I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"To call hell say dial."

Sometimes Jarvis scares the crap out of me. I was pulling into the parking lot at work and while trying to avoid being schmeered I hit the sync button accidentally and he started talking to me. "Please say a command." I totally freaked and was like "What the hell?!" It replied with the title of this post. I told that to my boss and he was like, did a creepy guy with a deep voice answer? I totally turned off the car and started freaking out. Oh man. But that was last week. Then, a few days ago, the gear shift changed BY ITSELF from automatic to manual - cause it has both options - while I was mid-traffic on the way to work. And I didn't know it even happened until the engine started revving and I was like not moving. I pulled into a driveway and figured it out. I don't know if I like didn't lock it into place or if it was between gears and it slipped or what but it scared the crap out of me. Needless to say I was awake for the rest of the day - both of those days. I really need to read the manual about that whole sync system. I could totally make that work! I'm loving the self-start in the winter. So nice.
Today I went to my grad school with my aunt - she gave me a tour of the building and where to park and stuff. Where the cheapest gas is, where the best pop and coffee selection is on the way there, etc. And we stopped for Mexican food as well, it was good. But no margaritas, we were focused! She thought that that Jarvis line was hilarious so I figured I'd share it with you as well. It was the quote of the day. Aside from "TMI" which she says a lot. It's rather amusing actually. And she talks to herself. Glad to know it runs in the family. My neighbors probably think I have a roommate. Or I'm crazy. Either way, just me and my big fat cat. Who I could talk to but he would just stare at me until I fed him. Like he is now.
After the tour I came back to the apartment for a movie marathon. Scale of Awesome time.
Clash of the Titans 7/10 I was pretty entertained but it wasn't spectacular.
The Other Guys 0/10 Almost as bad as Rushmore but not quite - not sure that's possible. I didn't even finish it, I couldn't finish it. Awful. I really don't like Will Ferrell movies. I loved him on SNL but in movies, they're just dumb. And not dumb funny. Just dumb. But I like Mark Wahlberg so I figured I'd give it a chance. Bad choice.
Kick-Ass 8/10 Dude...Hit Girl is totally my hero. She took down so many people!! Crazy! Not sure I liked Nicolaus Cage in it as much, I like him as an actor but I didn't really see him in that role, but the other actors fit their characters pretty well. And it was funny. Totally 8/10.
Tomorrow is a pajama day. Sleeping in - we're supposed to get a lot lot lot of snow so I don't plan on going anywhere. Just gonna lay around and watch the rest of my library dvd's. There are plenty. And they're all like due next week so perfect timing.
Right now I'm gonna watch the rest of Warehouse 13 Season one and konk out in the process. It's excellent a 9/10 on my scale of awesome. I really like the actors they work well together and Claudia's lines are hilarious. Rad. Sick. Ganza! I'm having flashbacks to high school catch phrases. I still say gnarley quite often. Especially during church softball.
I feel so much better after today though because I know where I'm going and when to leave and where to park and all that jazz. Weight off my mind. Now all I have to do is do the homework and email the office about some paperwork. I'd say I'll do it tomorrow but I know that won't happen on my day off. I'll save it for the week when I'm super stressed. I work better that way anyway.

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