I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I got a tiger, I got a tiger, I got a tiger hey! hey! hey! hey!

Don't worry, it's stuffed. And tiny. And cute. And sat on my dashboard today but I felt guilty leaving him in the cold so I brought him in for the night. Carter stared at it for a while then got bored and laid somewhere else. Now he's playing with the strap on my bag. Yes, he's brilliant.
Anyway, it was a present from my coworker since I'm a tiger now. Missouri's mascot. I've been a lion then a knight then a bulldog - really, a bulldog? why? - and now I'm a tiger. Major progress. Or a personality disorder, depending on how you look at it.
woops, forgot.
Time: 9:15
Music: "I can't lie" - Maroon 5
Location: Couch
Attitude: Amused

Today was split shift, shelving in the morning, desk work at night. Mom came between shifts so I didn't get any chores done. Other than paying for class, and sort of cleaning my apartment. Organizing. We'll go with that. Since I had to bring back my cat and all that he entails when I came back from Christmas I didn't want to have to carry all my presents and stuff in too so Mom brought them today. Half of my stuff was kitchen stuff so I put all that away today - it's like spatula overload. I have 6 in all different sizes and colors. What exactly is the purpose of a spatula anyway? It's not like the thing you flip pancakes with it's the thing that you mix batter with. That's a spatula, right? If not I don't know what it's called. But I have 6 of them.
BTW - Do you know how much freaking work it is to carve a grapefruit?! Dude. And how do you know when you're doing it right cause it just ended up a big pile of mess anyway. There's no sophisticated way to eat a grapefruit, no matter how you slice it. Literally. So I covered it in sugar and attacked it with a fork. It was good.

Tonight was fun. Me and Space Cadet totally rocked it. We agreed she's the senior space cadet, I'm only the tag along space cadet. I have to earn my rank. She made me do the closing announcement. Apparently my voice carries. Then she changed it to it's more commanding. Then she changed that to I project well. Which I guess is true. You learn to project well when you're in charge of a kid's camp, especially in the drama department. Which reminds me, I gotta start work on forms for registration soon. Ugh, already. That flew by fast. That means coming up with a theme with the rest of the leaders, finding a bible passage to match said theme, finding graphics, re-writing all of the forms from scratch because of changes from last year, then either writing or finding 8+ skits depending on how many kids I get. Blah. Will have to text partner tomorrow afternoon to see if he knows anything about the theme.

Tomorrow means larger branch, which I haven't been to since Thursday. I have a feeling I forgot to sign my timesheet before it was collected. Which means I lose points. And I like my 118 so that would suck. I'm hoping that by some weird miracle I finished it Thursday and signed it. Like had a psychic moment that I was gonna be sick the next day and not be back until tomorrow. But that's highly doubtful. Right? Especially since I don't remember having a psychic moment. And that's something you would remember. Right?
Tomorrow also means I'm wearing my Firefly shirt just to see how many people get the reference. Yes, it's official, I've turned into one of those too. Add that to the list of geeks I already am.

And I'm out. Gonna write some more Sketch and Edit's and then crash.
Have a good night.

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