I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm just not hooked on your phonics.

I've been listening to too much Ke$ha. Everything is coming out in song. It's like the King's Speech all over again. If you can't say it sing it. Curse her simple but catchy melodies.


Time: 10:32 PM
Location: Couch - I'm sensing a pattern
Attitude: Awesome. Cause I'm jamming out to Ke$ha. Which doesn't automatically make a person awesome, but it comes close. Not really. But she's catchy.

Things I've Learned Vicariously Today:
- There's no graceful way to fall off a bike.
- Black ice causes cars to spin and scare the crap out of you.
- Babies are clever when it comes to waking up their parents in the morning.

Things I've Learned From Myself Today:
- I have no follow-thru. While I made soup for lunch - hooray for easy things on the stove - I totally caved and ate microwave lasagne for supper. But I'm tired. Does celery and peanut-butter count if I got them both from the kitchen? It's mixing ingredients, technically. It's an art really! Okay, not really. But such a random combination. deserves some kind of attention and appreciation.
- No matter how many different branches you can call to locate a DVD you still may have to send an email to all the staff at all the branches in a mass email. Nervous much?
- Even though she plays a lawyer I still wait for Kathy Bates to dress in bubblewrap and yell out TOWANDA! just randomly. Maybe she's saving it for a closing argument later in the season. Harriet's Law and Fine Shoes anyone? I love that show. Unfortunately, watching it means I can't watch Castle as they are on at the same time, so I will have to watch Castle tomorrow online. I know it was a big episode so I'm excited.

Aside from watching Castle, tomorrow means split shift and meeting with mom to go over tax stuff. I know nothing about them so I'm glad she's in charge of it all. Plus I get to tell Space Cadet about my cooking adventures. I should have taken pictures she won't believe me.

BTW - Shouldn't it be 'pair' instead of 'pear'? Maybe she has a thing for fruit. It's like 'flavor of the weak' all over again. Although I guess that one makes sense too.
BTWx2 - My cat is going psycho over that thing you pull off a milk carton before you can twist the cap. I have no idea what it's called but he loves it and carries it around the apartment before dropping it and batting it around. Simple pleasures.

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