I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, May 17, 2013

"You're a vampire. I'm a half blind private investigator. These stories always end up tragic."

Back to Blood Ties.

Still on season one.

Need to finish this so I can move on to season two and then return them both.

Had them for like 2 months now.

Gotta love Interlibrary Loans.

Though I may just end up buying them off Amazon.

"any other vampires in town i should know about?"
"we don't all belong to the same book club."

It's an amusing series.

Though not inspiring enough to make me want to read the novels.

There's just something about vampire books that I can't get into.

I blame Twilight and Bella's immediate fascination after two pages of Edward.

We had to read the first book for class.

She knew him for like 2 days and was already, "i'll die for him" and all that crap.

It was repulsive.

Vomitrocious one would say.

Well, a friend of mine would anyway.

So today was fun.

Got to work at the home branch with the new supervisor and the new aide.

The one I was hired along with 3 years ago finally quit and has a new job.

Speaking of 3 years, yeah, it's officially been 3 years as of yesterday that I've worked for the library system.

And on the 24th it'll be 3 years at the work branch.

It was nice to go back to the relaxation that is the home branch and its usual patrons.

Except it wasn't relaxing for long as the computers would turn themselves off after about 15 minutes into each session.

That made for a fun morning.

But I was off at 2 so it wasn't that long of a day.

Tomorrow is gonna be a weird one as well, work the morning then camp meeting in the afternoon.

Sending out our application letters, woohoo!

We always have fun, even if it's doing the mundane task of folding letters and stuffing them in envelopes.

But we're goofballs.

And now we're excited goofballs cause application letters going out means camp season is officially upon us.

I've already gotten 2 applications in the mail - you can always tell when the pastors get them cause their kids send theirs back immediately.

We actually mail out individual application forms to everyone who went the previous year and then out to the churches as well to attract more kids.

So that's Saturday, and I'm off on Sunday and Monday so for Mother's Day I told Mom I would clean her house.

Cause that's all she wanted.

Alright, I'm zonked.

Gonna crash.

Music for the night:

heard these two on the way to the motorcar run last month.

yes i did go through my SoundHound history to find music to post.

i do it quite often.

both SoundHound-ing things and looking through my history to find stuff to post.

it's quite handy when you can't remember the name of a song or want to know what year it came out.

and having it on my phone it shows the lyrics as they're sang, it's a pretty cool app.

Shattered - Rolling Stones

i knew he was a spaz but this brings it to a whole new level.

Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty

they look so young.

granted it is from 1981.

alright, legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

back to Blood Ties though I'll probably konk out soon.

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