I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, November 26, 2010

And you're the only one...who...MEOW!

So, after spending hours alone with my cat in a car I realized a few things. One, that drive was a lot longer than I remember it, and two, my cat hates the following musical artists: Michael Buble, Elton John, Outkast, Billy Joel, The Midnight Beast and virtually every song from the Rocky Horror soundtrack. But, he loves the Glee soundtrack. Like, he meowed constantly and loudly for everything but Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson. I was shocked.

Today was a good day. I ate good food, I watched the Huskers beat Colorado (big twelve championship here we come!), I saw my aunt and uncle, I attempted to sign up for grad school classes but failed - something is wrong with my account - annnnd.... I got my new car! Hooray! It's red and shiny. But now I'm paranoid because I have to work downtown and that's not the safest area. So time will tell, I guess. I'll just have to get used to it. But I'm super excited because, since this is Nebraska and it is freezing now, it has this remote start feature so I can turn it on from my apartment and it will be warm by the time I get there. Hooray!

I was sad though, because I had to clean out my old car cause they're selling it to a friend. It was a good car. I've driven it since high school. I liked it. It wasn't new, but it was my car! Maggie... now I have to name the new one. I'll need some time to think about that.

Right now I'm watching Alias season one. I suck at this whole watching library dvd's because I get distracted with my own. Oh well, I'll finish Dr. Who next week.

Hope you all had a happy holiday.

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