I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Well, look on the bright side. We'll all have high schools named after us.

So the boyfriend says "don't speed on your way home."

I'm thinking it's cause there's cops.

But he's saying it cause there's deer.

To be fair:
Cop Count: 3
Deer Count: 0

Yeah, yeah, he's a safer driver. He drives 60 on the interstate.

Though that's a MPG thing more than a safety thing.

Speaking of the interstate, explain this one for me.

Maybe it's just me cause I'm not car savvy.

But doesn't the good car usually tow the broken one?

On my way out there five cars in a row all were towing cars. The ones they were driving were all dented and shattered and one had it's hood bungee-chorded to the car while the ones they were towing were in perfect condition.

If it was only one I'd think the person was eccentric, but five?

Am I missing a new trend or protest or something?

Work today was good.


But it's finally nice out so people are spending their time outside instead of at the library.

Got to work with some cool people.

Tomorrow shall be more fun.

And working tomorrow means I get most of Monday off, woohoo!

After work I went out to see the boyfriend. Got to look at some cute embarrassing pictures of him when he was little.

Went out to eat with his parents and sister then watched Deep Impact.

Last week we saw like 10 minutes of it so I ordered it on ILL. Now I get to cancel it.

Jenny Lerner: When I was 11, I stole $32 from your wallet. 
Jason Lerner: When you were a baby I once dropped you on your head. 

Did not end how I thought it would end.

Meaning people I liked died.

Thoroughly depressing yet edge of your seat suspense.

Scale of Awesome says 6/10.

Only cause I'm mad at the ending.

Otherwise it'd be okay.

Now I'm back, watching Iron Chef with Carter and eating popsicles.

Take It Off - Ke$ha

jammed to this one on the way home.

her videos are always so weird.

but i love her music anyway.

And it's 3AM so, signing off for the night.

Over and out.

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