I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Minus the whole Space Cowboy thing...

So, it was as expected. Spent the day *not* cleaning. But I slept in, did laundry, ate food and watched Firefly which is due back at the library next week so I had to get through it. It's not bad, aside from the theme song which is kind of annoying the show is actually quite funny. Nathan Fillion said he did his best acting here and there are moments when I scream out "Castle!" because the characters are kind of similar, I mean minus the whole outer space cowboy thing. I did stop mid season to watch Bones though. Wasn't my favorite episode but I'm glad it's back and I'm looking forward to next week's. They find a body in a chocolate bar...which sort of kills chocolate for me but I guess it could be worth it.

Tomorrow should be fun though. Only working in the morning then headed home to get my hair dyed red, woohoo! Stopping by my college on the way there to pick up my writing portfolio. Maybe I'll actually get inspiration to finish some of my stories that way. I do have some ideas at least...

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