I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The girl with the captivating eyes + sick day + first class = very tired

Okay, so flashback to three days ago. Working at both branches, feeling light-headed, but still staying on my feet. I don't think I've laughed so loud at the desk in a very long time. Long story short - too late - I wear the same jewelry everyday. 8 rings, 3 necklaces, same order, every day. And have worn the same jewelry since like May when I started working there. My favorite patron comes in, we talk everyday, and he says, "I like those rings. Are they new?" Um no. I wear them everyday. He didn't believe me so I had to ask my work friends to confirm. Yes, I do. He like freaked out, it was hysterical. "You wear those every day?!" Then something about usually being very visual so I made a crack about him being the only guy who looks into my eyes. "They must be very captivating." And my coworker, one of my favorites I shall call her "Cabin Fever" because she gets cabin fever and comes to work with us at the desk when she's tired of her office. Anyway, Cabin Fever appears out of nowhere and says, "That's what I tell everyone, you know the girl at _____ with the captivating eyes?"
Then, adding more to the already long story, Cabin Fever and I are talking again later about guys hitting on us and back to the captivating eyes thing so I shouted, "What's repulsive about me?" so that I could exaggerate the repulsiveness and they would leave me alone and my supervisor, who has perfect timing, shows up and says, "Is someone having a bad day?" So Cabin Fever says, "Just tell him you worship snakes. It always works for me." I died. on the spot. and laughed so loud all the patrons looked over. but wouldn't you?
Okay, so after work I came home to crash and burn.
Next day, aka Friday, aka yesterday, I woke up with a headache, a sore throat, nausea, and just a general deadness to me so I had to call in sick. I think whatever wiped everybody out a few weeks ago finally caught up with me. Apparently it can take 20 days for it to develop, Thank you Dr. Oz. Anyway, I tried going back to sleep but of course couldn't because when I wasn't too hot I was freezing, like freezing and I turned the heat way up so then I was burning up and I felt nauseous so I basically laid on the couch all day eating ice cream - it was the only thing that didn't make my throat wanna yell at me - and watching Warehouse 13. Again. Which reminds me I need to renew it. Call me obsessive, but it's funny. And um, cliffhanger! I gotta find season 2, They're on season 3 on tv, season two's gotta be out there somewhere, right? But I was so exhausted I didn't even have the energy to blog. And that's saying something!
Okay, then flashforward to today, wake up, drive to Omaha for class without getting lost - shocker, thanks to my cool aunt - go to bootcamp where I learn how to check email, log on to library resources and all that jazz. Head to the lounge to entertain myself for an hour (writing mostly, hooray for sketch and edit, they always keep me amused) then go to class. Everyone in there is freaking brilliant, but I was the only one who got a hug from the prof. Props to fun times meeting up for coffee, again thanks to my cool aunt and my awesome Superwoman boss. I felt special - not like stop eating the paste kind of special but actually special, that's the 3rd time today I've gotten to use that reference. But anyway, they are all brilliant and I felt like I was only there for comic relief. It was intense. I mean, the assignments look like they won't be too hard, some even look fun, but like the discussions and stuff were super above my head. I felt kind of like an idiot so I kept my mouth shut for most of the class. Even though she kept using me as an example, which was amusing on so many levels mostly because she made me sound super smart, ha! But the people are nice, it was cool getting to meet them, especially other librarians, that was fun. And I love my prof. She's fantastic. As always. And I actually did enjoy it so I look forward to next month's class. Even though it is on my birthday.
So, now I'm back. I didn't get lost - for very long anyway - I ate lunch at 6 - should have brought food but didn't cause was nauseous and light-headed. Maybe that's why people were so over my head. But, tomorrow is only 3 hours of work then Monday we're closed so I should have plenty of time to catch up on my sleep and look at least halfway normal.
In the meantime I've been immensely enjoying Lily Allen's music and Avril's latest single cracks me up. I was singing along with it this morning to help stay awake.
And now I'm out for the night. Finish Nanny season 2 so I can turn it back in and pick up How I Met Your Mother. I've always been curious about how that show began so I requested the first season. Hooray for library holds. Except when you have to do the lists in the morning and there are like 8 paperbacks. We don't organize paperbacks by alphabet, we group them by genre and throw them in a display. Totally not cool when you're a space cadet and are waiting for your caffeine rush to kick in.

Anybody get the paste reference? Hit me with it if you do.

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