so that was helpful.
Good times.

Today was awesome but exhausting as well. Big dinner with the family, excellent food as always, then opening presents which always turns into some kind of a disaster area with all the wrapping paper everywhere. Our family splurges. After the disaster area was cleared we played - you guessed it - some Apples to Apples which is fastly becoming a family favorite. This time, Sarah and Mark got hosed, ha! And Cindy and Teina dominated. We didn't play it for four hours, but it was around 2. Times flies. And again with the good one-liners: "Okay, who put 'labor unions' as irresistable?" "Steakspeare" "Toasters? Someone got tired of looking at that one in their hand. I got discarded." "Hmmm, amputations or Sunday drivers for horrifying?"
After that was pitch - 2 tables so the losers walked a whole 2 feet to the other one. No real walk of shame like at my aunt's when you had to go all the way downstairs. Cindy and I partnered up and did pretty well. I shot the moon with a AKQJ2 and drew the 3. Awesome.
Then more good food, meanwhile kids running all over the place. But they're between the ages of 1 and 6, what else are they supposed to be doing? While Mandy and Joe hung with the adults. Some crazy grandma gave two 4-year-old-boys fake shotguns that make noise when you pull the trigger. I'm sure their parents are loving that right about now. Don't look at me. I didn't pick them out. Geez mom. And my oldest sister got them fake chainsaws. It's hilarious. One year, like years ago, my second sister Sarah gave our only nephew at the time a drum set. He loved it, his parents didn't. Ever since, it's like they've been trying to one up each other for loudness just for payback. It's become kind of a running joke.

So, I guess it's time for the official list. The dreaded one. Which I've cut down to hopefully things that might actually last for longer than this week.
1. Write more, read more, eat less.
The first two are healthy and entertaining and will keep me out of trouble. The third is basically just going to become no food after 10PM. And more eating healthy during the day instead of being lazy and picking up Arby's just because it's on my way home. The drivethru guy knows me. It's funny and pathetic all in one. We always end with , "see you around."
Which leads me to number
2. Learn how to cook. At some point this year. Doesn't have to be right away. Just more than mac-and-cheese and microwave meals. I'm putting it off because I like my apartment and don't want to watch as it goes up in flames. Read Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese if you get a chance. Based on a true story.

3. I'm not putting exercise more. Because I know it won't happen. I'm on my feet all day, and I'm not going to wake up early or have any energy by the end of the day to go to the rec center. What I am putting is keeping my mind open to taking self-defense classes this summer with my favorite patron.
4. Is to work on time management. Grad school starts on the 15th. I already have homework for it I haven't started. That all starts Monday. Ordering the textbook, visiting all the websites, finding out what I need to have done by the first class. My aunt is awesome because she teaches on that campus so she's going to show me where I'm going and where to park. Gotta love family connections.

Those are all I'm ready to fully put in writing. I'm sure more will develop throughout the month.

In other news, Congrats go out to the TCU Hornfrogs! Woohoo! I routed for them in baseball in Omaha so I felt I should again today. We got to watch parts of the games between family stuff.
Also, I'm thinking Oregon as the champion over Auburn. I've always liked them. Maybe that's because we never play them but still...

Music Rec: Two musical groups I'm commending just for the heck of it are Ashlyne Huff - check out her single "Heart of Gold" and Theory of a Dead Man's "Since You've Been Gone". Both very good emotional-from-the-heart songs, one more upbeat than the other.

It's a decent video since there is actual music and dancing, that's new for MTV nowadays, sadly.

Now that's depressing.

Neither video is spectacular but you get the point. The music is good, and underrated. So I'm recommending it. Spread the word.

Hope your New Years was merry and bright. Or wait, was that Christmas? Whatever. Hope you all had fun and made it home safely.

"Since you've been gone, I need to hear youuuuuuuu SAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY......"

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