I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Trash it and do a happy dance"

Said my coworker after I finished a list. We always feel so accomplished when we finish a list, today it was the weed list. Sent a bunch of books that don't get much use downtown. But it's like pages and pages so when you're done it's like an unwritten rule to do a dance. I raised the roof which is now the official "victory dance" at the smaller branch. It's caught on, the coworkers who used to laugh when I did it have now started doing themselves as well.
Lists are fun though because you get to see a lot of titles you didn't even know existed. There are so many interesting titles that I've come across. Some of my favorites are "Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair" "Are you there vodka, it's my Chelsea" "I was told there'd be cake" "You say tomato, I say shutup" - Can you tell it's national breakup month? We have an awesome display. Speaking of displays, I'm in charge of July's display at the other branch. Any ideas? Besides like barbecuing? I guess I could do one on the history of America with the 4th of July stuff. Or fireworks. I love fireworks. Hmm...options.
So, remember how Wednesday was going to be my day for everything school? Yeah, didn't happen. I felt all light-headed at work which meant I crashed and burned when I got home choosing to watch The Nanny seasons 1 and part of 2 instead. Which means tomorrow is now my day. It has to be. I can't put it off til Friday. Saturday is the class. And I don't want to start with procrastination again, I just got away from that in college! Plus, now they're doing this bootcamp thing before the class on Saturday so I get to go at 10:30 even though my class doesn't start until 1:00. But I'm grateful, I guess, cause they're going to show me how to do things that I'll need to know. So it's worth it. I'm still nervous, maybe this will help with the battle.

I think I'm out early. It's only 9:30, I'll be asleep by the time I usually write on here. Geez. But it will be well worth it tomorrow I guess. More work. Then homework.
Have a good night.

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