I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

If you can't say it, sing it!

Wow. Relaxation. This is new. Slept in, made food like MADE food, very exciting, went to a movie, hit up Target for more groceries, then came home to watch Burn Notice. Totally finished the first season. Love that I don't have to wait a week to see what's next.
So, woke up at 10 to the snowplows in the parking lot. Lots of beeping, lots of dragging noises, blah. Not a good way to wake up but then the thought that I could go back to sleep - even though I didn't - made things better. So, I decided to make food. I was feeling adventurous. Made some eggs on the stove plus bacon plus toast. Then did the same for lunch. Awesomeness. And I didn't even burn the eggs. I was very impressed.
After all this fun was more fun - I met up with some work friends and we hit up The Grand to see The King's Speech. Hilarious. And historic. I'd give it a 8/10 on my Scale of Awesome. But, I was really distracted through half of it because every time I saw a throne or they talked about a throne I just kept hearing Niles' voice in my head.
Niles: I once walked in on the Queen-mother.
Fran: In the shower?
Niles: On the throne.
So I wanted to laugh. But I couldn't. And then that reminded me of my incident in the lab where I was cracking up about that Just Shoot Me line - mentioned in an earlier post - and how I couldn't laugh then either which made things worse. So I got seriously lucky because Colin Firth aka George the VI swore up a storm so I had an excuse to laugh. Too funny.
Anyway, it was fun. Even though it was freezing outside and I was in a sweatshirt. Hey, I had to have something for Grandma to rag on me for. Grandma aka fun coworker who is 25 and calls me a young-un. Yeah, 22, big age difference there. So I call her Grandma. It's amusing. Think she'll cut me some slack when I turn 23?
Plus it gave me something to blog about besides work (who knew) as discussed with my other work friend. Social life in progress.
After all that was Target where I got some more make-in-the-kitchen food aka tonight's soup I had for supper. Very exciting. But don't think I'm gonna be waking up early to make stuff. I enjoy not being a morning person. It works for me.
Now it's Burn Notice, season 2, disc 1. I enjoy all of Michael Weston's accents. It's amusing. It's still a little difficult seeing him as the good guy since in like everything else he plays a jerk. Hmmm... I guess that means I watch too much tv. Maybe I should work on that.
Tomorrow I get to sleep in again, if I don't get called in in the morning, then fun times working the afternoon shift. Awesome.

Aannnd I'm out. I'd give you a music rec but I'm deep in this show. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. Saying a 9/10 on the S.O.A.

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