I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Magnet Magnet Magnet..."

I'm a magnet, plain and simple. When will I find someone who's crazy about me but isn't actually crazy?

My sisters and I went out tonight for Indian food. It was excellent as always. We go out to some random restaurant basically once a month and during this time they tease me and prod me about my life - social life, work life, love life, etc. It's what big sisters do, I get that. My oldest sister thinks I'm a delicate little flower - bs - to which my other sister replied, "No, you are not a flower. You are like a pane of glass." Translation: breakable. Aw, sibling love.

I've learned, that outside of work, I really don't have much of a social life. I work in public service, the last thing I want to do after work is go out where there are hundreds of people. But that's fine with me. I'm perfectly content going home to my fat cat, eating dinner and watching Castle or Bones.

My work life is excellent. I love both places and the people are fun to work with. I really have no complaints. It keeps me pretty busy but I enjoy going every day and I don't think that's been something I've been able to truly say in a while.

So we got around to the boyfriend topic. To which I have no answer, so they've decided jokingly to each bring a guy for Thanksgiving. They will sit them on the couch and I can choose - very much like a Friends episode. I'm sure my mother would love that. Sometimes I think about bringing home someone with a mowhawk and a bunch of piercings. Maybe that way they would stop asking about the people I date.

Then it progressed to the baby topic and how yes, someday I will have one. They don't understand that their future niece or nephew would be named "Batgirl" or "The Chad" and would probably grow up with some kind of complex because of it.

It's not that I don't want someone to be with or to come home to. It would be nice. But I'm exhausted all the time from work, I'm about to start grad school and seriously, where am I gonna go to meet someone? At work? Some crazy bar downtown? All my friends are getting married or have someone they're serious with. I'm 22. Am I seriously supposed to find someone I want to spend the next 80 years with already? Besides, the last time I put myself out there I got burned. What's the point in the end? Life isn't like the movies. Just another thing to think about I guess.

Things to look forward to:
-Have tomorrow off for Veteran's Day. Will spend the day cleaning my apartment - or attempting to anyway. What will more than likely happen is I will sleep in past noon then get up, pull out all the boxes I need to go through, turn on the tv and feel like taking a nap instead leaving boxes scattered all over the place.
-Get hair dyed red on Friday, woohoo! No one at work believes I had fire-engine red hair so I'm bringing it back. My boss says I'll go up in her estimation. Awesomeness.
-Got the official notification from grad school that I'm accepted.

Other than that I'm out for the night. My big fat cat and I are going to turn on some Boy Meets World and crash. Have a good night.

Turn around bright eyes.

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