I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Library + Science experiments = Hootie Hoo

Remember how much I love my job? Well, today, I got overtime. My boss called in sick so, instead of staying until 12, I got to stay until 6. But I love it so it's not a problem. I really need a life outside of work. But it was a good day. Got to finish the lost in transit list which I still think would be an awesome band name. "Please welcome to the stage Lost in Transit!" and the crowd goes wild. Maybe I'll use that one in the future. Oh, maybe with someone from work. I've already got Delayed...Reaction and The Teacher and the Part-time Librarian. Hmmm... oh the places we could go.
Anyway, today was fun. I joke around a lot with my boss boss aka Superwoman. I have a 116 on her grading system so my coworker - aka Space Cadet oh yeah, her and me all day again - says that I deserve some kind of award for having over 100 percent. She says I should get a sticker. Or a gold star. Or a pizza. So I wrote that to Superwoman who replied, "Oh good grief, she would say pizza." Space Cadet and I are really debating on ordering pizzas every Tuesday night. We think it would be fun. Anyway, Space Cadet found me a gold star and I put it on my nametag. Superwoman says my prize is a snowflake sticker "compliments" of her, aka the ones on the desk we give out to kids that she didn't even know existed until she showed up this morning and said, "wow, cool snowflake stickers!" Compliments, HA!
In other news, I learned a little about science today as I had my own personal science experiment. Unknowingly of course. Those are always the best kind. And I think you learn the most from them. Like oh, maybe I shouldn't have my phone in my pocket when I'm about to get pushed into the pool. Or, Yes, books on CD do actually fall over like dominos if you run into the shelf they're on. "Oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch" (Sheldon, Big Bang Theory). And you will have to pick each individual one up and arrange them all over again. Or how about, Wow, having an office chair at the base of your bed is probably a bad idea if you're prone to sleep-walking. Learned that one the hard way. We'll get there, I promise. If you have any sleep-walking stories bring them on. I'll tear them all to the ground with mine.
Today was just kind of a rude awakening. I put pop in my coffee thermos (after my coffee was gone and I still needed caffeine) and closed the lid. Then, later on, tried to push the button down to open the thing and it wouldn't budge. Since that didn't work I twisted the cap and got sprayed - SPRAYED - with Dr. Pepper. Carbination 101: Never underestimate the effect it will have on your clothing when you're sprayed with it. Then, THEN, later, I pushed the button again because apparently once wasn't enough and got sprayed in the face. Like literally in the face. It was like a rush of water directed at my eyes. Fantastic. But, it did the trick. I was awake for the rest of the day.
I've never worked there after school is released on a Friday. Like I've been at the bigger branch but not this one. We got overloaded with kids and people wanting to get on the internet. This little girl told me "see ya later alligator" so of course I gave the standard crocodile reply. Which I don't think I've said in like years. Years. And all the teenagers smiled at me. Well looked up from their ipods and notebooks long enough for me to notice anyway. And some really cute little kid made me origami frogs. His brother comes in once every couple weeks and we talk Hunger Games, Manga, school stuff, he's a good kid. But I've never met the little brother. He made me and Space Cadet frogs that actually hop. They're cute.
After drinking the rest of my coffee-flavored Dr. Pepper - it was disgusting but caffeinated - we closed up shop. The last patron who came in's last words were "hootie hoo" and they just kind of stuck with me. Another phrase I haven't heard in a while.
And with that I'm out. Exhausted. Tomorrow is work plus a tour of the grad school building - how to get there, where to park, etc. - with my cool aunt. There will be much rejoicing. And it will please my mother. So that's that. Then I might go to the farmhouse for my nephew's birthday party Sunday, depending on the weather. If not, I'll just spend the rest of the weekend holed up watching Warehouse 13, Murder She Wrote and the Nanny. Gotta get through them so I can get them back. Or at least that's my excuse.
Have a good weekend.

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