I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"I'm just coloring in the chicken feathers."

Said my coworker. I think that's a good summary of life right there. What else do we do in life besides color in some chicken feathers? Hmmm... oh the many places ZH could take that with her gazelle swagger. My favorite life statement is "black in the crevices." That's my life summary as stated by my sister - accidentally of course. She was getting me ready for my job interview, because apparently I couldn't be trusted to dress myself, and said my black nail polish was unprofessional or inappropriate or something so she attacked it with polish removal. Then was mad because she couldn't get it all gone. "There's still black in the crevices!" So I covered it with some silver. Because that's who I am. Still there, like the black, but hidden by who I want the world to see me as. How's that for psychology crap? Blame it on the Sociology minor. Took too many Behavioral Sciences classes in college.
And, she may have been right, I did get that job. Well, jobs.
Congratulations, now you have me saying you're right in writing. Hang on to this. I will deny it in the future.

Today was funny. I had a few more "magnet moments" that I'm still processing. How exactly do you interpret, "You're too cute to work in a library, you should be a teacher."?! What does that even mean? And how do you react to that when the say-er is standing in front of you waiting for a response? Um, thanks? Moving on.

After receiving mixed reviews and watching the movie go past my desk 4 times - I counted - I picked up "The Kids Are All Right" and checked it out. Grandma (25-year-old coworker) says it was good but she'd never watch it again, random library dude said it was brilliantly acted and directed. So I gave it a chance, and I think I agree with Grandma. I mean, there was excellent acting and it was a good storyline, but it's nothing that I want to watch over and over. I give it a 6/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Annette Bening deserves the Oscar nod, I think she'll give Natalie some competition. And I really like that the boy's name is "Laser" that's just awesome. But not as awesome as "the Chad" or "Batgirl" and speaking of Batgirl...

We totally had the Batman debate today at work - which is the best movie, which is the best villain - one of my favorite coworkers is an artist and he knows all about comics so it was cool hearing things from his point of view. But the funniest thing is we never even touched the two latest movies. It was all about the ones from the 90s and then the original series. It's like the newer ones are some seperate entity of their own or something. Although he did point out that Katie Holmes being in the new ones means that both of Tom Cruise's wives have been in Batman movies. (Nicole Kidman played Dr. Chase Meridian in Batman Forever).
Even though Drew is in "Batman Forever" I still have to go with "Batman and Robin" as my favorite. I know it flopped and it's awful and it's the reason that the franchise was delayed how many years but it's so funny! Arnold Schwartzenegger as Mr. Freeze I could take or leave, but Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy with her sidekick Bane - they made the movie! And the introduction of Batgirl, come on!! 8/10 on the S.O.A. I'm really wondering how many more prequels they're going to make. And if they're going to remake the ones already made. This next one has Catwoman in it and Bane. Which is interesting, because I didn't know there was a Bane without a Poison Ivy.
"As I told Lady Freeze when I pulled her plug, this is a one woman show..."

So I finished my homework early yesterday, usually I'd be scrambling at this precise moment since the deadline is midnight tonight. Feels good. Relaxing. Until tomorrow, when I'll read everyone else's and be like, crap. Comic relief, I'm tellin' ya. That's all I got going for me.

Working all day today means only halfday tomorrow and offday Monday. Whatever will I do with actual free time? I'll let you know. More later.

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