I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Books, Movies, TV ramblings

Okay, so since there's not much to talk about other than work I'll have to improvise. I've started making lists. After all, it is the time of year when lists are most appropriate - xmas shopping mostly.

Here's one for entertainment:

Finished reading - "Naked Heat" by Richard Castle. It's not as good as the first book in the series but i'd still give it around a 8/10. it's cool to be able to get the jokes since i watch the show. it really helps to understand the characters and their quirks.
Currently reading - "I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crosley and she is very much like the female version of David Sedaris. I love it.
On my list - "Holidays on Ice" by David Sedaris. I love his writings and since this one is all about holidays with family I think it's an appropriate read for right about now.

Last movie watched - "Serenity" the finale to the Firefly series. It was sad, I'm not sure I liked it, I think I would have ended it differently.
Before that one it was "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" which was funny only because the english subtitles didn't match with what they were saying in the dubbed version. Too funny. But the movie was excellent, I was hooked from the start. And a little disturbed.
On my list aka the dvds sitting on top of my tv that I haven't gotten around to watching yet - "The Bounty Hunter" Jennifer Aniston is amazing and hilarious,"Robin Hood" have always been a fan of the robin hood story
And on Friday I'm going to the new Harry Potter movie with my aunt, woohoo!

Current tv phase - You've probably figured out that Firefly was going to make this list. And I love how there are so many subtle references to it in Castle. I mostly just got hooked into Firefly because I checked it in, saw it had Nathan Fillion in it and it sounded interesting. Now that I've seen it all I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's cheesy but it's good. And I think I like it.
Also watching a lot of The Nanny. No idea why. Maybe because it's on. But it has so many good one-liners. Especially those between Niles and C.C. Hilarious.
3rd is "Boy Meets World." I picked up the first three season, excellent, I love the Cory and Topanga relationship. I used to watch it all the time on TGIF.
Shows I've sworn off - Criminal Minds because of the AJ/JJ departure. "Creative Differences" whatever. I figure 5 seasons are enough for me
Shows I want to watch but haven't had time for: "Detroit 187" - a friend was an extra, "Mike and Molly" I love Melissa Mccarthy, and "No Ordinary Family" just looks fun.

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